
491 146674
58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
107 posts

i've been bullied a lot, mostly in middle school. its not really as bad as other people have it but its not a nice thing to go through. just name calling or them getting in my way is all they do.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

bullying is just teasing over and over again. I think teasing once out of fun is ok but constant bullying is wrong.

Feel blessed that you have never encountered what real bullying is like.
154 posts

People say teasing once is alright. Well bullying can escalate from just that and it gets nasty. Don't act like its OK. Some of us here kinda know. Also, if you have ever bullied someone, why? Cause if you have there is a good chance your are either jealous, frightened that other people will bully you if you don't make them think your better or you have found someone weaker that you (either physically or socially or mentally ect) and you want to exploit that.

1,608 posts

Well I have never been bullied nor am I a bully but I always hated bullies (except the game for my ps2 which was renamed to canis canes edit).
But in my school bullies are mostly insecure kids. Like one guy is kind of very big and strong and I think he bullies because he isn't the brightest light.
And one guy in my class used to bully people, saying that they were ugly and full of zit's even though he has them himself.
But there was once a time that a person teased me to much and I beat him a little. Never happened again.

703 posts

Bullied people usually become bullies. Thts the way life works.
I feel bad 4 bullies personally.

5,340 posts

Bullied people usually become bullies

i doubt that. usually those who get bullied are physically or socially weak and will not be able to bully someone else even if they wanted to
1,606 posts

i doubt that. usually those who get bullied are physically or socially weak and will not be able to bully someone else even if they wanted to

there is always someone weaker to bully.
4,710 posts

Bullied people usually become bullies

you are right, the punches/kicks/swearing turn you into a bully if a bully uses punches/kicks/cuss at you. it is like if a vampire bites you, you turn automatically in a vampire. so, if a bully bullies you you become a bully. its a law. *eyes roles*

i doubt that. usually those who get bullied are physically or socially weak and will not be able to bully someone else even if they wanted to

well, probably you are right but there are people like me who got bullied and hate to use violence because i want not to let people experience the same pain that i experienced. and i was not weak, except you call someone who gets bullied by 30 people at once weak. show me a child that does not know how to punch defending him-/herself against 30 other childs. i was ten and they bullied me for two years. sometimes they are HUNTING you just to bullie you. and if you tell it someone you give their anger some fuel. only love and a system that prevents the beginning of bullieing. it is too sad that there is not such a system so i had only the love of my mother or i had killed myself just to end this chapter of sadness.

there is always someone weaker to bully.

yes but is up to them to endure it or to do something to stop it. i got out the circle of being a victim.
4,710 posts

only love and a system that prevents the beginning of bullieing could stop/prevent bullies from bullieing others.

sorry for the double post, i forgot something.

also, some people like to bullie others because they have problems and the only way to forget the problem they bully others. that or because they need to have the feeling to be stronger than someone else.
3,371 posts

you are right, the punches/kicks/swearing turn you into a bully if a bully uses punches/kicks/cuss at you.

I don't know about usally, but it does happen. My little sister used to get bullied in school, as a result she took it out on me.

yes but is up to them to endure it or to do something to stop it.

Sometimes stopping it can be harder than letting it continue.

also, some people like to bullie others because they have problems and the only way to forget the problem they bully others.

Exactly. Which is why some people who are bullied continue to take it out on other people. Ironic, but it happens.
4,710 posts

it depends on the people. i was a victim of bullies and i didnt bully others. i stored the anger and then i exploded and punched the one that bullied me in my rage and anger but it was like i was controlled by someone else and as like i was beside me, watching while i punched back. that is a reason why i wont bully other people.

1,773 posts

sure, ther are some bullies who "hit to forget {hehehe 'eat to forget'}.
but ther are the ones who "bring" it from home. they see how ther parents behave, acting like tehy own the world: yelling in resturants, thinking '**** the police'/'the contry'/'the presedebt'/whatever. do the kid feel he 'own' the world too. no one will tell him what to do.

and ther are peoples who come from what called in Israel "good families". ther parents dont abuse them, they dont live in poor. but yet, they can one day, out of bordeness, to shoot a taxi driver {realy happened} or beat up peoples. they do it, because they can. because its "fun". we are closer to animals than you think. they jsut want to show everyone ther "rank", and feel superior.

4,710 posts

sure, ther are some bullies who "hit to forget {hehehe 'eat to forget'}.
but ther are the ones who "bring" it from home. they see how ther parents behave, acting like tehy own the world: yelling in resturants, thinking '**** the police'/'the contry'/'the presedebt'/whatever. do the kid feel he 'own' the world too. no one will tell him what to do.

yes, because they have nobody to tell/teach them what is good or bad. but define good or bad, everyone have different views of bad and good.

and ther are peoples who come from what called in Israel "good families". ther parents dont abuse them, they dont live in poor. but yet, they can one day, out of bordeness, to shoot a taxi driver {realy happened} or beat up peoples. they do it, because they can. because its "fun". we are closer to animals than you think. they jsut want to show everyone ther "rank", and feel superior.

that is the problem, a drunken girl lighted in berlin a car on fire just because she was bored.
58 posts

That's just creepy did she really set a car on fire just because she was bored?

465 posts

There are no bullies in my school but seriously don't bully people just to be popular
its not right
my friend knows someone who got areested for bullying

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