ForumsForum GamesHamburger Apocalypse

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I may have accidentally posted this twice, but it doesn't appear, so I'm guessing not. I reread the rules for the thing, and I'm ready now.

You just moved to a place called North-South DakotaCarolina. You have no apparent reason for moving there. But you did. And that is all that matters. When you drove in the town for the first time, you saw a McDonalds. And it appeared to be on fire. You considered that it could be normal for this area... Then you heard a roar. You also considered that it could be normal too. You went back home and turned on the TV. The news reporter was screaming "THE HAMBURGERS ARE SICK OF BEING EATEN AND THEY JUST ATE JOHHHHNH!" then a person in the background said "I don't care!" And the TV exploded. Then a hamburger broke through the front door with a tommy gun.

Level: 1
XP: 0
Killing hamburger skills: 2
Personality: (To make new friends)
Ruthlessness: 0
Agility Ability: (Jump higher or Run faster)
Strength ability: (Have more health or deal more health)

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