ForumsForum GamesC.Y.O.A 2

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well about the first ! i had lots of players i couldnt keep posting ! i had school went vacation and ...

anyways now i am back with even better game CYOA 2 ! in this one you are not a leader of a army at first but you are a commander of a small group so it is a little harder than the last one !

you should know these stuff :

the quest givers : well these guys give quests some easy some well too hard !!!

the mercenery traders : well these guys sell any kind of soldiers !! and by any kind i mean any kind !!!

the resource traders : you will buy stuff from these guys like food iron wood and ... belive me you will need these stuff for making you base . city . empire and ...

armory dudes ! : well these guys sell armors weapons traps and ...

slavers : well these guys sell soldiers but cheaper ! but be careful you may buy some bad soldiers here not ! dont trust the slavers all the time !!! but sometimes you may find some excellent soldiers that couldnt be found in mercenery traders !!!

well these are the basic things you must know !

name :
age :
race :
bio dont be so strong like god of war !!! lol)
title : (ill choose based on your status)
class choose)
weapon based on bio)
armor based on bio)
status : 30
attack :
defence :
agility dogging attacks speed and ...)
strenght your power . how much strong you are)
crafting crafting things)
smiting smiting things )
constructing building)
army :6 soldiers you may choose
type anything but not to much strong)
allies based on your race ill choose)
enemies again as allies)

story :in the world of artia everything is in a bad shape ! races are fighting ! kingdoms falling and rising and ... you must make your army and make your kingdom ! or join one !!!!

well this is it !! pleas join !! MAX PLAYERS 6!!! have fun !

  • 7 Replies
1,179 posts

name aeldrus Andrough Delrada
age :23
race :Goblin
bio aeldrus was born on a small farm,where he qorked until he was 15,where he was shipped off to the big city,he worked as a guard for 2 years,before he was shipped off to the army and became an officer.
title : (ill choose based on your status)
class :Paladin
weapon based on bio)
armor based on bio)
status : 30
attack :
defence :
agility :
strenght :
crafting :
smiting :
constructing :
army :Goblin archers:Weak and wears rags with a weak bow.Goblin Riders:Goblins on tigers with spears.Goblin rogue:Thief/Peasent.Orc Swordsman:Big soldier in iron armour with a greatsword.Orc Chariot:Orc on a chariot pulled by 2 tigers.Orc Blademaster:Orc with 2 short swords.
allies based on your race ill choose
enemies again as allies)

1,255 posts

name aeldrus Andrough Delrada
age :23
race :Goblin
bio aeldrus was born on a small farm,where he qorked until he was 15,where he was shipped off to the big city,he worked as a guard for 2 years,before he was shipped off to the army and became an officer.
title : commander ( you are a commander of a group ! with this title you can controll you army better ! they wont riot they wont stand against you and ... your men have much more moral)
class :Paladin
weapon :hammer of gobolos and shield of gobolos (the empire you fight for .)
armor :armor of the gobolos officers
status : 30 (fill these man)
attack :
defence :
agility :
strenght :
crafting :
smiting :
constructing :
army : 3 Goblin archers - 3 goblin raiders - 4 Goblin rouge
1-Goblin archers:Weak and wears rags with a weak bow.
2-Goblin Riders:Goblins on tigers with spears
3-Goblin rogue:Thief/Peasent
4-Orc Swordsman:Big soldier in iron armour with a greatsword[locked]
5-Orc Chariot:Orc on a chariot pulled by 2 tigers[locked]
6-Orc Blademaster:Orc with 2 short swords.[locked]
you will have more soldiers when you rank up in the empire of gobolos
allies :empire of the trollaka (trolls) halfadrako (half dragon ! they are half dragon half goblins)
enemies :dwarfhold (dwarfs)

you are ok just split the status ...

1,255 posts

no one ? ...

1,179 posts

name aeldrus Andrough Delrada
age :23
race :Goblin
bio aeldrus was born on a small farm,where he qorked until he was 15,where he was shipped off to the big city,he worked as a guard for 2 years,before he was shipped off to the army and became an officer.
title : commander ( you are a commander of a group ! with this title you can controll you army better ! they wont riot they wont stand against you and ... your men have much more moral)
class :Paladin
weapon :hammer of gobolos and shield of gobolos (the empire you fight for .)
armor :armor of the gobolos officers
status :
attack :5
defence :5
agility :10
strenght :3
crafting :2
smiting :3
constructing :2
army : 3 Goblin archers - 3 goblin raiders - 4 Goblin rouge
1-Goblin archers:Weak and wears rags with a weak bow.
2-Goblin Riders:Goblins on tigers with spears
3-Goblin rogue:Thief/Peasent
4-Orc Swordsman:Big soldier in iron armour with a greatsword[locked]
5-Orc Chariot:Orc on a chariot pulled by 2 tigers[locked]
6-Orc Blademaster:Orc with 2 short swords.[locked]
you will have more soldiers when you rank up in the empire of gobolos
allies :empire of the trollaka (trolls) halfadrako (half dragon ! they are half dragon half goblins)
enemies :dwarfhold (dwarfs)

