You get pushed into the arena where you will spend the rest of your gladiator life, you get taken right into the center to fight your first opponent the soldiers give you a sword you then quickly slash your sword at your opponent he falls onto the floor and you then put your sword on his face and...
BASICS: Name: Age: ( 15 - 21 ) Reputation: 000 --------------- STATS: SP: 24 STR: ( your strength ) AGI: ( your chance to hit ) ENE: ( your stamina ) END: ( your health ) DOD: ( chance to dodge ) INT: ( a little bit of everything ) CUT: ( how good you look ( extra rep and stuff ) ) SPD: ( your speed ) ------------------- LEVELS: Base Level: 01 Base LEVEL Exp
You run around him then he strikes and you dodge, you then shoot him in the back but miss he turns around a hits you. You fall on to the floor and he has a spear on your body.
You put your bow down and when the man was looking in the air looking at peoples responses you grab the spear and push it away it hits the mans helmet and he goes a few paces back.
You put your bow down and when the man was looking in the air looking at peoples responses you grab the spear and push it away it hits the mans helmet and he goes a few paces back.
You get up and have your spear in your hand. The man quickly runs at you head first, but you quickly trhow your spear to his helmet it hits and it cracks it making him vunurable to quickly attack.
You quickly run to your bow and get it, you aim and fire luckily it hits him in the stomach. The crowd cheers and people say " KILL HIM! " You walk closer and fire another arrow at his knee " ARRRHHHH YOU"LL PAY FOR THIS " The man said to you.