ForumsWEPRwhy is america fat

170 74791
67 posts

is it the lack of exercise stress junk food (go ahead blame the food) or what i think it is technology were so dependant on technology that we stay inside all day with little human contact i am verry fit i go outside everyday run with my dog do 300 pushups a day do benchpresses and curls punch the bag ect. and i joined the navy seals and marine force recon why can no one else do this its the easyest thing in the world tell me about your ideas

  • 170 Replies
3,085 posts

Oh look, it's either a troll or an overly-aggressive pre-pubescent child that's throwing a tantrum, leave Americans alone. Not all of them are fat, y'know, and I'd point to the rising obesity rates in a lot of Western countries as a sign that it's a universal thing for countries that have reached a high level of development.

67 posts

okay ernie lets just look at you for a second your 30 but still playing with threads if you look at the other comments im 16 and joined the marine special forces and navy seals more of a man then you again with the other comments im not fat im not typing my daily workout routine again its too much and im only on this to ask a general question but it turned to **** because everyone else is self concious about them being fat

8,256 posts

But why are those foods consumed? Is it because we're lazy? Is it because we're unaware? Do we not care? Do we think that it won't happen to us?

They are consumed because 1) they are available, easy to get and abundant, 2) because we have an evolutionary tendency to eat as much as we can of certain things, like salt, that was sparse before human society made it available en masse (another example where cultural evolution totally overuns natural evolution), and most importantly 3) because of aggressive marketing and manipulation (e.g. all kids stuff are at kid level in the stores and have cute mascots on the package and toys within). Which brings me to the next point:

So you're saying that it's the marketing system which is targeting these unhealthy food groups towards children which is causing it?

Yes, and no. Someone who is aware of such things can avoid them easily, and not all countries have trouble with obesity, which raises the question why exactly do America and some other western countries have such issues?
But yes, I'm saying that marketing, profit-hunting, aggressive advertising and manipulation of customers contribute a big part to it.
13,344 posts

im 16 and joined the marine special forces and navy seals

No you haven't. They don't let morons into special units of the military.

And no, you're not 16 either. Most people learn how to type at a young age. By the looks of your sentence structure, there's no way you're more than 7.

but it turned to **** because everyone else is self concious about them being fat

No, it turned that way because you started getting all defensive and insulting people for no reason.

Seriously dude, if you're going to troll, do it in a way that doesn't make you look like some redneck who gets mad at the computer because you can't figure out where the laundry goes in.

But you've trolled successfully, nonetheless.
29 posts

fracell, the youngest age you can join the armed forces at is 17. So either you're lying about your age or you're lying about being a marine and navy seal. Also you can't even be in those at the same time, unless you joined both seperately.

I agree with Ernie. This probably could've become a good thread. Swear at me all you want, it doesn't help you at all.

787 posts

To go back to the original question:

Consumerism and Capitalism. People here (In first World Countries) take things for granted now and frankly, have stopped caring/trying. They feel it is to much work and give up. In giving up problems generate, they get stressed, and resort to eating to solve their problems. Then, in gaining weight and/or getting used to the inactive lifestyle (One such lifestyle I practice and is still underweight) and the outside world loses it's appeal.

Then Capitalism targets these problems by marketing these "Comfort Foods" as they are called, which contain gram after gram of saturated and trans fats. Then, to make matters worse, they make the indoors more appealing. Providing many items to suit the couch-potato life. Namely video games, computers, iPods, tv's, and very comfortable couches.

how would i know if your online i just didnt want to appologise to a prick like you

Let's all take a deep breath and calm down. Kasic's just replying.

So you're saying that it's the marketing system which is targeting these unhealthy food groups towards children which is causing it?

Ya, that seems about right. But it's also that children have a very large sweet tooth to which the stores try to appeal to.

But why are those foods consumed? Is it because we're lazy? Is it because we're unaware? Do we not care? Do we think that it won't happen to us?

