ForumsWEPR[necro] Is homosexuality right or wrong?

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339 posts

I think homosexuality is totally wrong and unnatural, what do you think?

  • 1,146 Replies
5 posts

In a 2008 study, its authors stated that "There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency."

Zietsch, B., Morley, K., Shekar, S., Verweij, K., Keller, M., Macgregor, S., et al. (November 2008). "Genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality may increase mating success in heterosexuals". Evolution and Human Behavior 29 (6): 424â"433.

[b]cited sources are allowed right?

9,462 posts

cited sources are allowed right?

Cited sources are preferred.

wrong for humans, but......

What makes it wrong to you? Do finish your sentence.
1 posts

I don't understand how sexuality would be a moral issue...

787 posts

wrong for humans, but......

Now continue until you've reached seven words like you're supposed to.

I don't understand how sexuality would be a moral issue...

It really shouldn't be, but humans will argue [quote]over everything if someone doesn't like it.
5 posts

I've lived in this country for a few years now and I truly believe that the American Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written in human history. What I don't understand is the LGBT community is supported as much as it is, in fact not just in the USA but on an international scale itself.

I want to point out first that I do not hate homosexuals as I am friends with a few lads who are gay and they are pretty neat lads. What I just don't understand is how 4% of a population can be so hypocritical when it comes to the other 96%. I personally don't like the idea of homosexuality just because I find it pretty disgusting. That is not hateful that is just factual. I challenge hard core supportors to watch a full man on man porn and see if they don't squeem a bit. But again that doesn't mean that I hate them I just personally prefer a lass. I still respect their right to choose who they want to be with.

I view the LGBT community as a very viscious special interest group. They can't ignore people who disagree they can't let it pass they will tub thump until you agree with them or shut up.

The Chick-Fil-A incident is a great example. I think many Americans honestly under appreciate their own Constitution. I think anyone who believes that the issue is a "Human's Rights" issue and not a "1st Amendment" issue is grossly missinformed.

I don't base my views on a political or religious platform but on a personal view. I usually find it hard to have an actual conversation let alone an intelligent debate with hard core LGBT members/supportors without them falling to the strawman argument of calling me intolerant or a bigot which couldn't be more far from the truth.

5 posts

I've lived in this country for a few years now and I truly believe that the American Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written in human history. What I don't understand is the LGBT community is supported as much as it is, in fact not just in the USA but on an international scale itself.

I want to point out first that I do not hate homosexuals as I am friends with a few lads who are gay and they are pretty neat lads. What I just don't understand is how 4% of a population can be so hypocritical when it comes to the other 96%. I personally don't like the idea of homosexuality just because I find it pretty disgusting. That is not hateful that is just factual. I challenge hard core supportors to watch a full man on man porn and see if they don't squeem a bit. But again that doesn't mean that I hate them I just personally prefer a lass. I still respect their right to choose who they want to be with.

I view the LGBT community as a very viscious special interest group. They can't ignore people who disagree they can't let it pass they will tub thump until you agree with them or shut up.

The Chick-Fil-A incident is a great example. I think many Americans honestly under appreciate their own Constitution. I think anyone who believes that the issue is a "Human's Rights" issue and not a "1st Amendment" issue is grossly missinformed.

I don't base my views on a political or religious platform but on a personal view. I usually find it hard to have an actual conversation let alone an intelligent debate with hard core LGBT members/supportors without them falling to the strawman argument of calling me intolerant or a bigot which couldn't be more far from the truth.

154 posts

Before answering any questions, I believe this question was asked incorrectly. It is extremely unlikely that this question will be answered, because many people are stubborn, therefore there will always be two views that will continually face opposite directions. i.e: no view will ever conquer the other view. Instead, pertaining to the majority of answers received, the question should have been Do you think Homosexuality is right or wrong? The original question has never been answered, it has only had opinions. Therefore, I believe this thread should be locked down, there will only be similar sentences over and over again, providing no practical use.

1,773 posts

can i just make a tip?

to everyone who just come to the last page and say "i think its wrong/right", you are just pushing the debate to the start. pleaes, read some pages back, so you will now to wher the debate as went, and help us with your own knowledge. going up and down in that rolercoaster of "me no gusta becasue its not moral - why u think - because untatural - what is nature...." dont lead us anywher.
the point of this debate its to let you understand the 'otherside' opinion. let you hear all the reasons. so please, dont just shout what you think, try to join the debate, not crush into it.

5,340 posts

to everyone who just come to the last page and say "i think its wrong/right", you are just pushing the debate to the start. pleaes, read some pages back, so you will now to wher the debate as went, and help us with your own knowledge. going up and down in that rolercoaster of "me no gusta becasue its not moral - why u think - because untatural - what is nature...." dont lead us anywher.
the point of this debate its to let you understand the 'otherside' opinion. let you hear all the reasons. so please, dont just shout what you think, try to join the debate, not crush into it.

problem is most of those people dont read ANY comment, which means they wont read your comment either. they think its just a place where you post your opinion and never open the thread again.
787 posts

I was thinking about this topic after being dumped, and revelation, rational thinking, doing away with conscience, and feeding the instinct that is sex drive. And I got thinking about instinct.

