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Okay, ever since i joined last year, there has been a Serious delcine in Game Quality, and were all part of the problem. we dont put any life into our games. the want to host a game is Slowly Fadeing. The Forum Gamers Clan was gong to fix the problem after AGv3 came out and start over new, but i Cant bare to see the page full or word games and Spam.

All i ask is that you pass all of your game idea (one at a time) threw this thread so that we can improve apon the game and make it better, put it to the Maximum Quality so you may WANT to host it. sorry for my anger but im at my wits End.

-Omni of FG

  • 113 Replies
3,042 posts

so we post a game we are working on? you help me fix it up?

2,515 posts

Ive got an idea, Dragon Realm

In an alternate reality where dragon are not only real, but sentient. the Dragonkin have evolved and began to dominate the mountain of Dal'th. there are rumors of war comming about. between the three races. Each striving somthing wanting there on place but at the cost of others.

The Humans, the want the domination of the land, all of the recorces and the elimination of Xenos ( other species) the human have an exceliant talen with building and animals but have fits of Rage and high self of steam.

The Gal'mor, the other, the came from the sky on a mountain of fire, and landed into the sea of dispare. they ozze Gamarays that allow them to Evolve and mutat as the grow. they stay hidden in the woods and jungles. in fear they hide from the humans to decline there rights and the dragonlkin who kill on sight. the Gal'mor just want to live amoung the living, not the plants

The Dragonkin' they are tired of living in fear of the humans, who ride ther brothers and sister like animals, the dragonkin jave been consumed with Rage and anger. they arnt very stragic but stronget and bigger that humans

War will start and you are cought in it. who will you fight for?

2,515 posts

( you ninj'd me) Well, not just me but anyone who thinks they could help.

1,676 posts

All i ask is that you pass all of your game idea (one at a time) threw this thread so that we can improve apon the game and make it better, put it to the Maximum Quality so you may WANT to host it.

So, you get sick of hosting your games? This is pretty common. You can ask your players What they think they should to to improve your game. To be honest, I don't see any other way to help yourself not get bored of hosting games. A way to not get bored or sick of hosting them easily is posting updates to your players posts periodically, not right after they post. Every 30 minutes is a good time period, that will help you have some fun or so without getting burnt out and bored quickly of it. It'll keep you looking forward to seeing what your players said. Plus, its not just you, it relies on the players, too. If your the host, and you put a paragraph or two into your story that you give the player, then they should do the same or something close to that. They should show more interest in your story, rather than just saying
I eat the fruit.
. I see something similar to that a lot in my games, and it makes me feel like posting back to them is a waste of time.
2,515 posts

Yep, but i realized that the story i make and game art very well thought, we just go

( Sword, guns, the future, robots)

( you take one step- i dont care any more)

1,676 posts

I'm hosting a game right now and I'm enjoying it a bit. I put a lot of detail into it for my players so they stay interested. I mixed Dead Space 2 (a horror game) with Amnesia (another horror game) and made up a story about it. It's called Kept in the Dark -- It's Just the Beginning.

3,042 posts

ok so I think I can fix it:

Dragon Realm

In an alternate reality where dragon are not only real, but sentient. the Dragonkin have evolved and began to dominate the mountain of Dal'th. there are rumors of war coming about. between the three races. Each striving something wanting there on place but at the cost of others.

The Humans, the want the domination of the land, all of the recorces and the elimination of Xenos ( other species) the human have an exceliant talent with building and animals but have fits of Rage and high self of steam.

The Gal'mor, the other, the came from the sky on a mountain of fire, and landed into the sea of dispare. they ozze Gamarays that allow them to Evolve and mutate as the grow. they stay hidden in the woods and jungles. in fear they hide from the humans to decline there rights and the dragonlkin who kill on sight. the Gal'mor just want to live amoung the living, not the plants

The Dragonkin' they are tired of living in fear of the humans, who ride their brothers and sister like animals, the dragonkin have been consumed with Rage and anger. they ar'nt very strategic but stronget and bigger that humans

War will start and you are cought in it. who will you fight for?

OK thats better I highlighted 'Mutate' because you spelled it wrong
plus I have an Idea,but you Prabaly wont help,cuz its stupid

2,515 posts

Ideas are open im all eyes

1,676 posts

I think you should play more games than you create. That would be a good way to learn more about how other people host games, and you'll be happier yourself when you host games. Another good thing to do is to not host more than one game at a time. THat would definitely wear you out.

And sorry I'm not contributing to the story that you and emochick are creating.

2,515 posts

i used to love doing that, i would hos 3 good game at one and i would always be busy. ( i shhould do that again)

1,676 posts

I did that, and it did keep me busy, but I got headaches and stress from hosting too many games, so I only host one at a time now. I'm liking the one I'm doing now. I just wish players would actually get into the games more than they do and post longer sentences and actually post thoughts on what they're doing and stuff like that.

3,042 posts

I create better than I play,thats why I made it to where I make characters in my games that I control

Wolf Pack 2:

Its been long,very long since you've your family..."Food,water,sleep..."you pass out.when you wake up,There are wolves surrounding you,then humans burst in....

still more to come im still thinking

1,943 posts

It's a shame that armor games prefers the light uneducated word spam games over complex RPG's

2,779 posts

Wolf Pack 2:

Its been long,very long since you've your family..."Food,water,sleep..."you pass out.when you wake up,There are wolves surrounding you,then humans burst in! Hunters were shooting every wolf in sight. It wasn't long before one man aimed a gun at you.

How's this? Not much but I expanded your idea

2,515 posts

( wait you are a human in a wolve body?)

how about this

The last thing you remebered was seeing that Wolf below the Auras, The lights seemed to Cover the wolf and it turned to light. when your Family went to the car the lights decended apon you. slowly you drifted into sleep awaking in the middle of a field surrounded by wolves. you realise just then that you Are A WOLF.

( charater sheet)

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