Some of it tastes good, but only the sweet stuff. Most people are aware now, just don't care. And yes, some people feel it won't happen to them. Like me. Because if I try to eat any food item from a fast food place, I get very sick. That and, my metabolism is hyperactive.
242 posts

America is fat from all of our horrible fast food like McDonald's. Plus, we don't have to work in fields or anything all day. We are spoiled and lazy.

67 posts

were verry spoiled i work in a machine shop making metal flanges olets and ect im the only white person who speaks english i weld and work the cnc machine im one of the few kids now that know the value of a dollar i payed for my car with my own money thats how you dont get fat lazy or spoiled

8,256 posts

America is fat from all of our horrible fast food like McDonald's. Plus, we don't have to work in fields or anything all day. We are spoiled and lazy.

There are so many people even in america that have to work their ***** off for some money. Also, many other western countries also have McDonalds and similar prosperity, so why is America always stated as the big example for obesity and not other countries? (although there are growing tendencies of the same phenomenon in soe other countries).

il type whatever i want its my thread

Just don't forget you still have to follow forum rules, which include not double or triple posting. It's not your forum after all.
1,322 posts

Time to add my two cents...

A lot of the junk foods we eat are enriched with certain compounds that our bodies need, but some of them are only needed in small amounts. Salt is the biggest factor that comes into play in our body's ability to control its water volume (learn your kidneys!). Sweet foods are usually broken down into carbs (w/ the exceptions of those protein sweeteners, heavy metals, and a few other things). Those two things plus some various other compounds are necessary for life. We have taste buds so we can know what it is that we're eating. It's hypothesized that we crave foods when we need certain nutrients out of them. So the "taste good" foods that were otherwise scarce back in the day would form a positive feedback loop with the brain which would make you eat more of them whenever you happened upon them.

This is akin to how donkeys have do not have any sort of mental "stop eating" reflex. At least that's how some sources I've read describe it. They're desert creatures that don't get much opportunity to eat, so when they get to food they gorge themselves till it's gone. They'll keep eating till they super obese and die from what some sources have told me.

So... you mix that type of brain chemistry with a sedentary lifestyle that has excess of all of these foods available and you get the potential of obesity.

Regardless of portion sizes and all that jazz, the only one to blame for you getting fat is yourself. ...Unless you do have a thyroid problem. I'm just south of 6ft tall and am 186lbs. When I was running I was eating sooooo much more food and and was 140lbs. The level of laziness and procrastination are what dictate the level of fat content in the vast majority of people. I used to run as late as 11pm, 12am, or even 1am if I had to. People say that they're tired and then don't do anything.... aside from devouring what could feed an African family for a month in one sitting and watching tv.

If everyone would just pick up running (those of us who can) you could eat more than you do now and still be in better health. lets not get silly and say "Oh, that means I can eat a vat of grease for three meals a day and be healthy b/c sonata said so.." Lets not be that naive, pl0x. Heck, we wouldn't even need to fuss about government funded birth control b/c athletic females have way fewer and lighter periods.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Not all Americans are fat. While it is true that America has the highest obesity rate, it is 30.6% and not the majority.

Just to point out that that doesn't take into account overweight people. Overweight people are fat too, and if we count both overweight and obese people to be fat, the percentage for Americans rises to 74.6%, which is rather alarming.
1,826 posts

t i am verry fit i go outside everyday run with my dog do 300 pushups a day do benchpresses and curls punch the bag ect. and i joined the navy seals and marine force recon why can no one else do this its the easyest thing in the world

and I can spit poison, fart chlorine,burn things by just staring at them
These are the easiest things in the world,Why can't anyone else do these
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Punisher, can't you tell he's fibbing.....The Marines and Seals are two different units.

1,826 posts

Punisher, can't you tell he's fibbing.....The Marines and Seals are two different units.

Don't you get my sarcasm ?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

No I didn't, that's a first for me!

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