The rules are simple, I will post two warriors or soldiers and all you have to do is say who you think would win. The warrior or soldier with the most votes at the end would win. I might even do some random ones like Loch ness monster vs Big foot. When you vote for the one you think would win you need to update the total votes for both. For example: Loch ness monster vs Big foot (that's not the one I'm starting with btw) The first person would do this: Loch ness - 1 Big foot - 0
The next person (if he voted for Big foot) would do this: Loch ness - 1 Big foot - 1 And so on
The first two: Spartan vs Ninja Let the battle commence!
I think we should post why we think one warrior would win. So I'll do that right now.
Spartan has armor and they were some of the most elite fighters in ancient Greece. There was also a Deadliest Warrior episode with these two, and Spartan won. Ninja has no armor, and most of their weapons can be stopped my Spartan armor. So Spartans win, hands down.
I think we should post why we think one warrior would win. So I'll do that right now.
I agree. Ninjas are masters of stealth but in a one on one battle when the Spartan is facing him head on, there is no contest. The ninja can do all the flips he likes, the Spartan's just going to think 'What is this idiot doing and stab him in the face.
no actually the wepons they used were stelth based but the meteor hammer is not it could wrap over a shield and hit the spartan and it could just as wellm in a few blows do serius damage to the shield and ninjas were not flippy just tricky like having a small sword and big sheath it messes with your opponents response time
I don't think you understand how well trained the Spartans were. Men trained almost their entire life to be soldiers, and the only men that were allowed to live were the ones that looked like they would make good soldiers. They spent most of their time either in battle or training. Also, Spartans had spears that they could just kill a ninja with before they even got to them with their melee weapons.
Again, the Spentsnaz are more highly trained than the Rangers. This is like Spartan vs Ninja, except they both have similar weapons. So in the end, it's a matter of training.