ForumsWEPRDo you think that communist ideas our being taught in the school system?

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339 posts

In the communist manifesto they talk about situational ethics

EX. Youâre on a boat with 3 people, yourself, an old man, and a pregnant woman, the boat is sinking and there is an island 15 miles away and you have a life boat that can carry 2 people who do you take?

Do you think this stuff is in the communist manifesto?
Do you think its in our schools?
And do you think it matters?

  • 35 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Communism, when put into practice, tends to be bad - but I have the feeling this is down to human nature more than anything else.

That's the main sticking point, and the only aspect most of the ignorant masses reads about. Communism is only achieved as an end product of transition phases, the dictatorship of the proletariat is just ONE of these phases. Ultimately, in the theory it moves on, but in reality, human nature hangs it up.

Now lets leap forward and look this little country called "The Soviet Union", which absolutely everyone seemed to hate pretty much once is started. This country became socialist, under a variety of leaders like Stalin. America hated them, Germany hated them, England hated them, everyone hated them. They seem to be the only country who can kill 80% of the Nazis in a war and still come out looking like a bad guy.

I would say that the USSR under Stalin made the final step towards sealing its fate as a dictatorship, which began under Lenin after the Civil War.

you may have heard of faces like Zedong or Jim Kong, who think that they are the stepping stone to communism. Not even they liked the Soviet Union to much.

Anyway, the USSR itself might have gotten the theocratic wrong. Marx predicted that socialism and communism would be built upon foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development, which was one of the transition phases stated above. Russia, however, was one of the poorest countries in Europe with an enormous, largely illiterate peasantry and a minority of industrial workers. Marx had explicitly stated that Russia might be able to skip the stage of bourgeoisie capitalism.

China and Vietnam essentially attempted the same thing, by skipping transition stages. Hence we can roughly say that no ''Communist'' country ever followed the theoretical route.

Bottomline, Communism is more complex than what the average American thinks it is.

Communism is like a Prohibition it's a good idea but it just doesn't work out.
And we've seen that from past countries that tried communism out.

The problem is not with Communism, but the leaders implementing them. So it's not fair to shoot Communism down.
161 posts

I for one, am a sophomore in high school, in a public school system in Colorado.

I do believe that the teachers at my school, even though Colorado is by majority, a Republican state, are teaching a little bit more with far left views. I think that teachers in general are teaching with some political bias, whether it be right, or left, is still wrong.

This thread shouldn't be about teachers teaching with communistic views, but with a bias in general.

787 posts

political bias, whether it be right, or left, is still wrong.

There will always be a very miniscule bias based on the person personal opinion.

I do believe that the teachers at my school, even though Colorado is by majority, a Republican state, are teaching a little bit more with far left views.

Left does not mean Communist. Stop thinking that.

Communism isn't the terrible evil that you're country has made it. But, as said before, is never properly implemented. Really. What is so wrong about strictly enforced equality and, here is a terrible one so branded with Communism that it will never be considered in you're country, PUBLIC HEALTHCARE. So really, what does it matter if people speak their mind a little through their work.
161 posts

Left does not mean Communist. Stop thinking that.

On the scale, Communism is on the far left, and Anarchy is on the far right. I'm just saying that the teachers in my district are teaching with far left (Communistic) views. Teachers are supposed to try and teach without a political bias as best they can. I find it very hard to do so when they get benefits from the government when being a part of the teachers union.

When I was saying that teachers in my state are teaching with a left bias even though Colorado is a more right state, I wasn't necessarily saying they were preaching the devil into us trough Communism, I for one think Communism is a much better idea than any other type if government, it just simply won't work.

Really. What is so wrong about strictly enforced equality and, here is a terrible one so branded with Communism that it will never be considered in you're country, PUBLIC HEALTHCARE.

The problem with Public Healthcare at the moment is that we are not a communist government. Until the reigns have shifted and a President converts us to communism, Public Healthcare will not work with our current government. I wish it could, but all it does is screw with everything. My family, pays taxes, and already has healthcare through my mothers occupation. So, with "Obamacare" being created, we are paying extra taxes for those who don't have healthcare to get it for free.

As I've said, I'm not accusing Communism being a great evil or anything. I think Communism is a great idea, it just won't work in today's society.
8,256 posts

On the scale, Communism is on the far left, and Anarchy is on the far right.

I'm not sure about communism, but it's true that certain social ideas place it rather left somewhere. Anarchy? I don't think this places anywhere within the left-right scale, honestly. Teaching a social structure without any kind of rule, why should it be placed so far from communism?

