ForumsWEPR[necro] Is homosexuality right or wrong?

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339 posts

I think homosexuality is totally wrong and unnatural, what do you think?

  • 1,146 Replies
187 posts

This is just my response.. Please don't get offended.
In my religion, homosexuality is a sin. Because he created man and woman. God still loves the person but he hates the sin. So I don't hate homosexual people and I won't be mean to them, I just don't support it.

3,085 posts

So... your God is against people loving one another... just because 'He created man and woman'? Seems like a petty, cruel and downright stupid excuse for a fairy tale villain to me.

1,826 posts

I think Homosexuality is a disrespect to humanity and homophobia is completely normal and is not any kind of psychological problem.
It is just as normal as a person fearing someone who got some deformity or is psycho.
Problem is not with the homophobes but it is with the homos.

5,340 posts

This is just my response.. Please don't get offended.
In my religion, homosexuality is a sin. Because he created man and woman.

does it actually says BECAUSE or is it just an excuse so people with that belief can "explain" the "reason"?

lets say one of them was blonde and the other had black hair. does this mean that blondes are only allowed to marry people with black hair? god didnt create many MANY things in the begining but of course people choose to only look at it in the way that will make their feelings "logical"

I think Homosexuality is a disrespect to humanity and homophobia is completely normal and is not any kind of psychological problem.
It is just as normal as a person fearing someone who got some deformity or is psycho.
Problem is not with the homophobes but it is with the homos.

gays dont hurt. and that is why the fear of gays is a psychological problem. if homosexuality is a disrespect to humanity so is being born with anything that makes you be part of a group that less people in the world can be inside (skin colour, hair colour, hight, weight). unfortunately people dont want to see the fact that they have a problem themselves and rather say someone else has a problem.
8,256 posts

Well, homophobia... I'll let you look for definitions of a phobia yourself.
Though if anything, it's an intolerant, subjective opinion. I don't mind if someone doesn't like gays as long as that someone knows it's wrong and tolerates homosexuals, despite his opinion.

And yes, we wouldn't know about homophobia if there were no homosexuals, but that doesn't mean gays are the source, and even less that they're the problem. It's like saying blacks are the real problem about racism.
It doesn't work this way, because if there were no homosexuals, homophobia simply wouldn't show, however if there was no homophobia, everyone would be happy and that's it.

4,104 posts

I think Homosexuality is a disrespect to humanity and homophobia is completely normal and is not any kind of psychological problem.It is just as normal as a person fearing someone who got some deformity or is psycho.Problem is not with the homophobes but it is with the homos.

so then you think we should of homosexual people, straight people. Straight people are the ones who keep having gay babies, so if we get rid of them, problem solved.

In all seriousness, its genetic, not a psychological problem. Saying its wrong to be born with this gene is as logical as saying its wrong for being born with blue eyes.
4,104 posts

so then you think we should of homosexual people, straight people. Straight people are the ones who keep having gay babies, so if we get rid of them, problem solved.

Sorry that was supposed to say "we should get rid of the source of homosexual people, straight people"
272 posts

I think homosexuality is a disease. Humans have two basic instincts:
1 - Survival.
2 - Reproduce.

If someone wants to commit suicide, is prevented from doing so and provides him psychological assistance.
For homosexual people, it should be the same. They are attempting against human nature, attempting against reproduction. Their mind is working incorrectly. They must be treated.

1,627 posts

For homosexual people, it should be the same. They are attempting against human nature, attempting against reproduction. Their mind is working incorrectly. They must be treated.

I'm sorry Mr. Bachmann, the "Pray the Gay Away" convention is over there...
1,714 posts

That's because Straight people are the only ones who can have babies.

Thats not true, modern technology means a homosexual couple can have a biological child.

Yet Gayness is also a Psychological problem, it's not a natural instinct.

It is not psychological, and it is natural.

but everyone who has sex love each other (Mostly anyway)

I would love to see a valid statistic that says something even close to this.
3,371 posts

I... sort of agree with you there. It is a disease, but some people are made this way they don't choose.

Who said it was a disease? Did you just decide it was a disease on your own?

It is Unnatural, I think that it probably is some type of Mental disease but it is most likely Untreatable. So we're just gonna live with it. We can't kill them cause we'd be horrible people if we did that.

No it is not a mental disease or disorder. Link

Because if the first people were Gay, We wouldn't exist.

So, why does that make it bad? Not everyone wants to reproduce. Does that make you a bad person? What about people who are just not intrested in sex? Are they bad people too?

Yet Gayness is also a Psychological problem, it's not a natural instinct.

No it's not.

