ForumsWEPRjesuss cancled the bible laws? {a confuesd jew}

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well, its said in the bible {not the "The New Testament". teh BIBLE} that "you shall not eat Capricorn on his mother milk" - dont eat meat and milk.
also, ther is the rule who say that the man need to eat only animals:
animals who Cud
animals who have Hooves
if the animal font have both, you shouldnt eat it {mean - no pigs, no horses, no hipos, no camels}

anotehr rule, a quite clear one is, that god stoped is work of creation in the seven day, and in teh 10 commands, he say, befor 'dont kill' and 'you shall have only one god-me'
to:"Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify" which mean : do not work or do any job in Saturday, and keep it holy.

and ther are more rules, that seems that, and im being sarcastic, jessus said "well, we dont need them anymore".

why? and why save the others? isnt just making a new religion, with a new god who have new rules?

  • 31 Replies
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let me fill you in on a brief history of Christianity after the death of Jesus. christianity was spreading wildly through rome and breaching other areas to, but one of the main reasons people weren't converting was that they didnt want to take up new traditions that would take time and money to commit to.
then a few years after jesus died one of his disiples (cant remember who (think it was jhon.) claims that god came to him is his dreams and said basically: that you dont need to follow the torah to get to heaven, belief that jesus is the son of god is enough to get you to heaven. from that day forward christans needed only to believe in christ to be classed christian

Where are you getting this from?

It likely had more to do with counsel decisions on the matter. Likely in order to allow in more people.
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