ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

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1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
8,256 posts

oh and about your "Wall: A Monologue by David Hare" - they will have normal life, when they stop sending suicide bombers on us! here an exmple - [url=] this is way we need a wall.

I never said you didn't need a wall, I never said there's no risk coming from the Hamas or whatever you're thinking I said. But stop thinking that you're completely innocent; you didn't address the problems addressed in David Hare's monologue, you overgeneralize by saying 'they' send suicide bombers - you claim we overgeneralize and consider only one side, but you do exactly the same thing.
1,627 posts

All of the above are wrong but I know one fact
Why so much blood shed in Middle East?
The JEWS.(or more precisely Israelis)

And more from our favorite anti-Semite, thepunisher93.

Ladies and Gents, here we have another example of punisher seizing the moment to blame bloodshed on the Jews! Sure, he includes in parentheses "or more precisely Israelis," but he still had, in all caps "JEWS." Punisher, what you are doing now is reigniting the blood libels of the Middle Ages. We OBVIOUSLY use the blood of the poor terrorists who have just fired rockets on to Sderot to make Matzah. Obviously Israel is just raring to fire rockets on the Gaza Strip. That's why they still have that land today!

But you know? You guys are getting smarter! You've figured out that if you complain enough for being detained for being a terrorist, you can get released! How fantastic is that! Now I can plot terrorist attacks against Israel, get captured, and then go on a hunger strike to get out. And then, when I do not get deported to where I want to go, I'm going to complain even more!!!!!
8,256 posts

Oh hey zakyman. Did you read the Wall: A Monologue by David Hare I linked? Danielo didn't seem to want to really address the problems in there. I'd be interested how you see this. (Note: I didn't post it to accuse you of anything, as danielo might have thought, but much rather simply as incitation to think deeper).

Here it is again.

1,826 posts

Ladies and Gents, here we have another example of punisher seizing the moment to blame bloodshed on the Jews! Sure, he includes in parentheses "or more precisely Israelis," but he still had, in all caps "JEWS." Punisher, what you are doing now is reigniting the blood libels of the Middle Ages. We OBVIOUSLY use the blood of the poor terrorists who have just fired rockets on to Sderot to make Matzah. Obviously Israel is just raring to fire rockets on the Gaza Strip. That's why they still have that land today!

But you know? You guys are getting smarter! You've figured out that if you complain enough for being detained for being a terrorist, you can get released! How fantastic is that! Now I can plot terrorist attacks against Israel, get captured, and then go on a hunger strike to get out. And then, when I do not get deported to where I want to go, I'm going to complain even more!!!!!

Why you try to shove words in my mouth?
I wrote (or more precisely Israelis) because I knew someone of your mindset will accuse me of anti-semite.
If you consider me anti-semitwe than you should consider Israelis as anti-arab.
Now don't argue that Israel is a secular state or some other BS.
Every body knows why Israel was created.
1,826 posts

Just some qoutes from your link

Shalabi's attorney said her hunger strike was aimed at protesting "administrative detention," a controversial practice that allows Israeli authorities to detain people indefinitely without formally charging them.

Addameer, a Palestinian group supporting Palestinian political prisoners, says such detention allows military commanders to detain people for as long as six months if they have concerns for public security, but the detention order can be indefinitely renewed.
1,627 posts

Shalabi's attorney said her hunger strike was aimed at protesting "administrative detention," a controversial practice that allows Israeli authorities to detain people indefinitely without formally charging them.

Addameer, a Palestinian group supporting Palestinian political prisoners, says such detention allows military commanders to detain people for as long as six months if they have concerns for public security, but the detention order can be indefinitely renewed.

So if someone is a member of a terrorist organization, and you have proof of this, you aren't allowed to detain them? Huh, and I thought that officials are supposed to protect their citizens...

Why you try to shove words in my mouth?
I wrote (or more precisely Israelis) because I knew someone of your mindset will accuse me of anti-semite.

Fine then. Why did you also write "The JEWS." That would be like me saying the reason for conflict along the India-Pakistan border is "The MUSLIMS. (more specifically, the Pakistanis).

Every body knows why Israel was created.

Yes, to provide a home for the Jewish people, incase some nutcase like Hitler decided to try and exterminate them again! Sounds like a perfectly good reason for me.

If you consider me anti-semitwe than you should consider Israelis as anti-arab.

You really don't know when to stop, do you? If Israel is sooooo anti-Arab, than how come there are Arab members of Knesset, all Arab-Israeli citizens have full rights as a Jewish-Israeli citizens, and there is a sizable Arab-Israeli population in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Beer-Sheva?

