Hi, and welcome to The Game Quiz! *drumroll* This is just a time-waster, no prizes (but if you want you could!) *drumroll* There will be 30 players on each round, climbing to the Winner Club. Whoever has the most Armor (the points of this game) will be the Winner. *drumroll* If there is a tie, IT WILL BE THE EPIC TIE BREAKER!!!! (this quiz contains 10 questions, updated everyday) *dru--* You: OKAY NO MORE DRUMROLLS!!!!!!!!! Me:
If there is a tie, IT WILL BE THE EPIC TIE BREAKER!!!! (this quiz contains 10 questions, updated everyday) *dru--*
If there is a tie, THERE WILL BE AN EPIC TIE BREAKER!!!! (each day contains 10 questions, updated every day) *dru--*
1. What is the quest statues at CASTAWAY 2? 2. What should you do when your pet died and you want to revive him/her? CASTAWAY 2? 3. Is there a tower defense part of Castaway? 4. What is the 'Blue Elephant' game author? (Achievement Unlocked, etc) 5. How much floors are there in Achievement Unlocked? (Not counting the roof) 6. Can you destroy the Achievement Unlocked building?