this'll be like any any ancient game, cept a bit more realistic, in the sense that you won't start off as a Spartan/Triarii/charioteer/etc. you start off with a little money and "buy" yourself into your class with basic equipment. you get paid for battles and whatnot then buy yourself up! capishe?
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Empire: (I.E. Greece, Rome, Thrace, Gaul, Egypt, etc.) Physical Desc.:at least 3 Personality:at least 3 Trait: i make Bio: at least 5 sentences, optional Perk: i make ---------- Class: undecided Weapons: Armor: Misc.: Money:1,500 --------- Health: 100/100 Armor: i put Condition: Ok
Name:**** Stevenson Age:22 Gender:Male Empire:Egypt City State:Cairo Physical Desc:Skinny,Taller then average,Covered in battle scars Personality:Greedy,Agressive,Cunning,Sneaky Trait:I make Perk:I make Bio: At the age of 13,his parents were slaughtered in a war against the Romans.Because he was so young,he had no idea how to take care of himself,so he went to his Great Aunt in a village east of Cairo.On the way there,he encountered a shady looking man.The man greeted him with a very quiet "hello."**** said "Hello!" back.After asking each other how they were doing,they ended up in a very deep conversation.After 30 minutes,the shady man,who's name was Roy,he asked **** if he needed more money.****,who knew his great aunt had enough trouble paying the Roman Taxes,said,hesitently,"Yes."The shady man much obliged his desision,and told him he could work for him as a mercenary.**** agreed,but a little more slowly then last time.Roy trained **** to become a Egyptian-style mercenary,vastly increasing his skill.He learned the art of using a 2-handed mace.His favourite mace was the morning star.After 9 years of training,Roy was ready to set out for some work....This is where our sotory begins... Perk:I make ---------- Class:Unknown Weapons:None Armour:None Misc:None Money:1,500 in gold ----- Health:92/100(the desert heat was very harsh) Armour:None Condition:Tired of traversing the desert in the extreme heat he had to bear.