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58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
5,552 posts

how should a person fight bulliying?

The real problem is that there's no good universal way. Each case is substantially unique. Overall, there's a few good places to start. Have it be recognized that there is bullying of some form taking place. Address the issue and support the victim. Be aware of what caused the bullying and why it persists. Other than that, usually the victim standing up for themselves in a non-meek (but also non-violent) manner will put the issue to rest.

As for a few don'ts...Don't make a public issue of it if it's a personal (usually embarrassing) matter. Don't continue what is causing the bullying if it's able to be helped. Don't take measures which will result in the victim being punished as well (violence/revenge/etc). Don't look to be affected by it, but also don't obviously fake not being affected by it.
1,773 posts

No. the 'bullies' dont bully him anymore. He is marked not as victim anymore. And that what all bullies victims goal need to be.

So yea, sometime violance is the solution. Tough life. I dont say go injure, but as i said, a nice strong push or a single strike can handle it, only when times is right.

and if you are a good kid, the school wont do anything. If your teachers know you, no one will exple you.

I dont know about USA, but here in Israel the class are made as "mother class", you have your class {We count the grades with letters, so i was A4. then B4, C4 and go on}. So we learn alot of subject with the same peoples. So you dont have 'english class' with one group and math wit another, they are the same students, with some classes in diffrunt levels, like math, you learn with other student at the same level as you are.
SO in this system, the 'motehr teacher' Know you, as she teach you 2 diffrunte class {citizenship and a 'class hour'. yes, even in the last year}. She {or he} know you. so they will "understand" when you fight back. they know your problmes, your personality. So in that case, his mother-teacher supported him, so he didnt got Suspended.
This help alot the problme. Again, im not sure how does it work in USA, but i belive that if peoples will know you, as a nice person, they wont kick you out for standing up for yourself.

Even that, dont get over 'exited' and charge at the bullies with rage.
Another friend of mine always fought with the bullies. Mostly he didnt won. It didnt solve the problme, as he was over Easily offended and too many times didnt got acused when he was the one who started to fight. so the bullies didnt stoped. maybe even the other way.
Only when peoples matured it stoped. This is how it mostly work.
And because he got buffed up for the army in the 11 and 12 grade. Now he is in a fighting Squad, in the paratroopers.

Bullies smell fear. dont show it and youll be fine.
Looking at there diraction - that show that you are affraid from what they may do. It also call for attention from them "hey! come here for a sec!" the worst thing you can hear.

RADAR - you want to be in 2 positions - or under the radar or abouve it. If you are weak, dont 'let them know it'. Dont Interact with them.
If not, be known. if peoples know who you are, they wont just bully you. That worked for me. When they knew me, they didnt threated me even once.

"Let it be" - you don want to go to the situation of "whats you gonna do?!". He passed you in the line of the kiosk/cafiteria? let it be, do like you dont mind. If you cant stand by yout threats, dont try. If you see them getting closer to the line, mostly do like your going to a friend or something, let them pass. this wont attract fire. I know, its sound like surrendering, but its better than be targeted, isnt it?

Dont be wierd - as a wierd by myself, i feel free to say it. Dont listen to your music in a general place. dont talk loud with friends on such subject. Dont be tagged. you prefer to be the background actor then the 'nerd' or the 'freaks'. Once i talked to some random peoples in class {math, with other student not from the mother class}. they mentioned some ****y girl. I asked "i dont recognize the name, with whom she hange out?" so the ysaid "with the nerds" and gave some names. Then i discovered that the 'nerds' werent our groups. I almost laughted. I mean me and my friends sitting in a empty class and talking on Computers, video games, seience and politics and some times even D&D, and we are not the "Nerds"? So we were just peoples. And it wasnt like we were outcast, peoples knew us. But we werent taged. {well, most of us}.

All of this is from my own experience, so I dont promisse that it will work for everyone. read it, think about it, and see if it is logic to your situation. Im not even sure if these tips are teh reasons i stoped bullieng on me. So if you think diffruntely, just say so.

And for last, im Sorry if i sometime repeat on things over and over and some times just go on with stories. when i write i write with emotions. I just follow my fingers. This is why i cant stand the quote quote fights.

5,552 posts

but as i said, a nice strong push or a single strike can handle it, only when times is right.

Yes, it can. But it can also make things worse, and it isn't always the only solution.

and if you are a good kid, the school wont do anything. If your teachers know you, no one will exple you.

That's not really how it works here. Although expulsions aren't usually a result of fighting back.

here in Israel the class are made as "mother class",

This is how it usually is in Elementary school (grades 1-5 usually) and then in middle school (6-8) there's homeroom, which is basically just attendance.

From middle school on, your classmates change greatly from class to class.

