I read something about Morton's fork, which is basically a situation where you have two options that both have the same outcome.
For example, lets say you are captured and are going to be executed based on what you say next. If what you say is true, you will be shot. If you lie, you will be hung for lying.
In this game, the first person makes a Morton's fork. The second person who goes after them must try to escape the situation using logic and such.
For example, in the last example you could say "I will be hung". Then you can continue to explain your answer, if you wish. Then the person who answered asks another question.
If you feel the person in the last question's answer would not get them out of the situation, you may state what you think would happen and someone would state what they would think would happen.
For example, lets say you did not like my answer to the last question. You could then quote it and say something like "Thus you are hung then shot". These rules are meant to be a flexible outline, feel free to deviate a little.
Now for the first question:
You are captured and brought to a strange location. You see three other people there. A man with a shotgun comes out with a shotgun and asks the first one "Are you a happy communist?". The man replies no. He is shot for not being happy, which is a crime in this area. The second man answers yes. He is shot for being a communist and thus a traitor. The third man tries to explain in more words, and is shot for taking to long and thus wasting an officers time. He arrives at you. You have one word to explain yourself. "Are you a happy communist?"
ummm... ill say "no" while smiling. technically if you say no that doesnt necesairly mean you are unhappy. if someone asks if you are X and Y he only cares if you are both. so if you say "yes" its means you are X and Y but if you say "no" it means you are X or Y or none of them. cant think of a different more logical answer then "no" while smiling. and sorry but im not good in making up situations.
@Mort_Kawasaki: According to the situation, only 1 word is allowed. Therefore, you get shot because you took too long.
@thebluerabbit: The smiling indicates that you're happy, but the "no" and the logic indicates that you're not a communist. Therefore, you would not be shot, so you are correct.
A correct answer has been given, so a new situation:
You are a prisoner in jail. You are investigated, and the investigator asks you "Are you a capitalist or a communist?" If you say you're a communist, you will get hanged. If you lie, you will get hanged. There is a lie detector, so if you get caught, your answer will be considered a lie. Also, the investigator doesn't know whether you're a capitalist or a communist. You must give a 1-word answer or you will be hanged for wasting the investigator's time. Given this information, how would you answer the question?
You assassinated some rich guy, and got caught while escaping. A (loaded) gun is held up at your face. If you move, you get shot. If you try to kill the first guy, you get killed by some other people around you. The guy with the gun asks: "why did you kill him?". You have only one sentence to answer this. (further information: the guy with the gun is the only loyal one. The rest are hired goons, but they will try to kill you)
"because i know he ordered you and his other servents to kill them (the goons) so he wont have to pay them and id also give them all the money i just stole instead of just what he promised them"