legoman and killersup thought up this game(had to give special thanks)
the object of the game is to find a way to get the ugly lady off of your gaint taco so that you can eat!the lady is super glued to the taco so no matter what she will not come off just by pulling her or somthing along those lines. don't ruin the taco though!some god powers are able to be used.
ummmm thats about it.this is not a kill because they will eventually die out as almost all do.
How bout this? I send an unamanned rocket to the sun, set up a giant solar panel that will direct the solar energy into a focused ray. I aim it at the hubble telescope, which aims it back at the solar pannel, gathering more energy, finally, after 50 or so reversals, I aim it at the superglue, hopefully melting it all, if not all of it off. I also make sure I am a safe distance away from the beam, and if there is any last second malfunctions, that the ray will turn off, and the energy just stored in the panels.
I cover the moon in solar panels and build an energy converter and a laser barrel. After that, i store the energy from the sun for a few hours and pump it into 5 large lithium batteries and concentrate it into a concentrated blast of solar energy. I use that energy to make a concentrated laser. I then bounce the laser onto the hubble telescope at the right angle to hit the superglue dead on.
sorry guys killersup threw his laptop out the window and had to wait for it to get fixed.
i SET THE OLD lady on fire and put in new raw meat so I can have a perfectly roasted taco
the fire would get to the taco.
I cover the moon in solar panels and build an energy converter and a laser barrel. After that, i store the energy from the sun for a few hours and pump it into 5 large lithium batteries and concentrate it into a concentrated blast of solar energy. I use that energy to make a concentrated laser. I then bounce the laser onto the hubble telescope at the right angle to hit the superglue dead on.
the superglue takes it! and survives.apparetnyl nobody knows what is in superglue.
I feed the taco a chunk of old lady so it acquires a taste for old lady and then attempts to eat the old lady attached to it.
didn't you hear on the news the other night? tacos cannot consume other things! just figured that out.,..........duh.
How bout this? I send an unamanned rocket to the sun, set up a giant solar panel that will direct the solar energy into a focused ray. I aim it at the hubble telescope, which aims it back at the solar pannel, gathering more energy, finally, after 50 or so reversals, I aim it at the superglue, hopefully melting it all, if not all of it off. I also make sure I am a safe distance away from the beam, and if there is any last second malfunctions, that the ray will turn off, and the energy just stored in the panels.
the power grows so great that the reversals become so powerfull that it melts through the solar panel after the 30th shot or so.
... wow... I "find" a disentigrator ray and atomize the old lady. (I dont care about eating superglue!(Who would superglue an old lady to a taco, anyway?))