ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 3: The New Chapter

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Hello everyone. This is Spore again. I tried to revive a dead forum game called Create a Planet 2, about 2 months ago. This time I have a real reason why it failed EXACTLY one day after my revival post... The next day when I was walking to school, I slipped on the ice, fell down onto my back, I had my schoolbag on, so my spine has bent and I broke a vertebra, the TH12 to be exact. So, I was not allowed to sit for 2 moths, so I was thinking. I realized that I am no longer suitable to run this forum game series, so I shall now hand it over to someone else. This is MY last try to bring this series back to life. Anyone can sign up, and I will test you how well you can find stuff on the internet. The winner of this contest will be the new heir of this series.

And, I will start now, with the first test/challenge!
The first 5 people who sign up, will be in the contest. No one else. This should test the degree of activity on AG, and their interest in the game. Lets get started!


  • 396 Replies
1,255 posts

hah garris ... you forgot something ... augmented soldiers that are bodyguarding the race and immortals !! have nano bots inside their body protecting them!! they cannot turn enemies !! HUH !!! and oh SEMP !! (super emps ...) my soldiers will use them destroying nano bots ... they will be destroyed ... (by the way each immortal has 10) and each augmented has(8) !!! hahahahaha !! now what you want to do ??? after they destroy the nano bots ... they will use SRPGs and destroy the gates ... 5 immortals with five augmented from one way and 5 and another 5 from other way ... (they have the ability to turn invisible !!! now ho is MWAHAHAHAHAHAing ?? weakened ... sacred flames ... mighty mammals are intelligented more than you !!!!!

1,023 posts

Look, Im not really smart at technology! Im still young and in school! Lets just say they're pretty advanced and the elite squad are pretty well trained.

1,255 posts

and oh ... how old i am ?? 14 !!! you must look in technologies too ... man you MUST !!

1,023 posts

Im 11.. just turned 11 this june...

1,255 posts

oh sorry mate !! lets see what spore decides !! and i am sorry that i was a little jerk!!!

694 posts

garris you are underage also im still on earth its just a hologram with a forcefeild on the ship so your nanobots wont work because my races have no brains inside their heads they are all in my hive mind state

694 posts

also spore as garris is underage someone else needs to take control of the sacred flame i would be happy too

1,761 posts

@warrior, i highly doubt spore is going to go "WELL HE'S 11, SO LETS KICK HIM OUT" Also, for all you know, he could have lied about his age.

@lonelighters, as said before, I do not want to make your queens mark or kraken or 3 stage nuke. I even didnt ask about your 3 stage nuke, as i dont want it. I will do what i must to gain your trust (Hey that rhymed). And i do not wish to "Create" intelligent or unintelligent life, i simply want the knowledge as to how. Also, as to the two or three that was infected before counter measures. Once comatose we would simply ship them back to the cavern, take their memories, then disect their body to learn their biology. Then they would be destroyed, as they are useless as workers if paralyzed. So we no longer have them. We invite you to visit our cavern and have a stay in our "Castle". However, you are not to be let in to the "Central Mush-Room".(Get it? The central room of mush? That houses the Central mushroom?)

694 posts

grrr i use my powers to bring all my races and things back to the underground system that is our home then we ask darthnerd if he will please share some spores we will share an equal amount of yeerks also i ask for an alience between all the races on earth i will give them each yeerks if they give my somthing in return also spore what do i spezilize in (making races,making tech, making land etc) also i make all the lands i own conect if that crosses other races teritory i ask if we can have an alience and i explain what im doing also i saw they have mind control but i already have a defence against that i call a meeting of every user and their races to a place where the sacred flame cant hear i say i will give you the hive mind ability if you give me some of each of all your races

1,761 posts

@warriorcats123, No to all of your questions.

372 posts

Warriorcats: wait can I ask when you starting building underground tunnels? you could just ask for access to mine... since I kinda have them all over. umm I already have a hive mind. We also already kinda have a blanket peace treaty. DarthNerd's the only one not fighting against the Sacred Flame but since he's not actively fighting us I'm fine with that. And I believe Garriss is doing an okay job, he's 11 but I don't really see the problem with that. And also I really think that you should stop changing things, It's not possible to make an entire holographic copy of your race, and forcefields are textureless so the SacredFlame would find out the second they made contact. That being said the small shimmer over your envoy was a scout hybrid ship with the access codes to call down levithan (its more accurate then the kraken and so the operation can be done without friendly fire on my part) and therefore at most they'd be minimum losses especially since your races are already deadly without weapons. and Amorboy is counteracting enemy nanobots. Also this is just me but how did you make 4 new species without any genemanipulation or DNA help from any biological race (I believe yours is technological, you kinda never specified) same thing with messing up your molecules except that that procedure could have killed your entire species if something went wrong.

DarthNerd: You'd know one instance of our DNA as I said it is constantly mutating with new strands being formed, again no memory exists other than their viewing (they were low in ranks and not intelligent since they are not a queen, you wouldn't be able to take a queen to your cavern. We thank you for your invitation and send a few of our diplomatic units there just to learn how your race works and interacts (you know sharing culture). You are welcome to do the same, there are a few rooms shut off, you are informed that some of them contain valuable war information and others species undergoing research and testing. A few of them contain the various advanced intellects we have created. Also is each individual spore self aware? or is there something controlling it from somewhere else?

Garriss: your doing well for an 11 year old. One thing please continue the envoy thing there are a few things that i'm going to do but I need that meeting to continue.

70 posts

Garriss, how did we know this is exactly what you were going to do. We were going to send a small unit of our race to guard the envoy until amorboy send his troops (remember we can self-vibrate, so a sound wave can wreck nanobots really easily, and your nanobot can't mindcontrol us or go through the membrane.)

Guys, stop poking people about their age. Any age is permitted to play.

6 posts

Hey guys, I'm a new guy here. I've always been interested in Forum Games, RPGs and RPs. I have never seen this kind of game before is there an open spot for me? Also to get this straight a galaxy enslaving group is trying to take over this planet with a lot of mixed up races?

1,761 posts

@lonelighters, There is but one mind in every single one of them. Many bodys, one intelligence. Also, I have "No" culture, i suppose you could say. This intelligence manipulates them, speaks through them, Ect. Ethier its haveing infected mindlessly gather materials, scout around, assist you and ionylon, (Ect.) or its just mindlessly standing, doing nothing at all.

1,255 posts


man !! our troops are with your people !!! and we are defending you !! and we already have destroyed the nanobots !! and we are attacking the ship !! hopefully we may can do something ...

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