Oh hey zakyman. Did you read the Wall: A Monologue by David Hare I linked? Danielo didn't seem to want to really address the problems in there. I'd be interested how you see this. (Note: I didn't post it to accuse you of anything, as danielo might have thought, but much rather simply as incitation to think deeper).

This is a very good article and I agree with much of it. However, there are some one-sided facts that I feel should be addressed.

First of all, most of the "wall" is actually a simple fence. The way the author portrays it the wall seems like what you'd find at a maximum security prison. Also, when he addresses the fact that they will simply launch rockets and go over the wall, the Iron Dome defense system has already pretty much shut that operation down. Also, would you rather there be no wall and more suicide bombings at cafés? The wall not only keeps the Palestinians out of Israel, it keeps angry vigilante mobs from entering the West Bank incase there were any of those suicide attacks that could result as a direct factor of removing the border security.

Also, the author makes mention of how lucky Ramallah is not to be mentioned in any Holy Book. The only reason that Israel is so contested is that Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims and Jews and Christians, and the land is considered sacred. However, it is said in all Abrahamic Holy Books that Israel belongs to the Jews. So his point is moot, because if everything were based off the Torah/Bible/Quran, than there would be no contest over Israel.

I would like to make clear for the record that I do not support any illegal settlements in the West Bank. I support the natural civilian expansion of Israeli citizens, meaning I support only 1-5 larger settlements that take up a smaller amount of land. This way the Palestinians lose less land for a possible future country, and the Israelis have a tad more room to put their citizens. Did you know that Israel has given away more land in their short history than they currently have?

I do not support violence on either sides. I want nothing more than for both belligerents to have peace. However I stand be the adage, "If the Arabs lay down their arms, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their arms, there will be no more Israel."
1,826 posts

Shalabi's attorney said her hunger strike was aimed at protesting "administrative detention," a controversial practice that allows Israeli authorities to detain people indefinitely without formally charging them.

Addameer, a Palestinian group supporting Palestinian political prisoners, says such detention allows military commanders to detain people for as long as six months if they have concerns for public security, but the detention order can be indefinitely renewed.

Fine then. Why did you also write "The JEWS." That would be like me saying the reason for conflict along the India-Pakistan border is "The MUSLIMS. (more specifically, the Pakistanis).

Indo pak conflict is not as same as arab Israel
Yes, to provide a home for the Jewish people, incase some nutcase like Hitler decided to try and exterminate them again! Sounds like a perfectly good reason for me.

By forcfully taking it away from current owners
You really don't know when to stop, do you? If Israel is sooooo anti-Arab, than how come there are Arab members of Knesset, all Arab-Israeli citizens have full rights as a Jewish-Israeli citizens, and there is a sizable Arab-Israeli population in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Beer-Sheva?

They have to live some where didn'nt they?

P.S Its you who does not know when to accept defeat.
You keep going in circles like a dog trying to catch its tail but couldn't.
1,826 posts

would like to make clear for the record that I do not support any illegal settlements in the West Bank. I support the natural civilian expansion of Israeli citizens, meaning I support only 1-5 larger settlements that take up a smaller amount of land. This way the Palestinians lose less land for a possible future country, and the Israelis have a tad more room to put their citizens. Did you know that Israel has given away more land in their short history than they currently have?

So you want pals to give up more land What a logic
Where is the source for your claim?
I do not support violence on either sides. I want nothing more than for both belligerents to have peace. However I stand be the adage, "If the Arabs lay down their arms, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their arms, there will be no more Israel."

which should not be there in first place
but as it is there UN peace keeping missions can be sent to stop any hostile action from either side
For new comers
current thread is sequel of this thread
1,303 posts

"If the Arabs lay down their arms, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their arms, there will be no more Israel."

why you think that? aren't Arabs human to? already there you looking down on the Arabs. How do you think those Palestinians feel, when every Israelis have the same view as you.
That opinion of Israelis are the main reason why there wont be a peace. Looking down on others, and thinking they are violence beasts wont bring peace.
1,773 posts

Well, we gave it a try. we gave them gaza {which was under Israel control}. you know what they gave us in return? rockets on my house. We let them more movument freedom. what they did to us in return? suiside bombers.

and again, in Israel, i am a left-winger. i want peace. i say we can nagotiate. but its getting harder and harder to explain to my classmate and to my friends that we can trust them. We give them a finger, and they want the entire hand. back in 48' we accepted the plan of the UN to share. they shoot a bus. In 1991 we tried to talk. they start the "Intifada".
What you shale do, if Mexicans groups will start shoot mortars on USA lands? If they will start shooting police mans, every man that look american? if they will kidnnape peoples to &quotay-back" to USA on taking Texas? please, tell me.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well, we gave it a try. we gave them gaza {which was under Israel control}.