That IS true, but Sex between Man and Man, or Woman and Woman is bad,

Why is sex between a man and a man or a woman and woman bad? Who are they hurting?

but I will say that sex between two genders is wrong and is a Psychological problem.

How> I just can't understand why you think it is so wrong. Nobody gets hurt, so even if you find it nasty, they don't. And the way you feel about it shouldn't influence their right to do it.
9,462 posts

I agree, Men/Women were not made to Have Sex with the same Gender, It is against the laws of nature. People who say that animals do it and think it's natural, well some animals suck blood, Would that be natural in a human?

No it's against some religious bs not nature. Humans are mammals and in ever single mammal found on this planet thus far we have found homosexual behavior. So yes we would be the odd ones out if we did not find homosexual behavior in our species.
As for your example humans do have food containing blood. But your argument was that homosexuality went against the laws of nature, not that it's against human nature.
Finally it being natural or not has nothing to do with it being right or wrong. If you really do feel that anything unnatural is wrong then I kindly ask that you get off the internet and stop doing this unnatural behavior of posting on a forum existing in an unnatural environment.

I... sort of agree with you there. It is a disease, but some people are made this way they don't choose. It is Unnatural, I think that it probably is some type of Mental disease but it is most likely Untreatable. So we're just gonna live with it. We can't kill them cause we'd be horrible people if we did that.

(Merriam Websters-Medical Definition)
Disease; an impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body or one of its parts that interrupts or modifies the performance of the vital functions, is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms, and is a response to environmental factors

Homosexuality is not an impairment of a normal state in humans, thus is not a disease. It's an attraction to the same gender. Sexual attraction is not a black and white situation either where you either have a sexual attraction to men or to women, but covers large spectrums. If we were to put it on say a scale of 1-11, with 1 being completely heterosexual and 11 being completely homosexual most people would range either about 2-3 or 9-10. (This scale is of course an over simplification) It's useful for us not to be totally one way or the as it helps with our ability to form social bonds.

That's because Straight people are the only ones who can have babies. And most are normal, well people. 1 out of every 50 kids is Gay.

One's disinterest in the opposite gender has nothing to do with ones fertility. A homosexual male is just as capable of getting a woman pregnant as a heterosexual male. A homosexual woman is just as capable of getting pregnant as a heterosexual female. The difference is in that they have little to no desire in having sex with the opposite gender. Though they would be fully capable of of raising a child if they were to adopt or undergo artificial insemination.
Further more there are plenty of heterosexual couples completely unable to have children through sex as well.

Because if the first people were Gay, We wouldn't exist.

Humans would have arose in groups not individuals the way Genesis suggests. Just based on the genetic diversity we have the human race could not have dropped below a population of 10,000. This would all a percentage of the group to be homosexual and still allow for the human race to exist. In fact having a portion of the group being homosexual has proven to be beneficial to social groups. The act of reproduction can be very hard on the body. With some members of a group not reproducing, it can provide strong individuals that can act as caregivers if the biological parents are unable to do so.

Yet Gayness is also a Psychological problem, it's not a natural instinct.

The only psychological problems I'm aware of are the results of of bigots attacking them, drilling it into their heads they they are somehow lesser because of being gay.

That IS true, but Sex between Man and Man, or Woman and Woman is bad, Sex is for Reproduction not expression is love, Not every people who love each other have sex, but everyone who has sex love each other (Mostly anyway)

Bull! Yes it most definitely is an expression of love. It can also be done just for sheer pleasure. If reproduction is the only "right" reason then I take it you also have issue with infertile couples copulating. But I would bet that's not the case.

WRONG Just because two people of the same sex love each other doesn't mean their psychotic/deformed but I will say that sex between two genders is wrong and is a Psychological problem.

I see this has already been asked but how?
9,504 posts

A normal state in the human mind is Straight, Thus it is a MENTAL PROBLEM not Disease.

Did you not read at all what the other side has argued AND supported? They have demonstrated thus far that sexuality, no matter if it is heterosexual or homosexual, has no "normality". Consider changing your viewpoint, because your claims are unsubstantiated. Where is your support to back up your claims that homosexuality is a mental problem?

It did not drop to two it started with 2

Religion says it started with two. Different religions state different causes, outcomes, and beginnings. What you say will conflict with other religions. It is your beliefs against theirs. There is a "helluva" lot more support in stating that there were exponentially more humans in the "beginning" of human history, due to gradual descent from the prior ancestor.

And the Diversity, When the tower to reach heaven was being built, God separated humans with skin color and languages.

