Name: Rory/FeistyPaw
Age: 12 Years/4 Moons
Species: Human/Dark Wolf
Apprentice: Rory:FiestPaw
Inventory: Human/Animal: Axes, Sword, Silver Steel Armor, 1,555 Gold, Claws, Fangs, Gold Shield.
Equipped: Few axes and knifes
Armor: Human:Silver Steel; Animal: Armor on paws, Fangs and claws
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Place: Arena
Allies: Feistypaw
Skill: Biting, Clawing, Throwing, Swing, Punch, and Stab
She is not a skunk she keeps the univers in order with the rings of light.
she sleeps happily
Name:Fredrick J Vensterg/Black Moon
Age:15 Years/2 Moons
SpeciesarkHuman/Holy Black moon Wolf
Apprentice:Fredrick J Vensterg/Black Moon
InventorySilver-diamond-tipped-sword/Rare-Sword,Steel-armor,axe,32,200 gold,key, animal-claws,animal-steel-armor,fangs,2 emeralds, slip to shop,and a slip to the blacksmith,100 Platinum arrows,special sword.
equipped:Bow, Silver-diamond-tipped-sword,and Special-Sword.
Armor:steel armor
Time00 P.M.
axe swing,aim,fire,stab
AGAIN to all of you:"we have given you a break,free time you may call it,you can fight or train on your OWN time
Name: Joshua/Ghalaghor
Age: 20 Years/6 Moons
Species: draenei (half-human half-dragon)/winged dragon
Apprentice: Joshua; Ghalaghor
Inventory: katana, dual poison knifes, wooden armor, claws, scales, fangs and tail, 7,700 gold, Grow food, health potions
Equipped: katana, dual poison knifes, claws, fangs and tail, bow;590
Armor: wooden armor, scales
Time: 1:00 A.M.
Place: arena
Allies: Ghalaghor
Skills: talking to dragons, sword swing, sword stab, dragon fire, aim, shoot, fire arrows, double dodge, constorsits, triple speed, double speed flying
"see the wings? it wakes you fly faster."