ForumsWEPR[Locked] 9/11 conspiracy theory?

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490 posts

Everyone remembers where they were on september 11th 2001. An unprevoked attatck on americam civilians sent america into a 10 year war against alqiada. i have heard rumors about the us government being somehow directly resposible for the 9/11attacks. Any thoghts, comments,or beliefs of this rediculus theory?Have you heardthis thory before? Also Where wereyou on that fateful day?

  • 82 Replies
59 posts

Seriously are so blind to even consider the possibility that the united states president would intentionally try to attack his own country?

Well please rethink that. The 9/11 conspiracy was meant to attack the points of free trade and on America. A sign that the extremist islamic's in Iran did not like America

493 posts

Right. So there have been a lot of theories about this and I think out of them all, the truest had to do with the third building that came down. It was a trade center near the twin towers and thermite was found at it's base. Now I'm not sure if this is true or not because I saw it on some random documentary.

As for where I was, I was a 3 year old baby in our apartment across the Manhattan bridge, waiting as my life as a Muslim would be changed forever.

490 posts

Ok i live in new york. First of all, to my knowledge there has never been any bombing or attempted bombing of the GWB (George Washington Bridge). This is something that would be on the news because it is one of the only ways to leave long island. Even if it was "covered up" and wasnt on the news it would have traveled by word of mouth because if thefe was a bombing attempt on the GWB it would have been closed for at least a few hours. Which would be big news here because every daythousands of people cross the gwb every day to go to work off the island.

Second, waving a flag doesnt make someone a hero, but it sure as hell proves a hpoint. We were giving a big finger to bin ladin and alqiada. We were telling them "YOU FAILED". Because their goal was to fight our freedom our resolve and our peace of mind. And they failed. Instead of fracturing our country, they made it stronger. They made it closer. Andthey made it mad. Waving that flag didnt make anyone a hero, but they certainly supporting the heros. Im talking about all the firefightersthat ran into those buildings to help those trapped inside. Im talking about the people inside the buildings who helped carry a cripped woman down 80 flights of stairs orconsoled the peson who was freaking out. Im talking about the voleteers who put their lives on hold to help feed the people clearing the rubble or traveled across the country to help look for survivors. Or what about the people on United Airlines flight 93 who revolted against the hijackers and prevented the plane from crashing into the white house or the capitol building. There were millions of heros that dayand america will always remember

i dont believe for a second that our government would blow up the world trade center for... wait why? To boost the economy? the world trade center was the heart of our economic might. New Yoks economic toll was over $80 BILLION. And are you saying that the government reqruited a bunch of arab guys to crah a plane into a building only to use a bomb to blow it up? If they were going to use a bomb anyway, why crash a plane
into it too? It wouldnt be so hard to beleive that alqiada would use a bomb to blow up the world trade center; he tried it in 1993. And there is just no way that our government would do something so gut wrenchingly evil. I was there. I saw the planes. I saw the smoke. I saw how everyone looked up every time a plane flew past for months after. i saw weeks later the pile of rubble still smoking like it just happened. do you really believe that someone in our government said "i know how to boost our economy! we an use commercial jets as guided missles and fly them into the biggest buildings in New York, which are also symbols of our economic might!" And if this was the governments doing, why would they also fly a plane into the pentagon, killing over200 government workers?

5,552 posts

Instead of fracturing our country, they made it stronger.

They killed over 2000 people.

They destroyed two large buildings.

They severely damaged our airline industry.

They made people afraid of the airlines.

They provided a cause for a war.

This lead to us being put ever further in debt than we were.

I'd say that the attack was pretty freaking successful. It didn't make us stronger in any way.
490 posts

I simply meant that the citizens of America united and stood as one. (sheesh so literal)lol

@Kasic By the way they killed over 3000 people not 2000

5,552 posts

It depends on how you want to view the death toll.


I simply meant that the citizens of America united and stood as one.

Because over half the country not wanting to be fighting right now is united.
490 posts

Because over half the country not wanting to be fighting right now is united.

im not talking about right now. im talking about immidiatly after 9/11 and im also not talking about wanting to fight, im talking about wanting to help those in new york. and not everything is meant to be that literal you have to read sub-text
242 posts

I dunno, probably asleep in bed. Anyway, most of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are the same sort of people that claim the Government meets with aliens in private and allows them to probe citizens, so I'd say we can quite easily doubt their sanity. That's not to mention that almost all of the conspiracy theories are quite easily debunked merely by looking at the facts of what happened.

I agree Avorne.
408 posts

The thing that first set alarm bells ringing was that George Bush said to invade Iraq without having any evidence that those who caused 9/11 were from there.

George Bush was just an idiot who didn't know the difference between and Indian Sikh and a Turkish Muslim. There was a programme on the TV that proved all of the conspiracy theories wrong.

5,552 posts

The thing that first set alarm bells ringing was that George Bush said to invade Iraq without having any evidence that those who caused 9/11 were from there.

That had been told to the public...
4 posts

It annoys me a little that US citizens make such a fuss over 9/11. I mean, yes, people died, yes, it is a terrorist act, yes, it killed the innocent, but it is not the first attack, and neither is the only one.
All over the world terrorists blow up buildings and kill people, but somehow the attack on 9/11 is way more important. I don't think I can take another Discovery Channel documental about how 9/11 "changed the world forever".

Anyway, apart from my own opinion I do think that the US government had something to do with it. In times of war this black and white pictures of countries are rarely true.

5,851 posts

It was not a conspiracy on fact I heard that someone was actually warning of something like 9/11, but nobody listened to him

5,552 posts

It was not a conspiracy on fact I heard that someone was actually warning of something like 9/11, but nobody listened to him

In general yes. I don't think anyone was saying that the twin towers would be targeted, just that the possibility of a plane hi-jacking to cause massive damage was a possibility.
5,851 posts

Ipoh I didn't even realize that he was warning abiut plains being hijacked oh and why would the president order this, one of the plains was supposed to hit the whitehouse

1,773 posts

for a long time i didnt belived in it too. i was sure that it wastn a conspiracy. but then i invastigated a little, and started to find out thete something is smell fishy.
ther are alot of peopels out ther, everyone with his own truth, but some if you look hard enough, you can find that alot of evidance, like the TNT matirial in the garbage that left in the towers, the plaine that disapear in the pentagon. ther are alot of thing that need to be explaind.

im not from USA, and as alot of peopels said, we, Israel, just "enjoyed" it. {dont even dare to say hat we did it!}. but i am curios, and as a Bystander, somthing is wierd there.

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