ForumsWEPRWhat do you guys think about gun-control?

82 23964
339 posts

I think we should have as little gun control as possible because the second amendment saysâ¦

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
This pretty much means to things
#1 we need firearms to defend ourselves from our government (if it gets to oppressive)
#2 we need firearms to defend ourselves from other people (like in ww2 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor they could have easily invaded America and could not have been stopped until Nevada )

I think there should be almost no gun control what do you think?

  • 82 Replies
4,220 posts

it'll always be a privilege

Your life is a privilege. I can kill you, can't I? Therefore, you have no rights.

By the way, I find it interesting to note that there's been another school shooting in the last few days, surely the fact that these events keep occurring shows that at least an element of tighter gun control needs to be introduced as the problem isn't simply going to go away by itself.

Ummm... no. There were a couple car accidents recently. BAN CARS!

You're using the vast minority of unfortunate events to punish the vast majority of responsible adults. I know literally hundreds of people, both children and adults, who possess and/or fire guns on a weekly basis. How many have shot somebody? A couple, admittedly, but those cases were self-defense so that way they themselves wouldn't perish away. As for the rest, none have ever so much as fired at another human being.

You're trying to take away the hobby and sport of more than half this country for a few wayward murders which were most likely used with illegally possessed and obtained firearms. Very rarely does a legal weapon fall into the hands of a murderer, and in those few cases, most are 'crimes of passion' committed within the household, crimes that would be committed with a kitchen chair if push came to shove.

Criminals will kill no matter what, and I would much rather die by a gun than a knife.
90 posts

If, like me, you grow up with a responsible adult teaching you gun safety and how to be careful around a weapon, firearms will always be safe. Rules such as don't point the gun at something unless you are willing to shoot it, never load a weapon until it is on the range, etc. have been drilled into my brain for years and I am now a responsible gun owner. I own a 12 gauge shotgun, .243 rifle, and .357 magnum. The shotgun and rifle are for hunting, and the revolver is for self defense/pleasure shooting. I have never had to grab my guns in my own house, but I feel much safer with them in it.

38 posts

I think that the people without guns should be those with any mental issuse, such as autism or ADHD and people who have been arrested before because of something to do with guns. Otherwise, almost anyone else can be responible and use guns correctly.

4,220 posts

autism or ADHD

Neither of those are dangerous mental illnesses. Dementia, schizophrenia, and anti-social personality disorder (psychopaths) have propensity for danger. The autistic may possibly be a danger to themselves, depending on the severity, but most aren't in any danger. ADHD? Really? Please tell me the most overdiagnosed mental problem on Earth isn't actually your idea of mental illness. Not paying attention is different from shooting somebody.
1,826 posts

Gun haven of Pakistan
TT-33(Local) = RS 8000
(Imported) = RS 40000 max
M92 (Local) = RS 12000
(Imported)=RS 125000

2,763 posts

I don't have a citation for this but it is from my Neuropsychology book in the chapter of traumatic head injury and rehabilitation so I assume it's a real study that had pretty good statistic and research methods. Anyway

2,763 posts

Blah accidentally pressed enter, sorry for the double post anyway

"Countries that monitor gun purchase have shown dramatic success in reducing gun-related deaths and injuries. For example in Norway, a small, northern European country of approximately 5 million people, less than 10 deaths a year are attributed to gunshot wounds to the head. The latest statics from the U.S. Department of Justice report that of all homicides perpetrated in the US in 1998, 52% or 14,000 were committed with handguns."

All this nonsense of needing to protect yourself is full of bull here in Canada very few people have guns compared to the U.S. but we have less homicides in general.

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