It is a natural human instinct to reproduce. Yet homosexuality impedes said &quotrogress". But if it's supposed instinct to reproduce, then wouldn't that take over the thought of homosexuality? They are breaking the idea of instinct of reproduction. So, just a thought, but aren't they technically superior in that sense that they have shed animalistic instinct and become a bit more of their own being? Technically, that would be a logical evolution, not a drastic one, but one nonetheless. They are more sentient being than we are.

I was outside today, and the whole area smelled of pot, so I may be high now. But, that aside, it's just a thought. Made enough sense to me.

2,150 posts

But if it's supposed instinct to reproduce, then wouldn't that take over the thought of homosexuality?

I'm going to put so it's the least offensive as possible. I'm sorry to homosexuals in advance...
Homosexuality is something you are born into... it's a "disorder" of sorts. Yes, the original instinct of all animals, humans included, is to find a mate to make babies with. But humans are so much more deeper than that. One example, sex for pleasure. I'm not aware that animals do that. Also, we have romantic love. Homosexuality, I believe, is a lot more about romance and love than it is about mud sliding (if you catch my drift.)

just a thought, but aren't they technically superior in that sense that they have shed animalistic instinct and become a bit more of their own being?

One can argue this, but this just widens the scope of the very discrimination that so many people are trying to extinguish. I think we're all one in the same. Certain people love the same sex, some people love the opposite sex. It's not a massive deal.

They are more sentient being than we are.

No, not really. We're the same.

I was outside today, and the whole area smelled of pot, so I may be high now. But, that aside, it's just a thought.

That makes sense.
8,256 posts

I was thinking about this topic after being dumped, and revelation, rational thinking, doing away with conscience, and feeding the instinct that is sex drive. And I got thinking about instinct.

The thing is.. only because they can not, doesn't mean they have not. Instinct of reproduction is what I'm getting at, in case. First, we are not that slave to our instincts that we would jump anyone only to get kids. Second, if homosexuals hadn't the instinct to reproduce, why would a homosexual couple want to adopt?

I agree with thepyro222, we're pretty much the same.

One example, sex for pleasure. I'm not aware that animals do that.

Bonobos. Always count in Bonobos.

Also, we have romantic love.

There are many animal species in which a couple bond for life. Who is to say they wouldn't light a candle at dinner if they could?
5,340 posts

One example, sex for pleasure. I'm not aware that animals do that.

maybe i misunderstood this but did you say that animals dont have sex for pleasure? its pretty obvious they do. do you really think that all animals (doesnt matter how ignorant they are) have sex because they somehow know that this act will make the femal pregnant and result in children that will live a few months (usually) after the act of sex? i doubt most animals know that sex leads to children. on the other side, im pretty sure that sex feels good for most animals.

and if it was only for children and not pleasure then there wouldnt be any gay animals, masturbation (monkeys do that) and dogs wouldnt hump legs either XP
9,462 posts

It is a natural human instinct to reproduce. Yet homosexuality impedes said &quotrogress".

Individually perhaps but as a group having a small percentage not reproducing and healthy can be of benefit. You can't forget humans naturally live in groups as social animals.

But if it's supposed instinct to reproduce, then wouldn't that take over the thought of homosexuality? They are breaking the idea of instinct of reproduction. So, just a thought, but aren't they technically superior in that sense that they have shed animalistic instinct and become a bit more of their own being?

They still have a sex drive just as a heterosexual individual does. So really there is no difference in drive other than it being for the same sex rather than the opposite.

They are more sentient being than we are.

Even if this were the case I fail to see how that would make them more sentient.

Homosexuality is something you are born into... it's a "disorder" of sorts.

Just because it tends to be not regarded as the norm doesn't make it a disorder of any sort.

sex for pleasure. I'm not aware that animals do that.

Besides the example of our favorite animal in this thread, the Bonobos there is also dolphins who have sex for pleasure, here's a walrus playing with himself.

Also, we have romantic love.

I suppose this depends on how you are defining romantic.
5 posts

What I do find fundamentally wrong about the LGBT is their view on opponents. I think the most ridiculous statement is that an opponent of the LGBT is 1.)A Bigot or 2.)Homophobic.

1.)A bigot is defined as:
"â" n
a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race"

If you notice this definition states that anybody calling someone a bigot for disagreeing with their stance on homosexuality is extremely hypocritical.

2.)Being called homophobic is one of the biggest strawmans argument their is. The latin root for homo is "the same" and phobia is "fear of". Therefor "fear of the same" doesn't make sense in the English language in the context that is being referred to. So not only is the word not used correctly if you were trying to convey the correct Latin it would be with the use of futuo or "sex" which would be roughly "homofutophobic."

That being said when I've tried to have honest intellectual debates with other lads or hardcore Gungho supporters of the LGBT community where I can't barely get out a question or a response without being called homophobic or intolerant. They made themselves out to look like ninnies. I have gay friends, I went to university with gay lads, I can have conversations with gay people and your response is that I'm "scared of them." Interesting enough if a lad calls another lad a female genitalia for being scared to do something that no one gets emotional and calls them "gynophobic" against woman.

I have yet to hear a compelling argument as well on what rights are LGBT denied.

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