ForumsWEPRignorance, and the man who wants to put it into schools.

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2,487 posts

In order for you to understand this one, you need to watch this episode of the colbert report. you only need to watch the final segment with the interview, but by all means watch the whole thing.

this guy is trying something that not even william jennings bryan was able to do in his battle in the supreme court. he is trying to put creationism back into biology classes, and history classes. he is trying to take a dump on the so called "left-wing liberalists" (scientific knowledge) and believes that his cause is just.

in my opinion, this is something that I as an educated atheist texan (a very small minority, mind you) cannot stand for. he is trying to force religious belief when we have in effect some form of church and state separation that prevents such an act of fundamental idiocy.

now, my better question is, should we allow people like this any say in how our educational system is run? what is your take on this guy's quest?


  • 62 Replies
2,487 posts

Well isn't he their Dad????
Correct me if I'm wrong

either you justt said that the guy we are talking about is their dad, which is not only a stupid thing to say, but completely wrong, or you just said their god is their dad, which isn't as bad, but still an odd thing to say.

i"m guessing the latter, so I'll base my comment off of that assumption:

it's fine in a religious private school, but in any public school, this is a bad idea. we have SoCaS for a reason, which is to prevent any religiously based trouble at school.

210 posts

either you justt said that the guy we are talking about is their dad, which is not only a stupid thing to say, but completely wrong, or you just said their god is their dad, which isn't as bad, but still an odd thing to say.

Lol Sorry i misunderstood, Now i Understand why so just ignore my Stupid Comment
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