Israel controls Gaza's airspace and territorial waters, and does not allow the movement of goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea (only by land). So have you given it back to them? No. I have friends there who live their lives with regular periods of hunger, poor medical services, and no electricity due to the blockades.

We let them more movument freedom. what they did to us in return?

Israel has still constantly blocked such movements, and the vigilante justice, or self-authorised intrusions by right wing settler groups sparking violence such as Gush Emunim does nothing for peace. Israel has also said that the recent Hamas and Fatah peace would lead to more military action and the breakoff of negotiations, that in itself is not ''giving'' them a freedom movement as much as strangling it. And come to think about it, why does Israel have to ''give'' them a freedom movement? Freedom movements need no authorization from foreign powers, unless such movements are merely puppets on strings.

back in 48' we accepted the plan of the UN to share. they shoot a bus.

It wasn't ''your land'' to divide. Modern Israel has no rightful claim to the land it now occupies, the Partition was an illegal plan by an international organization that had no support from the majority of Arabs, who were the majority of the natives. An ancient religious claim and the racial guilt tripping of Europe does not justify giving Palestinian land to new Jewish refugees.

What you shale do, if Mexicans groups will start shoot mortars on USA lands? If they will start shooting police mans, every man that look american? if they will kidnnape peoples to &quotay-back" to USA on taking Texas? please, tell me.

Refer them to the Mexican government, that's what you do. Deport them back to Mexico, because a Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico, making it a bilateral affair between two nations.
1,773 posts

with regular periods of hunger
ther is no hunger in gaza. Ther are daily food supplies who enter gaza from Israel. they even inpurt meat to Israel.If Hamas will stop using the money he collect from taxes and from Hypocrites around the wold who think get used to help, to buy guns and rockets from Iran, it could help you friends very much.

poor medical services
ther are a big hospital in gaza, which beign used for serveral time as a rocket launcher defence. again, the money abouve could help.

It wasn't ''your land'' to divide. Modern Israel has no rightful claim to the land it now occupies, the Partition was an illegal plan by an international organization that had no support from the majority of Arabs, who were the majority of the natives. An ancient religious claim and the racial guilt tripping of Europe does not justify giving Palestinian land to new Jewish refugees.

well, the jewish peoples lived ther befor the muslims left ther tents in arabia. and about population, the majority came after the jews, in 1890 and 1910 came from europe, and modernize Israel. ther was never &quotalestine" or &quotalestaine peoples". Its an Invention of the last century. And, wher did you think the Refuge from europe could have gone? back to ther villgaes, wher the locals gave them to the nazies with a smile? but i guese you right... We should let them keep sheeping here and kill ther sisters for "the honur of the family". and yea, when the UN vote for Israel, its illeagle, only if its say thet Israel is bad its ok.

remind me again, wher is ok to be gay and wher they kill you for that?
wher you can criticize the leasers and wher you get killed for it?
wher peoples get shot [url=] for nothing?

no nation treat terrorist like Israel do, give them BA for ther choose, any media they want, and get ther family to visit them. in no other nation, a solider get duged and thwroned to jail for Curseing terrorist.
and, nowher else ther are so many Hypocrites who think they know the area more than peoples who live ther, criticize it. USA shouldnt be built as well by this logic.

and for the last -
Refer them to the Mexican government, that's what you do. Deport them back to Mexico, because a Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico, making it a bilateral affair between two nations.
so, if a countery shoot rocket on your lands and on your peoples, you get the right to Respond?
1,773 posts

wher you can criticize the leasers and wher you get killed for it?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

ther is no hunger in gaza. Ther are daily food supplies who enter gaza from Israel. they even inpurt meat to Israel.If Hamas will stop using the money he collect from taxes and from Hypocrites around the wold who think get used to help, to buy guns and rockets from Iran, it could help you friends very much.

I guess my friends are all lying gits eh? And the BBC? Even the animals? There is a food shortage, open your eyes.

well, the jewish peoples lived ther befor the muslims left ther tents in arabia. and about population, the majority came after the jews, in 1890 and 1910 came from europe, and modernize Israel. ther was never &quotalestine" or &quotalestaine peoples". Its an Invention of the last century. And, wher did you think the Refuge from europe could have gone? back to ther villgaes, wher the locals gave them to the nazies with a smile? but i guese you right... We should let them keep sheeping here and kill ther sisters for "the honur of the family". and yea, when the UN vote for Israel, its illeagle, only if its say thet Israel is bad its ok.