Anyway, I think you're right that teachers shouldn't try to willingly influence their students towards their own political opinion, but it's the teachers role also to teach about politics, so maybe you should propose open discussions or something?

And I really doubt that there is a general trend in America to teach communism in schools; I much rather suspect that there are too many republicans that get offended by certain leftish ideas XD
Joke aside, it depends on the teacher individually. As I said I doubt there's a trend.
161 posts

It all depends on how you view it I guess

This shows Anarchy being on the right^^

This shows anarchy being on the left vv

Either way, Communism, Anarchy, Nazism, Monarchism, Socialism, whatever it is, it shouldn't be taught in schools. It all depends on the teacher, but from my experience, most teachers in my area teach with some sort of political bias.

8,256 posts

Either way, Communism, Anarchy, Nazism, Monarchism, Socialism, whatever it is, it shouldn't be taught in schools. It all depends on the teacher, but from my experience, most teachers in my area teach with some sort of political bias.

Be careful... it shouldn't be taught, as, teach students it's the right/wrong thing; but it should definitely be taught, as, inform students about politics and parties/systems.
161 posts

Be careful... it shouldn't be taught, as, teach students it's the right/wrong thing; but it should definitely be taught, as, inform students about politics and parties/systems.

Correct, thank you for correcting me on my error, others could've definitely taken it the wrong way. I appreciate your understanding, and I agree completely, the ideas should be taught in certain classes but the teachers should not be teaching based off of their political views.
2,226 posts

Marxism has no patent on situational ethics. I think they just want to force you to think critically.

1,773 posts

I dont realy agree with your paragraph. you took it completly wrong.
1-monarchy is a ruling way, not an Ideology.

the graph is like this - equality against superiority.
the communist said that everyone are equal. everyone. not a king nor a richman are abouve anyone else.
against them were afcours the facsist, like Mussolini, hitler and franco.
the cummonism was and still is a great ideology, its just was used by power hungerd leaders, who want to control and be themsleve abouve everyone else. but it did worked in some places. for an exmple, the kibuts. its a kind of a village, wher when you join you "give" all your belongies to the Kibuts. everything is belong to everyone. if you needed, you could ask for a car, food, etc., but you had to work for the kibuts-without any profit. It may sound wierd for a man who grown in a capitalist society, but id did worked. just now, when capitalism became mor "comfortable" the kibuts started a Privatization process.
Dont Judge communism by its leaders, but by its ideas.
If the entire world coulde live like this, it could be a wonderfull world, wher no one is hungry or poor. we could all be equals.

17 posts

I saw your graphs FALLEN950, i like them, quite close to the truth they are.

Personally I think Communism is a great Idea that doesn't quite work so well in practise.

In Australia we currently have a Prime minister (sort of like a President) who was part of the Communist party in the 1970's( She is also an unmarried Atheist).

We definitely have communist style idea's taught in Australian schools , ideas that have been taught since(currently,expanded upon) at least the 1970's.

In Australia we have had for many years a very strong welfare system. So much so that lazy bludgers (people who don't want to work) are on similiar incomes to your ex-serviceman pensions(personal experience from playing mmorpgs).
We have free health care for all citizens.
Much higher minimum wages in Australia (( About $15 p/h for permanent full time workers,)( more for casual).
Ect, Ect.
I talk with friends often about how Australia is becoming more communist.
The biggest difference between Australia & the U.S.A is that we never had slavery & the resultant financial gap & all that that entails.
Oh yeah, no Mexicans too

Seriously, most European countries too have lots more state welfare than the U.S.A as well. It goes back to having a population homogenized population.

5,129 posts

we never had slavery

are you sure?
474 posts

Much higher minimum wages in Australia (( About $15 p/h for permanent full time workers,)( more for casual).

It actually doesn't matter how much you earn, it's how much you can buy with it. How much does gas, food, and rent cost in Australia?
4,871 posts

Fallen, your graph doesn't portray the actual dimensions of the political spectrum, there's actually 3.

1. Economics
2. Political Freedoms
3. Civil Freedoms

Note, the image is from a popular political simulation game, but, it's an easy to read and understand explanation of the political spectrum.

P.S. Captcha's? Back in my day...

1,773 posts

you know, Capitalism isnt mean pure good and communism pure evil. i think that the communist ideaoligy is a very beutiful one. Every one help each other, not working for themsleve but for the human kind. everyone equal. even if in USA saying this things its like saying you are a witch who worship the devil. in the "golden age" of soviet russia, you didnt had to pay to go to an hospital. you didnt had to pay for a vication. a car was given by Request. sure, ther was bad things, like stalin and the N.K.V.D and later the KGB, but the idea is a great one.

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