I try to get in close to attack one as i kick the other to the floor.
this is not a "Get in close enough to kick" weapon!
Name: Matsuta Fugunaga
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Class: Bow Ashigaru
Physical Desc: 5'7", Brown Eyes, Brown Hair, Muscular and Thin
Personality: Concentrating, Calm and Impulsive
Trait: Concentration: you can take aim sometimes and give a good shot
Clan: Uesugi
Clan Trait:Warrior Monks are teh best
Bio: Matsuta was born in Hiroshima. When his father caught him using his bow at 5 years, he signed him up for archery. He was at the top of his class. He joined the Japanese Army as an archer, and came home after his initiation. He found his mother dead. Matsuta swore that he would avenge her by killing any who pose a threat to him. He met a friend in the army, Kiyoemon Furusawa, and they became blood brothers. They have stood by each other every day since.
Perk: From above
Weapons: Kyudo, Short Katana
Armor: Leather Karuta Tatami, Jingasa
Misc.: Leather Strap, Kerosene, Lantern
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/50
you kneel and stab him in the stomach, he falls over and another rushes at you
Name: Takigawa
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Class: Light calvary
Physical Desc: Average hieght and build, jet black hair, green eyes
Personality: calm, sly, intelligent
Trait: normal built: Not being burdened by a bigger man, your horse can move quicker
Clan: Takeda
Clan Trait: Best calvary
Bio: At least 5 Sentences, Optional
Perk: From above
Weapons: Yari
Armor: none
Misc.: some twine, a few coins, and a small bottle of Sake
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0
Yari, it turns out one letter is the difference between a polearm, and lesbian Hentai
you stab at them, but one Ashigaru with his spear still intanct stabs your horse, it rears up and you fall off onto teh ground, one of the other runs up for the finishing blow