ForumsForum Gamesin the middle of the eye

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you lived your live, went to school/work, you made every-day-things till you dreamed that dream. it started like a normal dream and saw a big, floating eye, looking straight at you. it fell slowly towards you. you entered it through its pupil. you woke up with a strange feeling. you looked at your clock, not noticing it stopped.instead of doing whatever you do after standing up, you went outside. the streets and the neighboourhood were empty. after knocking on doors and ringing bells you found out that the houses were empty too. you tried to use your phone to call your family and friends but nobody answered, not even the police. something strange is going to on and you have to find out what.

character sheet:

name: (first and last, if you like: surrname and/or nickname)
gender: (male or female
age: (10-40, you can be 5 or 90 too but then you are handicapped by your age)
living: (example: 10-17: by mom and dad, 18 or older: alone in your own house or with your own family but you cant find them)
description/bio: (how you look, what you did before this happened but keep it short)
inventory: (i will change that later)
time: (same as inventory)

maximum 5 players, if someone a dies or leaves you can join.

i start it tommorow, now its too late. good night, i go to bed.

  • 42 Replies
200 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: a watch, and my backpack, with sodderiron for machine class
time: (same as inventory)

opps i ment to say i get up and shout "mom what day is it "

4,710 posts

name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

he answers with a bark since you cant understand animals. anyway, on the your way you notice that all the streets are empty, except the empty cars. you see even an empty school bus, laying on the side. what is going on?

what will you do?


name: Tanner Easley
gender: male
age: 14
living: My mom(40) dad(42) and brother(17)
description/bio: 5'11, light brown hair/ eyes. Tan.
inventory: Watch, wallet (with 20 bucks), back-pack(with school supplies)
time: 9 o clock

you see you brother in the kitchen, preparing two back-packs. he murmurs: this isnt good, everyone dissapeared." as he sees you he jumps a little bit. "Tanner, man im glad that you are still here. i wondered why my radio-clock didnt wake me. but then i saw moms and dads car still in the garrage. i tried to call them but not even thwe police is answering!"

what will you do?


name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: a watch, backpack, with sodderiron for machine class


what is that, a tool?

anyway, your mom doesnt answer you.
942 posts

name: Tanner Easley
gender: male
age: 14
living: My mom(40) dad(42) and brother(17)
description/bio: 5'11, light brown hair/ eyes. Tan.
inventory: Watch, wallet (with 20 bucks), back-pack(with school supplies)
time: 9 o clock

I tell him to turn on the news, maybe it'll explain something about the phones not working.

3,042 posts

name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

I walk faster to my moms work

116 posts

name: Mickey "Mouse" Jeymann
gender: Male
age: 11
living: mom, dad. (can i say they disapeared or is that too much?)
description/bio: short brown hair sculpted into a fohawk, blue eyes, a bit on the chubby side, 4ft,6in
inventory: Watch, Backpack, Black guinea pig named ninja,Ziploc bag of guinea pig food, water bottle.
time: (same as inventory)
(He is homeschooled, FYI)

I get up and yawn "Wakey-Wakey, Ninja" i say as i open his cages and scratches his head and put food in his bowl and take his bottle to the bathroom to fill it. i wonder what i am going to do today as i fill the bottle and return to my room to put it in his cage and close the door. I put on a generic grey T-shirt and black sweatpants and go downstairs.

200 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: a watch, backpack, with sodderiron for machine class

[quote]what is that, a tool?

yes it is used to weld a small bit of metal called soder to wires and stuff like that but i cant find the right spelling its not bery big mine in real lifer is maybe 6" at the most

i go to my closet and get stuff for class (probably missed first period ) like paper a pen a small wrench and get dresed

200 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: a watch, backpack, with sodderiron for machine class

what is that, a tool?

yes it is used to weld a small bit of metal called soder to wires and stuff like that but i cant find the right spelling its not bery big mine in real lifer is maybe 6" at the most

i go to my closet and get stuff for class (probably missed first period ) like paper a pen a small wrench and get dresed
4,710 posts

name: Tanner Easley
gender: male
age: 14
living: My mom(40) dad(42) and brother(17)
description/bio: 5'11, light brown hair/ eyes. Tan.
inventory: Watch, wallet (with 20 bucks), back-pack(with school supplies)
time: 9 o clock

he turns on the t.v. but all you cann see is static. after flipping through the channels you notice that either your t.v. is broken or all channels are not working.


name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

you can now see the building. you see some empty cars, some of them are destroyed. you see the car of your mom with its tires into the air.


name: Mickey "Mouse" Jeymann
gender: Male
age: 11
living: mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair sculpted into a fohawk, blue eyes, a bit on the chubby side, 4ft,6in
inventory: Watch, Backpack, Black guinea pig, Ziploc bag of guinea pig food, water bottle
time: 12 o clock
pet: Ninja (black guinea pig)

normally your mom would say "good morning sleepyhead" while she prepares breakfast for you. but she isnt in the kitchen. after searching through the house you notice that your parents are gone.


name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: watch, backpack, small sodderiron for machine class
time: 16 o clock

(ah ok)

you look at your clock to see how late you are. it is 16 o clock, you skipped school for today.

3,042 posts

name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

"No..." I look in the car and search for her

200 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: watch, backpack, small sodderiron for machine class
time: 16 o clock

"aw what ever only really missed machine class "
i drop my back pack and head down stairs

4,710 posts

name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

you run towards it. as you look inside her car you see that its empty. and there is nowhere blood on the ground, only some oil.

3,042 posts

name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

I scream,and look for dad

4,710 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: watch, backpack, small sodderiron for machine class
time: 16 o clock

as you go down you notice that your dad is still at work but you find it strange that your mom is not home. you find a note: im in the super market, if you are hungry eat a sandwich or so, i cook after i got home.


name: Kay Tawana
gender: female
age: 13
living: Jeane (mom) and Tom (father) dog Balto
description/bio: Long black hair, brown eyes, skinny, tall, 4'6
inventory: dog collar, Leash, small lighter, cellphone, Necklace
time: 10 o clock
pet: Balto (dog)

(you sneaky ninja, im glad that i refreshed this page before i made my double post)

you run into the building. normally there are busy people but its empty. balto followed you and now hes sniffing on the ground. he found some slime on the ground.


thats it for now, i go to bed. see ya again tomorrow! im tomorrow online at 16 o clock or so.

200 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: watch, backpack, small sodderiron for machine class
time: 16 o clock

i grab a sandwich and head out side "it must be saterday"

4,710 posts

name: drakeo star
gender: male
age: 16
living: with mom and dad
description/bio: short brown hair brown eyes 5'6"
inventory: watch, backpack, small sodderiron for machine class
time: 16 o clock

you make youself a sandwich, then you go outside. you notice that the streets, the houses and the gardens are empty. it is like you are in a ghost city.

Showing 16-30 of 42