ForumsForum GamesRise of the Undead RPG

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The Dark faction never had a strong presence in the land of Halotopia. When someone said ,,Undead" he usually meant small groups of zombies or skeletons that were revived by a acolyte, or a necromancer, but their master died and they hid in a cave or a graveyard and were attacking any people that entered they territory. Then there are few living acolytes and fewer necromancers that had a dark tower, or a castle that was guarded by skeletons....but as I said, there isn't much of them. If a necromancer or an acolyte was spotted, the paladins took care of him easily....until now...

Character Sheet:

Name: (Your name...obliviously)
Age: Elves and Dwarves live up to 500 years, undead unlimited and Humans, Goblins and Orcs live up to 100
Race: Bellow
Class: Bellow
Inventory: Bellow
Weapon: Bellow
Armor : Bellow
Exp: 0/8
Level: 1
Health: 20/20 (+1 for each 2 points in Defense)
Skill points: 10
Strength: (Your attack power, know, strength)
Defense: (Your ability to resist damage, health, and defense in fight )
Agility: (Your ability to run, climb things , dodge attacks )
Intelligence: (Your ability to read books, make potions, conversation )
Perks: Bellow

Races and classes:

Swordsman : +2 STR , + 1 DEF, A normal human warrior, starts with a Health potion, 100 coins and a Wooden sword (Can be promoted into paladin or knight)
Crossbowman : +2 STR, + 1 AGL,A human with a crossbow, starts with a Leather armor ( + 2 DEF ) 100 coins and a Wooden crossbow, 30x crossbow bolts. ( Can be promoted into a Head hunter or a Rapid shooter)
Mage: +2 INT, +1 DEF, A human mage, starts with a Fire book, 100 coins, and a Training Staff ( Can be promoted into Battle mage, or Priest)

Elves :
Fighter : +2 STR, + 1 INT, An elf fighter, starts with a Dual wooden sword ( Two swords, merged at the handle ) , Leaf armor ( + 2 DEF ) , 100 coins ( Can be promoted into a Destroyer, or Forest Fighter)
Archer : + 3 AGL, elven archers are the best archers, they start with a Wooden bow, 30 arrows, 300 coins ( Can be promoted into Sharp shooter, or Hunter )
Enchanter : +3 INT, an elf mage, starts with a Wind book, Training staff, 100 coins, (Can be promoted into Elementalist or Summoner )

Orcs :
Brute : +3 STR,a fierce orc warrior, starts with 2 Axes and 120 coins ( Can be promoted into Bandit, or Berserker)
Slingshotman : + 1 STR, +1 AGL, +1 DEF, and orc with an slingshot, starts with a Slingshot, 50 stones and 300 coins, (Can be promoted into Rogue, or Bomb Shooter)
Shaman : +1 INT, + 2 DEF, an orc that can use the powers of nature, Earth book, Light Leather Armor (+1 DEF, +1 AGL) and Wooden Staff ( Can be promoted into Wildman, or War Shaman)

Pikeman: +1STR, + 2 AGL, a standard goblin warrior, starts with a Goblin armor (+2 Def), Wooden Pike, 100 coins ( Can be promoted later into Spearman, or Haldberdier)
Spy: +2 AGL, + 1 INT, a stealthy goblin, starts with Cloak (+1 DEF, +1 INT), Poison Darts 10x, Dagger ( Can be promoted into Stalker, or Assassin)
Psychic : +3 INT, a goblin that can use mental spells, starts with a Light Sword, Psychic Book, 100 coins ( Can be promoted into Mentalist, or Strategist )

Warrior : + 3 DEF, a strong dwarf warrior, with hard bones, starts with Big Axe, 300 coins (Can be promoted later into Crusher, or Rider)
Axe thrower : +4 STR, - 1 AGL, a dwarf throwing axes, starts with small Axe 10x , Dwarven armor ( +4 DEF ), (Can be promoted into Combatant, or Chain thrower)
Wizard : + 1 DEF, +2 INT, a dwarf that uses magic, starts with Thunder book, Stone staff, Health potion ( Can be promoted into Stormer, or Deacon)

Undead :
Dark Paladin : +2 STR, + 1 DEF, a paladin that has joined the undead, starts with Black sword, Black Armor ( +2 DEF) , 100 coins (Can be promoted later into Dark Knight, or Shadow Warrior)
Brigand : +4 STR, - INT, maybe they are strong, but they are stupid, they work for the undead as spies for exchange of coins and....power, starts with a Wooden Club, Skeleton summon scroll, and 100 coins (Can be promoted into Vandal, or Cursed)
Acolyte : +2 INT, + 1 AGL, a mage that uses dark magic, starts with Book of Darkness, 2 Small Skeleton minions ( Can be promoted into Necromancer, or Dark mage )

Perks :
Human: Adrenaline â" When your health drops bellow 25 % all your stats are doubled until you are out of danger
Elf: Nature Master â" Most of the animals are your allies.
Orc: Hard Skin â" You take 75% less damage from arrows and crossbow bolts.
Goblin: Fear â" Some weak people will obey you.
Dwarf: Hard Bones â" Immune to blunt attacks...well it will just hurt your skin.
Undead : Graveyard Master â" All skeletons, zombies and werewolves obey you.
This are the starting class perks. When you promote into an Advanced class, your perks change. You can promote into an Advanced class when you reach level 5.

  • 18 Replies
385 posts

Name: James Sullivan
Age: 28
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman
Inventory: 100 coins, Health potion
Weapon: Wooden Sword
Armor : Bellow
Exp: 0/8
Level: 1
Health: 21/21
Skill points:
Strength: 5
Defense: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 2
Perks: Adrenalin

,,Hello ! My name is John. So we need to investigate a graveyard. People say skeletons live there, so if that is true we need to kill them. Well then...Lets go ! Because you live here, you are familiar with these lands, so you should lead the way."

1,211 posts

Name: Mort_Kawasaki
Age: 52
Race: Elven
Class: Archer
Inventory: 30 arrows, 300 coins
Weapon: Wooden bow
Armor : None (?)
Exp: 0/8
Level: 1
Health: 20/20 (+1 for each 2 points in Defense)
Skill points: 0
Strength: 3
Defense: 0
Agility: 3+3=6
Intelligence: 4
Perks: Nature master

"I shall leave, if you would tell me why it's so important, that you're attacking passer-by's without further notice."

385 posts

Name: Mort_Kawasaki
Age: 52
Race: Elven
Class: Archer
Inventory: 30 arrows, 300 coins
Weapon: Wooden bow
Armor : None (?)
Exp: 0/8
Level: 1
Health: 20/20 (+1 for each 2 points in Defense)
Skill points: 0
Strength: 3
Defense: 0
Agility: 3+3=6
Intelligence: 4
Perks: Nature master

,,We don't know, it's our master's will. "

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