ForumsForum GamesForum Game Creation Thread

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2,539 posts

Have you ever wanted to make a forum game but didn't know if anybody would join? Do you have an idea for a forum game, but want to play it instead of host it? No longer! This is a thread where we can plan our forum games and share ideas with other users. People will help other people to make forum games that they think people will like, so that you don't have to do all that thinking by yourself. With this thread, you'll never have a bad game again! Simply fill out a sheet to start!

Game Host Sheet:

UsernameUsername here)
Preferred Game TypeFantasy, Sci-fi, Survival, ect.)
Games HostedNumber of games here)
Games HostingNames of games you are currently hosting)

Forum Game Players don't need a sheet, since they have no experience in hosting.

Here's an example of what we do here in the FGCT:

User 1: OK, here's the sheet for my survival game:

User 2: Maybe you could add an Age section. Also Hunger and Thirst, since it's a survival game.

Things like that.

So, I will start it off.


Username: endlessrampage73
Preferred Game Type:Fantasy
Games Hosted:8(?)
Games Hosting: Fantasy War RPG, Fantasy Doomsday RPG

I want somebody to recreate a thread that died a long time ago, and the original host has left the site. It's a military-based game. Here it is:

In this game, you are a member of the American Army.
This game is called IED because as someone in a demolition group, your job is to Infiltrate-Eliminate-Demolish.
Char Sheet:
Squad: (ie. Alpha, Bravo... Zulu; I'll assign it, but tell me whose team you want to be on so that I can put people together)
Main Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Callsigns can be anything you want, but they usually refer to your job (ie. a medic could be "Doc"[stupid example, I know])
Classes Weapons and Equipment are:
Class- Infantry
Main- HK XM8, HK416
Secondary- Beretta M9
Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), Smoke Grenade, Stun Grenade, Med Kit
Class- Grenadier
Main- HK XM25 IAWS
Secondary- Beretta M9, MP9
Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), M18 Claymore, Med Kit
Class- Demolitions
Main- M32 MGL
Secondary- MP9 (Raytheon FIM-92 Stinger & AT4-CS on special missions )
Equipment- M18 Claymores (x4), Fragmentation Grenades (x2)
Class- Sniper
Main- Barrett M107, M110 SAAS
Secondary- Beretta M9
Equipment- M18 Claymore, Smoke Grenade
Class- Support
Main- M249 SAW
Secondary- Beretta M9
Equipment- Med Kits (x5), Frag Grenades (x2), Smoke Grenade
If you want to know more about what weapons you are using, you can google them, or go to militaryfactory.


It's in modern times, obviously. The host has to know military terms such as "sitrep". They also have to know how to talk on a radio(Saying "Over", "Copy", "Over and Out", that kind of thing). It's multiplayer, so players are all put together in the same mission and work together to complete their objective, which is given by the host. Most importantly, the missions and situations must be realistic. You can't have 500 suicide bombers blow a building to pieces. The player can't die, but they will get less advantages in the next mission if they run and try to destroy a tank with a pistol. If you need any more information about it, just ask me.

Let the editing BEGIN!

  • 31 Replies
2,539 posts

My updated sheet:

Username: endlessrampage73
Preferred Game Type:Fantasy
Games Hosted:8(?)
Games Hosting: Fantasy War RPG, Fantasy Doomsday RPG, I.E.D(Military RPG), Zombie Cat RP(G)

1,023 posts

Hey guys, never made a forum game but I was thinking of making a game about Assassin's Creed. I need a pair title like Revelations or Brotherhood

1,211 posts

How about "Assassin's creed: the apprentice"?

116 posts

im thinking of a game where you pick from a list of 3-5 primitive creatures and evolve its species until you get to the space age. what do you guys think?

1,577 posts

Preferred Game Type:Strategy,sci-fi,fantasy
Games Hosted:Evolutionary Survival
Games Hosting:

I'm thinking of making a new gmae.These are the 3 I'm thinking.If you want to vote for one,copy the bottom text and put a | under it.Thnx ~M-ninja

[/b]The Gods' Rampage
It's about you being a child of one of the greek gods and either saving mount olympus,or destroying it by working with the titans.

[/b]Beyblade RPG
Just thought of it.You are a blader whom must become the top blader in the world.You describe your own custom bey.

[/b]Super-powered Arena Smackdown!!!
You have a power,and are placed in an arena pit against others with powers.You must win in the arena,AND win the Giga survival championsship.(Now I'm just using random words...)

1,577 posts

Anyone got anyhting?I REALLY wanna keep this thread alive.It's really helpful.

