ForumsWEPR[necro] Is homosexuality right or wrong?

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339 posts

I think homosexuality is totally wrong and unnatural, what do you think?

  • 1,146 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well, I'm glad the Church is in decline then.

1,824 posts

the church teaches that it is wrong

The church says a lot of things are wrong, some are sensible things we don't need a church to tell us are wrong and others are downright stupid. Why should a group of people who think there's a higher power that never does anything have a right to decide what is and is not wrong? Leave it to the law, and if the law is corrupt, leave it to yourself.
14,745 posts

I can't believe the title of this topic... even the question by itself shows a lack of intellect in my opinion. Who are we to judge what is right or wrong about homosexuality?

My best friend is gay and I love him to death, even though I am heterosexual. The fact that he likes men and I prefer women doesn't make for one bit of difference about whether or not it is right... even if you were to play the 'God' card in this 'discussion', which is something done way too often in my opinion, who are you as a follower of god to judge your fellow man or woman? Isn't this God's perogative then? At least that's what they turn to and say when they are cornered about any subject.

I think we should let people mind their own business as a 'World Citizen' and enjoy their life the way they want to. They are not harming anybody with their preferences.

You don't see me walking down the street shouting at red haired women that they are witches, right? No, I thought not... I say we need to keep an open mind and do not judge too quickly, especially those matters we don't have a right to, like homosexuality.

[/rare rant]

(To clarify: this rare rant of mine is the cause of a short but overheated discussion I had when encountering a gay-basher a few days ago. There you have it... period)

20 posts

I may not love homosexuals or anything but i think it is fine and unconstitutional to say it is wrong. like naturally they feel that way. Its not their problem or a problem. its not like they ruin society or anything. They contribute just as much as you and I do. And is it really going to affect you, them being gay and all? Like is it really going to affect your life? And the US Constitution (not to get in great detail) states somewhere that all people are treated fairly. Gay people, lesbian people are people to you know. To treat them unfairly and say they cannot marry is wrong. But thats another story.

20 posts

and my friend came out of the closet before going to college. I am still friends with him, I pretty much still see him the say. I'm fine with it. i might think about it a little,, but I forget about it. We still have fun going to the movies, playing paintball or videogames. He's like all of my other friends. he's just gay. Not really much of a difference.

1 posts

Yes, it is wrong. It takes children away from the planet, children that could grow up to do big things, like invent a flying car available to the public, or solve global warming for good. And its just nasty at that.

9,808 posts

It takes children away from the planet,

Because, y'know, we don't have enough as it is

children that could grow up to do big things, like invent a flying car available to the public, or solve global warming for good

Really? This pathetic argument? Alright turn
Children that could grow up to do horrid things, like another holocaust

And its just nasty at that

How is it nasty? Because you don't like it?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Because, y'know, we don't have enough as it is

Technically, the Earth can sustain many more billions of people if arable land is used astutely.

But point is, that's not a half decent reason to chastise homosexuality as ''wrong''. What about couples who refuse to have children? Many of the Western nations have a below average birth rate, so are they wrong too?
9,439 posts

It takes children away from the planet,

As stated many times before, gay=/=infertile.

And its just nasty at that.

And what your own parents did wasn't?
1,717 posts

No single sexuality is right or wrong. Such a choice as preferred mate is a more opinionated one, not allowing the choice to right or wrong. So homosexuality is neither, heterosexuality is neither, bisexuality is neither, asexuality is neither.

1,824 posts

Yes, it is wrong. It takes children away from the planet, children that could grow up to do big things, like invent a flying car available to the public, or solve global warming for good. And its just nasty at that.

Oh, how sad, we won't get to 10 billion people because some people thought that they'd be OK being homosexual.
As in, who gives a flying bobstay that gays cannot procreate? They can adopt, which is win-win, and they keep the population lower (not by much, though) by either adopting or not having kids.
There will always be heterosexuals, it isn't like "let's allow gays to marry and be equal, ergo, we will all become gay!" and you are stupid to believe so. What is the point refusing them their love? They'll just become dejected, their work capacity will diminish, and they might kill themselves.

All because you thought the idea of liking someone of the same sex intimately was wrong and weird and unnatural. Rather like humans.
185 posts

I'd just like to say that while I allow that gays have the right to live as they choose I find the idea of physical relations between men distasteful.

1,824 posts

I'd just like to say that while I allow that gays have the right to live as they choose I find the idea of physical relations between men distasteful.

You do realize women do the same?
As for your distaste, good for you, keep yer trap shut about it before you hurt some feelings and incite some suicides.
5,340 posts

"let's allow gays to marry and be equal, ergo, we will all become gay!"

you know i always found it funny. so many people say it in a way that makes me think they would be gay if it wasnt wrong. as if the only thing that make them decide (notice how homosexuality isnt a decision... is this a hint?) to be gay is the fact that its unacceptable by some. they talk about it as if its their own deep secret desire but they dont act on it because its "wrong".

news to you: even if you dont have sex with the same gender you are still gay if you want to, like to, or "fighting the desire".
25 posts

The population argument personally amuses me whenever I see it. How sad we won't bring even more people into this world to suffer and to destroy the Earth.
* I'm certainly not making a generalization or discriminating against certain people and ways of thinking; I'm merely pointing out something interesting.

In any case, there is nothing immoral about any sexuality, so "right" and "wrong" don't apply in my view. I think that everyone should love whom they choose, however they were born or grew up; heterosexuality is predominant but not absolute in nature, as it is with societies. Taking the simple rights to be together, let alone marry, from people on the basis of what isn't even a decision most of the time is simply oppressive.

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