ForumsWEPRU.S. Gas Prices

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As i heard on Fox News, this is the reason for high gas prices in the United States. Note: I am not playgarizing, i am just putting what i heard in my own words, aka paraphrasing.

The high price of gas here in the U.S. is a relentless jab at our pockets. But why is this happening? The price doesn't go down on a normal basis and no one likes that. But here are the reasons:
1. In the middle east, where most of the US's oil comes from, they are producing less. They are producing less due to the wars and uprising there. The demand doesn't stop, so the price to get it here in this first place is high.

2. India and China's demand has increased. The middle east just can't make enough at such a fast pace. So the price goes up.

I'm pretty sure all these facts are true, but correct if i'm wrong. I'm trying to write this out of sheer memory.
You're welcome :-)

  • 50 Replies
5,552 posts

And we're supposed to discuss...what, exactly?

1,810 posts

In the middle east, where most of the US's oil comes from, they are producing less. They are producing less due to the wars and uprising there. The demand doesn't stop, so the price to get it here in this first place is high.

This was well known to be a major reason for the price rises. And it doesn't seem to have an end in sight. Bikes FTW.

India and China's demand has increased. The middle east just can't make enough at such a fast pace. So the price goes up.

And they have more money to pay for it than most countries do right now. Of course, China's economy is based mostly on real estate, like the USA was, but that's another topic. And with their huge population, demand going up would be the expected result.
3,817 posts

Fox news. How could it be wrong?

1. In the middle east, where most of the US's oil comes from, they are producing less. They are producing less due to the wars and uprising there. The demand doesn't stop, so the price to get it here in this first place is high.

We make like 48% of it. Another 22% come from our friendly neighbors Mexico and Canada. So we get most of it from North America ( based off 2006).

2. India and China's demand has increased. The middle east just can't make enough at such a fast pace. So the price goes up.

I always thought China got it from Russia...Let me check. Just give me a second...

I'm pretty sure all these facts are true, but correct if i'm wrong. I'm trying to write this out of sheer memory.

I think you are wrong. So I corrected it.
3,817 posts

Alright. So back with some information on China's oil. It does import a significant amount of it from the middle east, and has been importing more and more. But I don't see why that would raise oil all to much.

India also appears to import much of it's oil from the middle east. This one an honest majority, if the source is to be believed. But once again, why would that raise oil prices for us?

1,826 posts

Law of demand and supply
will come in action
They can't produce enough so, they'll give it to the highest bidder

3,817 posts

Law of demand and supply
will come in action
They can't produce enough so, they'll give it to the highest bidder

Who can't produce enough? Mexico and America? The middle east? Russia? Everyone's fuel supplies are being met.

The only thing raising it in the law of supply and demand is the fact the demand is so high...
1,826 posts

If u could get all of it from N.A
u would'nt need m.e
but apparently u do import from M.E too
If OP is to be believed M.E ain't producing enough for world so Price will go up world wide

1,075 posts

Lol, sorry for me being slightly incorrect if you think that 314d1. I'm not an expert on this topic. I just though it would be interesting to mkae a thread off it cause i knew a bit about it... and Fox News is my favorite news station but i don't like watching the news at all really

1,075 posts

We make like 48% of it. Another 22% come from our friendly neighbors Mexico and Canada. So we get most of it from North America ( based off 2006).

If we made enough of it then the price would drop too... and lol that was in 2006. Ever since it seems as if we have become more dependent on the Middle East. And i never even knew Mexico and Canada exported oil to the US :P exactly my point... i'm not a pro at this subject xD
3,817 posts

If we made enough of it then the price would drop too... and lol that was in 2006. Ever since it seems as if we have become more dependent on the Middle East. And i never even knew Mexico and Canada exported oil to the US :P exactly my point... i'm not a pro at this subject xD

...You think we would start importing more when we have a war over there?

All right. Give me a second and I will find current imports...

Everything I can find suggests our hat produces most of our oil and our beard produces somewhere between second and third place, with us producing almost half our oil ourselves. What year would you like the statistics on?
1,075 posts

All right. Give me a second and I will find current imports...
Everything I can find suggests our hat produces most of our oil and our beard produces somewhere between second and third place, with us producing almost half our oil ourselves. What year would you like the statistics on?

Let me just say, i'm out. I am not at all a genius on this subject so i am out. But could u plz pull up the stats for, hmmmm, 2011? Thanks!
3,817 posts

If u could get all of it from N.A
u would'nt need m.e
but apparently u do import from M.E too
If OP is to be believed M.E ain't producing enough for world so Price will go up world wide

We get most of it from North America. We get another good percent from Venesuala (Who exports most of it to us, and if it ever stopped it would ruin it's own economy and is really in no position to control oil prices in any way), and a little bit from Sadi-Arabia and other middle eastern countries. To compare, we get almost as much from South America than the Middle East.

So compare it to something like oranges. We can make oranges here, and we do, so why do we import a ton of oranges from places like Brazil? Because it is cheaper than making them all ourselves.

Lol, sorry for me being slightly incorrect if you think that 314d1. I'm not an expert on this topic. I just though it would be interesting to mkae a thread off it cause i knew a bit about it... and Fox News is my favorite news station but i don't like watching the news at all really

Which is why we are debating about it.

If we made enough of it then the price would drop too... and lol that was in 2006. Ever since it seems as if we have become more dependent on the Middle East. And i never even knew Mexico and Canada exported oil to the US :P exactly my point... i'm not a pro at this subject xD

And why would it? We have been importing slightly more from Sadi Arabia, but not enough to be worried about. Mexico and Canada our still two of our biggest trading partners in oil, during any given year.
4,871 posts

I'm too tired to discuss this, but here is my contribution for tonight. It's a simple breakdown of U.S. daily oil consumption and production. There's also a graph, and who doesn't like graphs?

1,075 posts

Which is why we are debating about it.

After this i'm going to be so smart on this toic


Wow lol... we use double the oill that we can produce. Thanks for that link, as the info shocks me.

Also, in the winter, in Nome, Alaska, a gallon of gas, is up to 6 dollars!!! It's because the bay to get it there is frozen. So it isn't easy to get there.
3,817 posts

Let me just say, i'm out. I am not at all a genius on this subject so i am out. But could u plz pull up the stats for, hmmmm, 2011? Thanks!

I could not find any percentages, but I found the raw numbers themselves. Canada is still giving us the most, with Sadi Arabia in second, and Mexico in third, according to most sources. I can't find any of the production that we make, but it appears to be about the same as the 2006 version, where we are getting at least 60% of our oil from NA.
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