this'll be like any any ancient game, cept a bit more realistic, in the sense that you won't start off as a Spartan/Triarii/charioteer/etc. you start off with a little money and "buy" yourself into your class with basic equipment. you get paid for battles and whatnot then buy yourself up! capishe?
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Empire: (I.E. Greece, Rome, Thrace, Gaul, Egypt, etc.) Physical Desc.:at least 3 Personality:at least 3 Trait: i make Bio: at least 5 sentences, optional Perk: i make ---------- Class: undecided Weapons: Armor: Misc.: Money:1,500 --------- Health: 100/100 Armor: i put Condition: Ok
Name:Matt Duggan Age:17 Gender:Male Empire: Greece City State: Argos Physical Desc.:Big, Muscular, Oaf-ish Personality:Easy to enrage, ruthless, squidward-like Trait: i make Perk: i make ---------- Class: Lower Sargeant Weaponsory Armor:Corinthian helmet, Hoplon, Linthorax Misc.: Money:1000 --------- Health: 100/100 Armor: Shield:150/150, Helmet: 100/100, Chest: 25/25 Condition:
you stab (a jab means you hit and then reel back, doing minimal damage, and wouldn't go through any bodyarmor) and it goes into his chest, he falls forward and you sidestep him as he dies
Name: Leon Age:25 Gender:Male Empire: Thracians Physical Desc.: tall, strong, and skinny. Personality: Brave, smart, and cocky. Trait: i make Bio: Perk: i make ---------- Class: Weapons:Sica Armor:Thracian Helmet, Crescent shield Misc.: Money:1,500 --------- Health: 100/100 Armor: Head: 75/100, Shield 75/75
it was an arrow
you snap it off and get up, this time clear headed. you notice the Iberians in full flight, but now an even larger troup of Spanish Mercanaries, light infantry with javelins, large oval shields, crested helmet and gladius, they seem tougher being from the lower parts of spain, they already have javelins ready to throw, most of the others are slowly backing into a tattered formation with shields raised
Name: Leon Age:25 Gender:Male Empire: Thracians Physical Desc.: tall, strong, and skinny. Personality: Brave, smart, and cocky. Trait: i make Bio: Perk: i make ---------- Class: Weapons:Sica Armor:Thracian Helmet, Crescent shield Misc.: Money:1,500 --------- Health: 100/100 Armor: Head: 75/100, Shield 75/75
everyone agrees, they kneel and raise shields
the mercs lob the javelins, you hear them flying past you, one of the men next to you, a javelin hits him in the head, blood and brains splatter you as he falls back
another javelin hit's your shield, goes through and bends making it useless