You are a babysitter. You babysit your younger sister period. But things go wrong as you start your own babysitting buisness at the age of [anything above 12]. Now only do you babysit your 7 year old sister but others as well, period.
Main mission: become the best babysitter parents love while gaining the love of the little ones.
Name: Age12 or above) Gender: ----------------- Love: 0% Recomendations:0 Wage: 1$/hr KNTBKids needed to babysit) Inventorypick 3 things you would bring with you for babysitting) ---------------- Time of day00pm Money:50$ Day:1 Babysitting daycare: House
Note: this game will be like morton's fork, whatever you chose will end up wrong but there is a hidden ending, if you can play right. Even if you get into conflicts you can find a way to get out of them.
Note#2 after the ending the game still goes on, just without a story line.
*facepalm* 1rst if all, I'm not dating naruto, i'm dating pacthesis sim boy characters. 2nd one more slip like that and you're banned from all of my threads!