ForumsForum GamesThe rebellion

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3,592 posts

You where born in a prosperous land rich in a mysterious crystal(Electrite crystals)that are used to power up machinery, luckily the land was used to grow food, and crops instead of mining for the precious material, Hopefully your landlord was a very kind man that gave you supplies to build farms, and towns where you could live, that is until he passed away and his ambitious son took over as Landlord; at first he was a great landlord until he grew ambitious, and wanted to take over neighboring countries that weren't rich in Electrite crystals.
1 year later he created a personal army made up of enforcers; that enforced the laws of the land, as he declared war on a neighboring land he started forcing people to work in the mining of Electrite crystals, as the people started to get mad for being forced to do labor without pay they started rebelling and there forth the rebellion was made.
But not everyone supported the rebellion and continued to work in the mines and on the fields hoping that their loyalty would get recognized, eventually it was but those who had rebelled continued to rebel because of the poor living conditions and the lack of food. This is where you come in.
A militia group infiltrates the mine and shoots at the enforcers he says come if you want no more tyranny from the tyrant lord Go or stay.
Reasons to join.)
Enforcer side.)
-Warrant Officer
-Enforcer 5.56mm rifle.
-Enforcer .45mm handgun
-Enforcer combat knife.
Armor.)Enforcer armor.
Rebellion side.)
-Militia veteran
-Militia leader
-Rebel soldier
-Rebel officer
-Militia 7.62mm bolt-action rifle.
-Militia 9mm handgun.
-Militia machete.
Armor.)light steel metal.
Training level.)Recruit.

  • 511 Replies
2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

"Hey thanks." I said before I head for the nearest tank to drive it to helicopter landing pad.

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

Head engineer"Well grab the grappling hook and connect it to the tank."

2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

"Okay, but your men have more or less than 30 min to load as many tanks as you can into the zeppelin." I said to him.

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16
Head engineer"Don't worry the zeppelins defenses are sturdy enough, well bring the next tank".

2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

I headed back for another tank.

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16
the rest are done already and are helping you out.
Head engineer"hurry up"!

2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

How many men are helping me and the head engineer.

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16
28 caucasian males, and 5 caucasian females.

2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

"I need three or so on each tank and one with me. That way we can get this job done faster."

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16
Head engineer"They won't listen to you since they all outrank you plus they have more experience than you"

2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

"Well tell them its on Fredrick's orders."

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16
On who's orders"Last time I checked only my royal enforcers can carry my orders and pass them on unless you have my stamp, well good job men get on board the ship we're departing now, and are all the explosives in place?"
Engineer's"yes my lord!"

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

Holy s*** messed that one up XP.
Fredrick"On who's orders , last time I checked only my royal enforcers such as Beatrice can carry out my direct orders, and pass them on.
Beatrice"Unless you have a stamp"
Fredrick"...and the stamp which you have..."
Beatrice"You can be such an idiot at times"
Fredrick"Well good job men, get on-board the ship we're departing now, an are all the explosives rigged to blow up when they come to our hanger?
Engineers"Yes my lord!"

2,463 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16

I start to go to the zeppelin.

3,592 posts

Name.) Shadow Black
Gender.) Male
Side.) Allied america's
Reason to join.) A former enforcer who disapproved what I had to do.
Age.) 20
Bio.) I was a former enforcer who didn't like to do what the Landlord wanted him to do but I did it anyway. However on one of my missions, I failed to do what was needed of me. Because of this I was sent to the mine's to work there for the rest of my life as a miner. Now a rebel I works to free every one that works in the mines.
Description.) 5'9, brown hair, white skin, blueish green eyes.
Rebellion side.)
-modified 7.62mm Semi-auto rifle.
-US 9mm handgun.
-US Combat knife.
-Enforcer rifle.
-Electrite Knife.
-US M16
Fredrick"Start lifting, and don't stop even if where shot at, and are all the helicopters and tanks in place?!, I don't want any of our resources to go to waste so brace yourselves everyone"

Showing 496-510 of 511