Age:in 12 years/ 1 moon
Inventory:Humanlay sword,wooden armor
equipped:none yet
Armor:none equipped
Time00 P.M. next fight in 2 hours game time
Place:Arena entrance
Enemies:none yet
You see a map, it says:
new map:
Hostpital,blacksmith ,training,resting,food,and the veterans corner , 2nd arena and the Mage,dummy raffle,Arena 1,arena2,pet shoppe,and alcemtry (mixing two items)
what do you do?
Name: Joshua/Ghalaghor
Age: 20 Years/6 Moons
Species: draenei (half-human half-dragon)/winged dragon
Apprentice: Joshua; Ghalaghor
Inventory: katana, double hooked katana, dual poison knifes , wooden armor, fly armor, fire claws/fangs, large wings, tail, fly armor 11,220 gold, Grow food, health potions
Equipped: Human: katana, double hooked katana, dual poison knives, bow;590 Animal: fire claws/fangs, large wings, tail
Armor: Human: fly armor; Animal: fly armor
Time: 5:00 A.M.
Place: arena
Allies: Ghalaghor
Skills: talking to dragons, sword swing, sword stab, dragon fire, aim, shoot, fire arrows, double dodge, constorsis, triple speed, double speed flying, wing slap
At the pet shoppe. Ghalagor is bigger than you by an inch or so
Its the next battle. You see at the blacksmith a tranqulizer, a crossbow, and a sheild.
Name:Fredrick J Vensterg/Black Moon
Age:15 Years/2 Moons
SpeciesarkHuman/Holy Black moon Wolf
Apprentice:Fredrick J Vensterg/Black Moon
InventorySilver-diamond-tipped-sword/Rare-Sword,Steel-armor,axe,30,900 gold,key, animal-claws,animal-steel-armor,fangs,2 emeralds, slip to shop,and a slip to the blacksmith,100 Platinum arrows,special sword.
equipped:Bow, Silver-diamond-tipped-sword,and Special-Sword.
Armor:steel armor
Time00 P.M.
axe swing,aim,fire,stab
"Now sir, go do as I said."