Dont be wierd

This is what made some bullies target me all throughout my school career for very brief amounts of time. I would usually just give them a dark look if they did anything other than call me names (which I didn't care about one way or the other, which also made them stop) or just entirely ignore it.
5,129 posts

This is what made some bullies target me all throughout my school career for very brief amounts of time. I would usually just give them a dark look if they did anything other than call me names (which I didn't care about one way or the other, which also made them stop) or just entirely ignore it.

i was used to give to dark look if they were just calling me names.
after 1 year or so they gave up and never had any bullys after anymore. 1 bully even became a friend of my 4 year latter when we came together in the same class again. xD
9,439 posts

and if you are a good kid, the school wont do anything.

It depends how many connections the bully has. If their parents have any influence, the victim gets slammed for fighting back against their 'oor innocent child'.

Although expulsions aren't usually a result of fighting back.

Usually it's some form of suspension. Only expulsion if you take it beyond defense into an aggressive stance, like if you don't get out of there when you get a chance and continue fighting. That's considered assault.

Dont show weakness

show your not a threat to them.

Not a threat = weakness. When they know you can't/won't do anything back, it's easier for them.
17 posts

I personally do not think it is right. The sooner that we can put a stop to this the better the future students going through school (and also adults in the workplace) will be

5,129 posts

The sooner that we can put a stop to this

sorry mate, you can't stop bullying.
you will always keep people that want to pick on another guy.
1,094 posts

I think bullying is awesome. I've been bullied my entire life, and it helped build the strong personality I have right now. In Serbia, bullying has gotten worse since the fall of the USSR in '91, and back then they carried knives to school. You can imagine it now.

I'm not sure how they do it in the US, but when a child in Serbia gets bullied, that child either fights, or dies. Simple.

You can't always go telling all your problems to your teacher, or whomever else. Sometimes you need to take action. Through the 12 years of school in Serbia, I've seen plenty of weaklings and such become people who are the heads of highly illegal businesses and are very much feared and respected. All because they stood up for themselves. The ones who didn't, the ones that were weak and frail, fell into depression.

185 posts

I'm surprised tha sensanity thinks bullying is awesome. Not if I'm on the receiving end.

5,129 posts

bullying is a fight to the death... interesting, in most countries you get jail for murder, in serbia it's just a bit of bullying. nothing bad...

anyway this is why i never understand east-european cultures.
it seems full whit useless violence.

seeing highly illegal businesses as a good thing. and things like that. it's very weird if you ask me.

13 posts

bullies are stupid and not bullying needs to be enforced.

1,094 posts

anyway this is why i never understand east-european cultures.
it seems full whit useless violence.

Ever since we came down to Eastern Europe we were savages. Our history was full of violence. There was scarcely a period where we weren't waging war. Our country kept falling apart, becoming new countries. Then came the golden age of the Kingdom, and after that Yugoslavia. When Yugoslavia fell apart, everyone got sick of it, and we became the psychopaths we are today. I can't tell you why the Russians are bat-**** crazy though, don't know their history too much.

seeing highly illegal businesses as a good thing. and things like that. it's very weird if you ask me.

It's not entirely like that. It's much more complicated. Like in any other country, the youth are the future. And in Serbia, the youth grows up in a dark age in our history, hearing only about war criminals and murders etc. This, sooner or later, influences almost every child in Serbia. The ones that move out, like me, move out because their parents realize there is no future for their child in the motherland.

Bullying in Serbia is a kind of process that cannot be evaded. When you are bullied, you either say nothing (as most do) or fight back. Fighting back is oftentimes better because it actually creates a stronger personality.
9,808 posts

bullies are stupid and not bullying needs to be enforced.

That's quite the generalization about bullies...and an incorrect one on top of it. Some bullies are in fact quite intelligent and use that in their bullying tactics

And even if non-bullying was enforced, it wouldn't solve much. Whether we like it or not, bullying is an integral part of life. It will always be around...the best thing you can do is basically teach people to not take what is said or done by a bully so much to heart
1,773 posts

in every wolf packs there are some alpha wolves who show the other there 'osition' and rank. From teh dawn of time to this day, we always want to be on the top, being the leader or be part of teh strong group. Some more than others. Bullies are leaders, as mostly they have a group around them.

What we realy need to talk about is ways to drive bullies off.
Maybe the education system need to make some changes, the schools need to act diffruntly.
Or by tips to the victims themselves, as we gave so many times here in this thread.

But the main thing you need to know about bullies - they are everywher. In your work place, in the street, in the neighberhood. so you should start to know how to handle with them.

58 posts

So tell me 157C how should a person fight bulliying?

You don't fight bullying, you walk away and speak up to a freaken parent or teacher! i've said this a million times. Your way of bullying is f&$#@d up.
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