1,255 posts

name aeldrus Andrough Delrada
age :23
race :Goblin
bio aeldrus was born on a small farm,where he qorked until he was 15,where he was shipped off to the big city,he worked as a guard for 2 years,before he was shipped off to the army and became an officer.
title : commander ( you are a commander of a group ! with this title you can controll you army better ! they wont riot they wont stand against you and ... your men have much more moral)
class :Paladin
weapon :hammer of gobolos and shield of gobolos (the empire you fight for .)
armor :armor of the gobolos officers
status :
attack :5
defence :5
agility :10
strenght :3
crafting :2
smiting :3
constructing :2
army : 3 Goblin archers - 3 goblin raiders - 4 Goblin rouge
1-Goblin archers:Weak and wears rags with a weak bow.
2-Goblin Riders:Goblins on tigers with spears
3-Goblin rogue:Thief/Peasent
4-Orc Swordsman:Big soldier in iron armour with a greatsword[locked]
5-Orc Chariot:Orc on a chariot pulled by 2 tigers[locked]
6-Orc Blademaster:Orc with 2 short swords.[locked]
you will have more soldiers when you rank up in the empire of gobolos
allies :empire of the trollaka (trolls) halfadrako (half dragon ! they are half dragon half goblins)
enemies :dwarfhold (dwarfs)

your commander come to you and starts talking : officer i have a mission for you there is a problem in the grand market there are some punk humans that are causing problem pleas take you men and finish them off by the way dont kill them ! only use your hands but if you have to you can use weak poisenous arrows ... (they only make the enemy to fall sleep) alright officer head there !

1,179 posts

name aeldrus Andrough Delrada
age :23
race :Goblin
bio aeldrus was born on a small farm,where he qorked until he was 15,where he was shipped off to the big city,he worked as a guard for 2 years,before he was shipped off to the army and became an officer.
title : commander ( you are a commander of a group ! with this title you can controll you army better ! they wont riot they wont stand against you and ... your men have much more moral)
class :Paladin
weapon :hammer of gobolos and shield of gobolos (the empire you fight for .)
armor :armor of the gobolos officers
status :
attack :5
defence :5
agility :10
strenght :3
crafting :2
smiting :3

"Okay,listen up men!Me and you 2!"I point at 2 Orc Blademasters."We are gonna deal with these guys with just our fists"I now lead these 2 soldiers to the market,I sit back as my huge brutes beat the punks to death.

1,255 posts

name aeldrus Andrough Delrada
age :23
race :Goblin
bio aeldrus was born on a small farm,where he qorked until he was 15,where he was shipped off to the big city,he worked as a guard for 2 years,before he was shipped off to the army and became an officer.
title : commander ( you are a commander of a group ! with this title you can controll you army better ! they wont riot they wont stand against you and ... your men have much more moral)
class :Paladin
weapon :hammer of gobolos and shield of gobolos (the empire you fight for .)
armor :armor of the gobolos officers
status :
attack :5
defence :5
agility :10
strenght :3
crafting :2
smiting :3
army : 3 Goblin archers - 3 goblin raiders - 4 Goblin rouge
1-Goblin archers:Weak and wears rags with a weak bow.
2-Goblin Riders:Goblins on tigers with spears
3-Goblin rogue:Thief/Peasent
4-Orc Swordsman:Big soldier in iron armour with a greatsword[locked]
5-Orc Chariot:Orc on a chariot pulled by 2 tigers[locked]
6-Orc Blademaster:Orc with 2 short swords.[locked]
you will have more soldiers when you rank up in the empire of gobolos
allies :empire of the trollaka (trolls) halfadrako (half dragon ! they are half dragon half goblins)
enemies :dwarfhold (dwarfs)

first of all you dont have orc blademasters yet do you read your character status ???

two punks come run forward you ! you dodge their attack thanks to your great agility !!! than you jump on one of them and beat him like hell you punch him five times in the face ! two times in the stomache and than he is on the ground and feels pain ! the other punk says : i am sorry pleas pleas !! dont hurt me pleassssss !! than a you look around you see your your two goblin rouges are finished with the other punks ... no one dies ! excellent ! you tie up all of your enemies and wait till the guards arrive and capture them ! after a while captine arrives and while smiling says : nice job ! nice ! now that you proved your self are you ready for harder missions ??

(the choice is yours gather more soldiers while doing inside the city quests or head out and do harder quests ?!)

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