2,539 posts

I think "The Gods' Rampage" seems like it would last the longest, since games like the other ones usually don't last long. Here's my suggestion for a character sheet:

ParentOne of the Gods, decides what power you have)
DescDescription of the character)
Equipped Weapon:
MoneyMaybe you can buy and sell things?)
FollowersPeople that help you in battle)
KarmaGood and evil?)

You can change it to suit your hosting style, but this is my suggestion.

1,577 posts

GenderM or F)
ParentOne of the Gods, decides what power you have)
DescDescription of the character)
SpellsYou learn these from local mages,but for a fee)
Equipped Weapon:
MoneyMaybe you can buy and sell things?)
FollowersPeople that help you in battle)
KarmaGood and evil?)

@ Endlessrampage73~Thnx for your suggestion!

1,577 posts

ALSO! Endless rampage,PLEASE do not quit the fantasy war RPG!~Mninja

2,539 posts

Good, but maybe you should make a more detailed storyline. People usually don't play games with only one sentence of back-story. I'm not completely familiar with the Greek gods, so you'll have to come up with one yourself.

2,539 posts

Also, maybe things that effect your power(s) should go in a new section, just to be more organized. Like this:

GenderM or F)
DescDescription of the character)
ParentOne of the gods, decides what power you have)
DescDescription of the character)
SpellsYou learn these from local mages, but for a fee)
Equipped Weapon:
MoneyMaybe you can buy and sell things?)
FollowersPeople that help you in battle)
KarmaGood and evil?)

2,539 posts

So sorry for the triple post. At least this thread doesn't give AP. Anyways, here's the fix:

GenderM or F)
DescDescription of the character)
ParentOne of the gods, decides what power you have)
DescDescription of the character)
SpellsYou learn these from local mages, but for a fee)
Equipped Weapon:
MoneyMaybe you can buy and sell things?)
FollowersPeople that help you in battle)
KarmaGood and evil?)

There you go!

2,515 posts

hey, o got an idea, Post apoclyptic

16,287 posts

i hope you know there are dozens of forms of apocalypses

2,539 posts

Since I refuse to let this die, I will request two games to be made. Or remade. Whichever you prefer.


Originally hosted by WorstSniper, you are the leader of a new country that has decided to rebel against neighboring countries. You make alliances with other countries, declare war on others, and things like that. I was unable to find this in the Forum Games, probably because it's so old. I would not recommend WorstSniper to host this thread because he drops his games when he gets bored with them. And he get's bored pretty quickly.

Next Game:

Dragons, Blood And Decapitation RPG

Originally hosted by Rapyion, I was able to find this and will let it do the talking.

Story: (Not for Undead Race, but advised to read it.)
It is in the medieval times. The time when there's more wine and less beer. (Could be) Knights like Sir Arthur are still alive. Legendary mages exist like those in one of the channels in TV you saw. Anti-dragonbreath shields, wielded by warriors to slay the mighty dragons.
Guards working for evil people being decapitated by heroes of the light. Blood gushing out of a villainous person's neck by a sneaky assassin working for the good. But, you're stuck in a cell, because you snuck into the castle and was caught stealing some bread. But, you have hope! A stubborn guard gave you the key to unlock the door. This guard hates King Stupid because basically, he was being so stupid and arrogant to everyone in this kingdom. This town is called Stew Pit. (See what I did there?) You escape from the castle successfully and you are magically given simple weapons! To be frank, King Stupid is evil. Heroes are those who kill him. But, it's optional, but rewarding. You'll certainly be given quests to level up by being swarmed by a magical light.

Undead Story: (Those not undead are advised to read this as well.)

It is in the medieval times. The time when there's more wine and less beer. (Could be) Knights like Sir Arthur are still alive. Legendary mages exist like those in one of the channels in TV you saw. Anti-dragonbreath shields, wielded by-
This is the undead story, not the normal one. You have probably seen zombies in TV. Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Rising, Call Of Duty: Black Ops; Zombie Nazis. No, they're not that. Yes, zombies are undead and can be chosen in the races, but they are totally different. Zombies are undead people whom necromancers have risen. Zombies do their masters' (Necromancer) bidding. There are other undead races. Ghouls are small living creatures, bound to killing and eating forever, also risen by necromancers. But, I'm not talking about facts. I'm talking about you. You have been risen to do your master's bidding. But, your master was a weakling. He wasn't able to control you as much as other necromancers. You ran off, your mind thinking of nothing. On the way, you begin to take control of your body and mind. You find simple weapons on the way and you picked them up. You need to dip yourself in holy water. (I know it doesn't work in movies. Trust me, it's my story. Hehe..) Oh yeah, your body has some missing flesh. So, try not to take any attention from the townspeople in Stew Pit. Undead aren't allowed here. I don't really know why King Stupid allowed orcs though.