Again, this is what your religion states, and your beliefs will be against another. Human Evolution/History records that the origins of human history originated in the African/Western Asia regions, then migrated further outwards. We started with an abundance of melanin, which gave us our dark skin color. This protected us against the hot, harsh environment that you would expect from living near the Equator. As we then migrated north, the abundance of melanin was a vestigial organ of sorts. The northern tribes gradually had smaller melanin content, giving us tan/pale skin colors.

But I don't see how this is related to the topic.
210 posts

but everyone who has sex love each other (Mostly anyway)

Lol how is that true??? when u have sex with a Prostitute it doesn't mean u love her u just use her to fulfil your needs, there is nothing to do with LOVE as in u feel something with that person or u would die to be with her/him not for Sex just cause u can't be away from them for to long, correct me if I'm wrong.
5,340 posts

I think homosexuality is a disease. Humans have two basic instincts:
1 - Survival.
2 - Reproduce.

If someone wants to commit suicide, is prevented from doing so and provides him psychological assistance.
For homosexual people, it should be the same. They are attempting against human nature, attempting against reproduction. Their mind is working incorrectly. They must be treated.

so rubbing my belly is also against nature? because it does nothing based on those 2 instincts. even if your gay you can still reproduce and it is not a choice. comitting suicide is a choice and the reason you get psychological assistance is that you can hurt yourself. being gay doesnt hurt yourself or the people around you (being homophobic does though).

besides, you think only gays dont have children? there are many streight couples who dont want to have children but im guessing you dont think they have a psychological problem?

I agree, Men/Women were not made to Have Sex with the same Gender, It is against the laws of nature. People who say that animals do it and think it's natural, well some animals suck blood, Would that be natural in a human?

so what is natural? can you tell me? if you want to know if something is natural or not you HAVE to look at animals because if not you will have to look only at humans. and by that you can easily say that having green eyes or having red hair is also unatural. besides, sucking blood is something essential for the animals who do that and is not essential to us. not to mention being gay doesnt hurt anybody unlike sucking blood.

I... sort of agree with you there. It is a disease, but some people are made this way they don't choose. It is Unnatural, I think that it probably is some type of Mental disease but it is most likely Untreatable. So we're just gonna live with it. We can't kill them cause we'd be horrible people if we did that.

nah... people would be MORE horibble if they would do that. not accepting the fact that being gay isnt a desease is the same as not accepting their existance or their right to exist. it is painful and just because your conscience is clean doesnt mean your not hurting other people.

That's because Straight people are the only ones who can have babies. And most are normal, well people. 1 out of every 50 kids is Gay.

no definitely not (and this is also the reason why people hate gays. they used to think they have sex with the opposite gender to hide their identity and that is what causes gay children). its not SOME people are made this way. they all are. also, where did you get those stats from? id like to see a source.

Because if the first people were Gay, We wouldn't exist.

we would. god could simply tell them to reproduce although they are gay (and hey, who knows THAT isnt the truth? they only had each other and when you are the only humans in the world youd probably have sex with eachother). besides, we wouldnt exist if one of them didnt have the will to have sex. but that is a horibble sin in most religions isnt it? there are many things that if addam or eve had we wouldnt exist but people choose to look at this (probably because of their phobia).

Yet Gayness is also a Psychological problem, it's not a natural instinct.

its not a psychological problem. look it up. everything that isnt an instinct is a psychological problem? look at yourself, im sure you will find o****less things that are not based on insticts.

That IS true, but Sex between Man and Man, or Woman and Woman is bad, Sex is for Reproduction not expression is love, Not every people who love each other have sex, but everyone who has sex love each other (Mostly anyway)

also wrong. who are you to tell us what the reason for sex is? you think animals (or even addam and eve) knew that sex makes babies? sex is just for physical pleasure and thats it. you will have sex with someone you find attractive. if sex is for reproduction that means that doing it alone is also bad (and trust me. we can all agree that MOST humans do it). besides, what IS bad? because you didnt explain that.

WRONG Just because two people of the same sex love each other doesn't mean their psychotic/deformed but I will say that sex between two genders is wrong and is a Psychological problem.

again why? you only say what you think but you never explain why.

A normal state in the human mind is Straight, Thus it is a MENTAL PROBLEM not Disease.

again, a normal state of a human mind is to like junkfood. i doubt any of you would say that not liking junkfood is a mental problem. something is only a problem when it hurts you or others. once again, WHAT IS a problem?

No I mean, first of all A Man doesn't have the proper organs to actually give birth, and a Woman has no sperm. Also a Homosexual man wouldn't have sex with a woman, That was my point.

he would if he had to. the world could easily survive even if all of us were gay.

Now how is #2 Natural though?

since when natural=good?

really, people keep telling the "its not natrual" excuse. when its countered they say "animals eat their children, is that good?"
and then they just go back to the natural excuse.
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