You, have been chosen as next Raider. But in a horrible snow storm everything got lost, and you live in a tiny village, enough to survive.But, an opportunityrise, boats arrive at the shore of the docks, now, you can band some people together and steal that ship. Choose what you want to be(Classes): British Pirate Japanese Ninja Scandinavian Viking European Warrior Italian Assassin Skyrim Nord(You wont actuallly be playing in skyrim)
Name: Class: ShipName of Ship) CrewIll add your crew) - - - - Bounty Stored:None. Gold at Hand:10 Gold ---------- Ship: Hull:100/100 Space:0/4 -(Ill put this one when you choose a class) ---------- SP:20 StrengthYour strength) BrutalityYour brutality done when in combat) DexterityYour toughness when in combat and harsh weather) StealthHow stealthy you are when raiding) AgilityYour speed of fighting and running) ---------- InventoryIll Put a starter) WeaonIll Put a starter) Armor:Clothes. HP:50/50 AP:5/5