This is a recreation of an old thread the objective is to create a Star system that can sustain life, then use them to conquor other solar system. remeber you are a minor god, so you cant just create stars and planets, but you can creat the basic elements to do so. any questions just ask
Star name: Tazenda proto planet: Paratus 21 light minutes away. very dense thin atmosphere Temp: molten Proto planet: Altior 9.7 light hours away. low density thick atmosphere Temp: cold
In the inner ring of silicates, I will place a largish asteroid in an eccentric orbit that crosses the orbit of Paratus. I'm trying to get the asteroid to collect a fair amount of the dust in the ring and eventually collide with a young Paratus, exchanging some elements and hopefully creating a large moon.
I'll create a spherical shell of comets around the entire solar system, allowing some of them to fall inward. I'm trying to seed Altior with water and amino acids.