The number of immigrants during the entire Mandate period, legal and illegal alike, was approximately 480,000, close to 90% of them from Europe, which suddenly swamped demographics. The vast majority of them were illegal, given reasonable British immigration quotas.

So it's okay to suddenly swamp other people's land with illegal immigrants?

There was never a Palestine people, yes, but there was nonetheless a people already living on the land, and many of them were chased out of the land during al-Nakhba by the Israelis. That's stealing land.

no nation treat terrorist like Israel do, give them BA for ther choose, any media they want, and get ther family to visit them. in no other nation, a solider get duged and thwroned to jail for Curseing terrorist.
and, nowher else ther are so many Hypocrites who think they know the area more than peoples who live ther, criticize it. USA shouldnt be built as well by this logic.

Israeli mistreats child Palestinian prisoners.

I don't live there, I merely make my judgements from research from books, news, the internet, first hand accounts from my Palestinian friends, and accounts from my Singaporean friends who are volunteers there. I do think I'm justified in applying my views based on such, and not leave it to someone who lives there to simply claim all my arguments are false because ''I don't live there''.

remind me again, wher is ok to be gay and wher they kill you for that?
wher you can criticize the leasers and wher you get killed for it?

How is the issue of homosexuality relevant?

wher peoples get shot [url=] for nothing?

The Gaza Strip, or the West Bank, by Gush Emunim settlers.

so, if a countery shoot rocket on your lands and on your peoples, you get the right to Respond?

Yes, by bilateral talks, and not bulldozing the houses of innocents, and killing civilians.
1,773 posts

Oh no! you got us! yea, its right. when im getting back from school' i take my arabkillingnator and go and shoot some arab childrens! then i dring ther blood! its tasty...
after that, i steal ther food and make them starve! its beter then watching "the voice". and after that, i steal ther lands. its like lego.

None of the thing you saia are happning. we dont massivly kill them! its a lie! yes! they always do. sending photos from car accidents and saying its us!
If USA will want to take all the money, and use it to build a death star, ther will be hunger in USA right?
We give them electricity! we give them water!
you know what will happen if we will let them enter everything they wnat? they will bring AK-47, my friends, not teddy bears and buuble gums.

and about the

How is the issue of homosexuality relevant?
- Gazza people live in a dark age, wher women can get shot for beign a women, wher beign a gay is a crime and wher supporting another ideaoligy than the one of Hamas its a sin. Is they are the normal peoples, or us, Israel, who just want to live our life?!
I realy starting to piss off here.
Peopels dont die in gaza by a regulary base because the IDF. setteler dont shoot arabs like wild west cowboys on indians. if they do, they get to JAIL. like any other murdurer. the only one who shoot is the arabs, on refuges from africa who try to flee to israel, live a better life. but, who care when its not the jewish heh?
and by the way, if you mean in "Gush emunim" to "gush katif", we gave it. its now called gaza, wher they shoot rocket on my house.
and sure, USA will talk. they known for the hard talking in Afganistan, The long debates in Iraq and the harsh adn clever chating with Vietnam.

and back to history, most of the arabs came to Israel because it was developed by the pilgrims who built this countery. its was a wasteland before. yes, ther were more arabs, but yet, ther were more indians or more british peoples? ther were more africans or more south-africa british/dutchs?

and, once more, wher does the victims of the Holocaust should have gone? mmm? answer that please? after years of Persecution in europe and north africa and the middle east, wher does they should had gone? wher was humanitary enough?

and for the last sting - who won more Nobel Prizes, jewsih or arabs?

and for the last time - NO. ther is no massive killing. if we wanna to, we could kill them all. all of them. in no more then two plainse. boom boom boom and no more gaza.

and yea, if it was up you, the arabs will live here, and ther will be peace and they will not try to take over europe and then on usa. sure. they just fight for freedom! as we seen in 9/11 and on the subway of london and on 100k other places! they are just a peacefull peoples, shiny happy peoples!

i know that im quite racist here, its not how i acatualy think, i know that not all of them, not ever a major part of them are like that, but ther is enough of them who think that the world is for them. as i already said, im a left-winger, i belive in equality and freedom, but damm, you are so naive and so hypocrite, that its make me to go to the other side of the political wing. i want peace. i want to talk. but its getting harder and harder. can you understand?
Showing 61-75 of 181