New RPG game! With a random generator so I don't have to copy and paste over and over. This is the first time making an RPG using random story lines along the way. But at least now people won't cheat. Anyhow enough about that lets get on with the story line!
It is the 14th century. You are a prisoner. You were never supposed to be here. You were framed for doing illegal dark arts. You have 30 days until execution. It has been 15 days and you now have 15 days left until the execution. You were sent into one of the special cells with maximum security. The cell has double enhanced it's forcefield (unlike the other cell with only one) so spells wont do. and your meals have been cut down by 30% since you wont be living for long. Wait, whats that? "tap, cling, tap, cling." Now was your chance. You have planned this from the very beginning as you knock the guard unconscious. you knew it! It was the key holder. You grab his keys and free yourself. You run to the hall way where you find just a brick wall. With your destrustion magic,
You escaped!
But it's not over yet. Your execution date has no limit. Guards will keep searching for you until you find the real culprit. Or unless you decide to die so there is no running away and you will be in a better place. But your grandmother says you only have so much to live for and suicide will only let you miss all the good stuff. You made it to the village and people are trading in the market. You remember you are still wearing your prison clothes so you knock a man unconscious and steal his clothes. Luckily, he has a bag and you took it. Inside you find: 2 apples(20hp), 5 strawberries(7hp), 50 gold and a small slingshot. As you put on the clothes you realize the belt has a shortsword so you equip it. You can equip one melee weapon and one range weapon so you also equip the slingshot. Think of this as basic starter gear because you still have a long way to go.
Name: Ageany age over 16) Level:5 --------------------------------- Stat points:10(use up all points or you cant play) STR:4(strength, determinds how much damage you deal with normal attacks) DEF:3(defence, determinds how less damage you take from normal attacks) MATK:18(magic attack, determinds how much damage you deal from magic/elemenal attacks) MDEF:7(magic defense, determinds how less damage you take from magic/elemenal attacks) SPD:5(speed, determinds how accurate your attacks are. Larger speed difference gives you a chance for a bonus attack before the opponent's move) END:5(endurance determinds your MAX HP and MP) AGT:3(agility determinds how fast and how much you dodge an attack) ----------------------- DUE:15(days until execution) HP:78/78(hit points) MP:70/70(mana points) Inventory:5strawberries(7hp),2apples(15hp), Tarrot cardscollect these and trade them in at the magic shop to earn spells or enhance spells) Gold:50 Equiped:Short sword, slingshot Followers/Teamates:
You see an old lady in the corner. "you want information on the real culprit? Here is the address. Meet Rorocas there by 12:00 pm." You take the adress sheet. 78bersek street. You heard of that street before! It's the street your mother told you not to go to since it has such strange people. You realize this is your chance to stand up because what your mother said at the age of 5 is a piece of garbage now. You look for the building and a broodling(baby dragon) jumps in front of you. It is a fire brood and can set itself on fire. It looks like it means buisness and you should exterminate it. But what if it just wants to be friendly?
First, you need to work on your grammar and should take things slow. I see a well written intro, but the grammar and spelling and lack of captilization is horrendous, like it was just a rush after the intro.
You should also not throw people in to the game too quick and write a start for everyone. Each person should feel unique, so make them have different stories.
That's exactly what im doing. A random generator means each person has a different story line. If you don't like this there is daily lives 2.5 which starts off with no story line because it's your life and you can do whatever you want and make your own story line. There is no random generator though.
but you gave specific details like meeting that person at that time. that is something that isnt supposed to be for everybody. the story of running away can be directed to everybody while the actions after that and even the skills (i saw you decided to make everybody magic class) should be different and free
Fine, let me redo the story. But there will be no random generator for the first part because it's part of the
It is the 14th century. You are a prisoner. You were never supposed to be here. You were framed for doing illegal dark arts. You have 30 days until execution. It has been 15 days and you now have 15 days left until the execution. You were sent into one of the special cells with maximum security. The cell has double enhanced it's forcefield (unlike the other cell with only one) so spells wont do. and your meals have been cut down by 30% since you wont be living for long. Wait, whats that? "tap, cling, tap, cling." Now was your chance. You have planned this from the very beginning as you knock the guard unconscious. you knew it! It was the key holder. You grab his keys and free yourself. You run to the hall way where you find just a brick wall. With your destrustion magic,
You escaped! But it's not over yet. Your execution date has no limit. Guards will keep searching for you until you find the real culprit. Or unless you decide to die so there is no running away and you will be in a better place. But your grandmother says you only have so much to live for and suicide will only let you miss all the good stuff. You are at the village and people are trading in the market. You remember you are still wearing your prison clothes so I the creator(god) help you out since I know you are innocent. You are given the starter package: 2 apples(20hp), 5 strawberries(7hp), 50 gold and a small slingshot.(no sword yet)
Name: Ageany age over 17 and under 90) Level:5 ----------------------------- Stat points:15(use up all points or you cant play) STR:4(strength, determinds how much damage you deal with normal attacks) DEF:4(defence, determinds how less damage you take from normal attacks) MATK:4(magic attack, determinds how much damage you deal from magic/elemenal attacks) MDEF:4(magic defense, determinds how less damage you take from magic/elemenal attacks) SPD:4(speed, determinds how accurate your attacks are. Larger speed difference gives you a chance for a bonus attack before the opponent's move) END:5(endurance determinds your MAX HP and MP) AGT:4(agility determinds how fast and how much you dodge an attak) ----------------------- DUE:15(days until execution) HP:78/78(hit points) MP:70/70(mana points) Inventory:5strawberries(7hp),2apples(15hp), Tarrot cardscollect these and trade them in at the magic shop to earn spells or enhance spells) Gold:50 Equiped:slingshot(no ammo) Followers/Teamates:
Your misssion: prove you are innocent and find the culprit before it's too late.
Note:You can pass the DUE date but if you are captured after day 15, you are brought straight to the execution.
Hint:Maybe someone can help you if you know what you're doing...
(the endings for everybody are also the same. I don't feel like giving out random endings)
Sudenlly a 12 year old kid named tutorial Ted jumps in front of you. "Hi, i'm Ted but you can call me anything. I'm just here to guide you on a your journey whatever it is. Is this your first time?"
-yes, please give me a quick tutorial -No, I can do this myself
T Ted:"Ok now lets see how much you know about sword fighting"*gives you a shorts sword* "try and slice the dummy, don't worry since this is a tutorial you won't be attacked"