as the name suggests, here you can tell jokes, or funny riddles, or dirty jokes, or dirty funny riddles, or tongue twisters, or whatever the futz you want, just make sure that at least one person other than you will find it funny. enjoy!
little kelly was a girl who always wore skirts. one day, in kindergarten, timmy told her to go on the monkey bars. when she told her mom about her day, her mom said "dont do that again, timmy just wants to see your underwear!" so the next day, kelly went to school and timmy asked her to go on the monkey bars again. and she did. then her mom said "i told you he just wants to see your underwear!" so kelly said "but mommy, i tricked timmy. i didnt wear any underwear!"
One night while on a camping trip, Sherlock Holmes wakes up Watson and tells him to look up at the sky. "What do you see, Watson?" asks Sherlock. "I see millions of stars." says Watson. "What do you think this means, Watson?" Watson thinks for a moment, then replies, "Well, astronomically, I see that there are many stars and galaxies out in space besides our own, astrologically, I see that Saturn is in Leo, meteorologically, I can predict that it will be sunny tomorrow, and theologically, I think that we are small and insignificant compared to the entire universe. Um, what does it mean to you, Sherlock?" Holmes looks at him and says, "Watson, you idiot! someone has stolen our tent!"
once there were 4 friends named ****, john, harry, and william, but william was really tall, so his friends called him giant as a nickname. the 4 friends found a magical tree, where if you jumped off the highest branch and said a word followed by catch me, you would land in it. so the friends climbed the tree and took turns. **** went first, he said "awesome car, catch me!" and he landed in an awesome car. harry went next, but got scared and said "500 pillows, catch me!" and he landed in 500 pillows. giant went and said "infinite money, catch me!" and he landed on a giant wallet. then was johns turn, but he tripped, and he was falling so fast, he called out to his friends "GIANT, HARRY ****, CATCH ME!"
i had to uncensor the name d'ick, so dont mind the '
once there were 4 friends named d'ick, john, harry, and william, but william was really tall, so his friends called him giant as a nickname. the 4 friends found a magical tree, where if you jumped off the highest branch and said a word followed by catch me, you would land in it. so the friends climbed the tree and took turns. d'ick went first, he said "awesome car, catch me!" and he landed in an awesome car. harry went next, but got scared and said "500 pillows, catch me!" and he landed in 500 pillows. giant went and said "infinite money, catch me!" and he landed on a giant wallet. then was johns turn, but he tripped, and he was falling so fast, he called out to his friends "GIANT HARRY D'ICK, CATCH ME!"
there were 3 kids named fly poop and shut up one day fly and poop got stuck togeter so shut up went to the police staton and heres what happend shut up: help police man police man: help with what shut up: fly got stuck in poop police officer: wwhat is your name son shut up: shut up police officer: ecuse me that is very rude now what is your name shut up: i said shut up police offercer: your under arest for disrepecting an offical police officer you have the right to remain silent so fly and poop are stuck like that forever shut up ends up in a jail sell and so do all the people that know him and can speack
Imagine your on a deseted island. There is no food, only one tree, and the water surrounding the island is shark infested. Civilization is nearly 28 miles away. There seems to be no way to escape or survive. How do you get off the island?