
491 146642
58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
574 posts
Grand Duke

Is that like help the bully-ee than stop the bully-er?

Most problems start at home, i am saying if we can teach people how to deal with problems like this we can avoid them being bullies.

.If you say that you can, then i ask you, can you stand by when your parents were being discredited? can you hold your temper if someone says bad things about your wive? can you hold back if your friends was being said rude words?

I will explain this, It took me awhile to get into the state of mind so emotions doesn't effect the way i think or act. My parents can handle them self, i am not particularly close with them. My dad is a guy who can more than handle himself he is always critical of everyone and feels the need to insult others he is very intolerable. He himself came from a home of alcoholics and his parents didn't give him the time of day. So when he younger he was normally in trouble with the police and others. Probably for a bid of attention. He does know this is wrong, he of-course didn't do well in school and normally didn't go. Was always in the headteachers office. He didn't realize what he did was wrong. Where i am from there was alot of children doing this and education wasn't really important. He regrets all of this and so when i was born i was to be everything he wanted to be. To get all the best grades in school and have a high paying job. When ever something goes wrong for me he doesn't like it and i get the blame Since i am suppose to be living the life he wished he could. Even when i do well he is critical from jealousy since he can't have this.

I have acted on defending my mother though,against an abusive guy (not my dad they split up long before this). Arguments between them is their issue i don't get involved in. As i have previously mentioned i help and defend those that can't help them-self this is not based on emotions, just a code i have.

Well i am not married and i don't plan to be. I do have relationships but nothing usually long term. I don't need more burden on me and seeking knowledge and my friends is all i really need. I would use the same rules though, if someone picks on someone i do step in based on my code. I don't think these are emotional in the slightest, unless a sense of fairness and justice is an emotion?

If your learning to deal with emotions or comments made about you. Don't expect it to happen fast. Instead of letting people know what they say effect you. Hold it in and then deal with it, yourself at home. Ask yourself why do these words effect you? If they say something to you say something back, What i do is pretend i feel sorry for them, If in-front of their friends this often will embarrass them. If what they say doesn't appear to effect you. Then there is no point in saying anything to you. Also they might see if they annoy you they get embarrassed which isn't worth it for them. They might of-course try to attack you if you say this so be prepared. Stand your ground and show your not scared. Even if you take the beaten they know your stand up to them. Then will likely leave you alone.
239 posts

From pft's fight thing.

I think if someone hits you hit them back 3 times harder cause they got serious and attacked you so they should feel the consequences.

191 posts


"Is that like help the victim then stop the bully"

Is that what you meant?

No, I mean: help victim > stop bully. Something like that.

Most problems start at home, i am saying if we can teach people how to deal with problems like this we can avoid them being bullies.

Yes, I definitely agree.
274 posts

Most problems start at home, i am saying if we can teach people how to deal with problems like this we can avoid them being bullies.

We see on the news cases of students cracking and picking up a gun and pumping lead into everything they see.
What the public never hears is 1.) How is their family life?
2.) Where the heck did they get the gun?

The parents are usually the blame.
239 posts

yeah that is true.

9,808 posts

I think if someone hits you hit them back 3 times harder cause they got serious and attacked you so they should feel the consequences.

That is some arbitrary and fallacious justice system you got there..

What the public never hears is 1.) How is their family life?
2.) Where the heck did they get the gun?

3) Why did no one try to help him?
239 posts

true true pangtongshu (after searching up for the word definitions) i guess i should mean at least hit them back but nonlethally perhaps a show of don't mess with me or something.

5,552 posts

i guess i should mean at least hit them back but nonlethally perhaps a show of don't mess with me or something.

No, you shouldn't hit back just because they hit you. Defend yourself, yes, but trying to make a general statement that you should swing too will only ensure a fight breaks out.
574 posts
Grand Duke

I think if someone hits you hit them back 3 times harder cause they got serious and attacked you so they should feel the consequences.

To some extent it would teach them a lesson but violence should be a last resort. Instead think what can be causing the issue. See if we could find some way to help them. Maybe what they need is someone to listen to them? Not saying it will be that simple or even possible. Also there is a number of behavioural issue that exist aswell.
191 posts

Maybe try to have a reasonable conversation first but you silently or discreetly document it then if things didn't go any better then go for violence. If certain authorities get in the picture you get your evidence proving that it wasn't you that started it, you even tried to solve things the peaceful way but that person is just really violent so you had to use violence against that person.

Something like that.

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