Character Sheet:

Age: (See race)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Race: (See race)
Class: (See class)
Stamina: 100/100 (Will be lowered depending on the action)
Health: 50/50 (Will be lowered if doing an action when stamina is 0)
(See class)
(See class)
(See class)
Level: 1
XP: 0/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Stats: 30
Strength: (Shows how strong you are. The more strength, the more stamina you'll have. Every one point is one point to stamina)
Agility: (Shows how fast you can move and how fast you attack)
Dexterity: (Shows how skillful you are in wielding weapons and how accurate your attack is. Needed for ranged combat)
Reaction: (Shows how fast you can react to attacks and actions)
Intelligence: (Shows how smart you are. Needed for magic combat)
Undead Race Stats: 15 (Cancel this if you're not an undead)
Flesh-Resistant: (Shows how long your flesh can stick on your body, more points, more days. Be wary if you do not add this enough. Flesh dropping too much can get your health to zero.)
Humanity: (Shows how human you are. The more points, the more you'll be eating normal food like humans, living like humans, the more you'll learn how to be human. You could even talk. If you don't add this, eating normal food like humans do will get your health decreased.)
Mood: (Shows how much control you have towards your mind, if you ignore this stat, you will start acting crazy and lose control and start attacking randomly and you'll most probably die.)

Okay! On to races first!

(Use this information to your advantage)
Humans, the most basic life form on Earth. Vulnerable to the head and chest. (Please, not the balls) They can age from 0-90. But, 15-35 is only allowed.

Elves, agile and fast. Elf warriors are not to be existed. Vulnerable to head and chest, as usual. They can age from 0-forever. You can choose any age.

Orcs, often neglected because of their violent nature. Orc assassins are not to be existed. Vulnerable to lightning attacks. Resistant to fire attacks. Orcs are resistant to melee and ranged attacks. Avoid orcs at all costs unless you're an orc yourself or a mage. They age like humans. Only 15-35 is allowed

Goblins, arrogant, stubborn and weak, but great in numbers. Small sized. Vulnerable to lightning attacks. Resistant to fire attacks. They can age from 0-60. Only 5-15 allowed.

Undead Races:

Zombies, notorious and popular in a way in movies, TV and many more. Zombies don't really eat humans to sustain their hunger. They can eat other food, but they may cause "injuries" if Humanity isn't raised enough. An apple is okay though. Vulnerable to the head. Not the chest. Any age is allowed. (Not too many digits)

Ghouls, personally, I played Dark Messiah and I hated these guys. They were always so hard to kill. Small, but agile and fast. Strikes fast too. Vulnerable to the head. Any age is allowed. (Not too many digits)


Classes: (Undead races are suppose to choose these classes)

Note: Using skills can lead to more stamina depletion. You will get more skills along the way, either from tomes or grimoires or scrolls.

They fight at close-range. Warriors using ranged weapons or magic attacks are not allowed. Warriors use close-ranged weapons like the sword, short sword, long sword and many more! They have a skill called, Quick Slash, which does a flurry of sword motions in order to injure a person. The starting weapon is a long sword. The starting armor is an iron helmet.

They rarely don't initiate fights. Instead, they hide in the shadows, awaiting the enemy and they start backstabbing them. Rogues can use short swords, daggers and bows. They have a skill called, "Heels On Ground". The skill enables you to walk so silently that other people think that you don't exist at all. The starting weapon is a pair of daggers. The starting armor is a cloth armor.

They always engage in a mid-to-long-range combat. They are like rogues, but can't hide as good as them. But, on the bright side, they have more accuracy. They can use a bow and a dagger. They have a skill called, "Rapid Arrows". This skill enables you to shoot arrows way quicker than any classes, especially the rogue, and still get his/her target. The starting weapon is a bow (30) (Number of arrows) The starting armor is a cloth armor.

They specialize in magic combat. Depending on your Intelligence, your magic will do more or less damage. They can use a staff or wand. When you use magic, your stamina will decrease. No mana is included in this game. They have a skill called, "Telekinesis". As most of you know this skill, it is used to carry objects or humans from a range. The starting weapon is a wand. The starting armor is a wizard's robe.

A voice speaks in your mind, whether you're an undead or not.

"You must go your ways and find destiny or will, which ever comes first. Go on your way and make King Stupid proud or even more stupid."


Rapyion killed this game because he was busy hosting the Superhuman RPG. But as far as I'm concerned that game is dead too now. Which means he might be able to host it again if he's up to it. Either way we need to contact the original hosts(If they're still active) for permission before we can remake a game.

Showing 16-30 of 31