ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 3: The New Chapter

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1,373 posts

Hello everyone. This is Spore again. I tried to revive a dead forum game called Create a Planet 2, about 2 months ago. This time I have a real reason why it failed EXACTLY one day after my revival post... The next day when I was walking to school, I slipped on the ice, fell down onto my back, I had my schoolbag on, so my spine has bent and I broke a vertebra, the TH12 to be exact. So, I was not allowed to sit for 2 moths, so I was thinking. I realized that I am no longer suitable to run this forum game series, so I shall now hand it over to someone else. This is MY last try to bring this series back to life. Anyone can sign up, and I will test you how well you can find stuff on the internet. The winner of this contest will be the new heir of this series.

And, I will start now, with the first test/challenge!
The first 5 people who sign up, will be in the contest. No one else. This should test the degree of activity on AG, and their interest in the game. Lets get started!


  • 396 Replies
694 posts

it happen to bladerunner once
also is the montin on earth it would cause massive climate change

70 posts

Oh, good job, warriorcats. We didn't expect anyone to notice that.

Well, yes, there might be a climate change, but since I am not a meteorologist, I have no idea. How much do you think a 1 square kilometer column that really high would change the world climate?

In my opinion, I don't think it's that significant. Again, I am not a meteorologist, I guess its up to spore.

70 posts

Alright, Garriss, what are you planning - -.

694 posts

oh i thouht it was an actual mountin but wait is 1 square killiter very big i live in america so i dont know about that system anyways i call rites to the crete a planet four if spore dosent respond for 2 mounths

4 posts

Hello guys, I might not be continuing this because I have so much schoolwork... It may be the end of your school there but it just started here. I might be online for a while just to check.

70 posts

1 km = 1.6 miles.

SacredColdShadow, I am going to guess you are Garriss, is this correct?

1,001 posts

I think this is an inconvenient time to join so I simply ask when will Create a Planet 4 come out because I looked at all the thread and I love how it developes, I love your Biotechnological way of looking at things Ionylon and lones.

I hope you would join no. 4.

By the way warrior cats Garriss's allowed on here because if you look at the forum rules it says don't have sexual or inappropriate themes BECAUSE kids come on here.

To be honest, he seems to be better at things than you and amor together, no offence, because a few reasons:
1. You have an excessive use of unrealistic numbers.
2. You seem to take every single idea from already made things making your race seem unrealistic childish and unimaginative.
3. You fail to spell technology far more times than a supposedly "under-age" player, in fact I doubt Garriss has ever spelt technology with a "K" in this whole game.
4. You and Amor frequently misuse punctuation.
5. You vouch for any openings for GM but lacking the skills to over come the above problems.
6. I am very sorry if this is has hurt your feelings in any way shape or form but it is the truth, I suggest downloading a little thing called After the Deadline it's free and it will greatly improve your posts further on in your roleplaying experiences.

This is not a hate message, it is pointing out your faults so you can correct them in further usage of the forums.

694 posts

some things
1 kids under 13 are not allowed to make an acount here
2.i love unrealistic numbers
3 my mind gives me ideas for races and tech here that are things i like and i cant ignore them exept for the alien vs preaditor thing that i read about awhile back on wikia
4 im sorry but its a hard word to spell
5 you are a grammer nazi or a punctuation nazi
6 i dont know what gm is
7 i dont really care what you think about me
8 i would love to see you spell anillidit right p.s i purpesly missspeld that mwahahahahahaha
9 your not the boss of me
10 try to spell axs real name its long and hard

70 posts

GM = Gamemaster

So... is the Sacred Flame invasion over?

1,761 posts

I learned long ago that amor and warriorcats disagree with my personallity, and i learned that trying to change them simply makes them purposely increase their efforts to do differently.

Also, if Garriss IS quiting, then i assume spore will NPC them until they lose or win. Or maybe warriorcats123 will attempt to take the faction.

Andalite. First try. From memory. Read 1-13 of the books a couple of years ago.

694 posts

cool im an animorphs fan too

but none can spell axs real name not even me

694 posts

also i sugest everyone make their races hive minds and link their hive to one member of my race so we know everything about eachover so their will be no wars between us

372 posts

A few things:
1. Does anyone have contact with spore?

2. warriorcats: I'm afraid I wouldn't agree to your conditions, and I find it unlikely anyone else will either. The chance's of war's coming in while the Sacred Flame is still incoming is very unlikely unless someone betrays us. Meanwhile agreeing to the conditions gives away valuable information and not particularly useful anyway. And the hive mind idea would overhaul the existing types of governments, under such a change everyone would be highly vulnerable not to mention each species might not be effective if they are under a hive mind leadership. And I don't accept the idea as well

3. ShadowArcher: Thanks (what do you mean by "I hope you would join no. 4."?). Also I do believe there are position's Spore would be happy to give namely the Cold, Shadow, and/or Sacred Flame (this is assuming that Garriss is unable to take control of the Sacred Flame, decides not to, and/or quits) unless Spore's decided to take direct control. Shadow hasn't done any actions in a loooong time, same with cold.

4. Can I know how your supposed to calculate armor points and defense integrity?

5. I call a global meeting, we'll start with my race's representative since I called the meeting (assuming the race's convene)

"We have called this meeting into place to discuss of what we should do as of now. The Sacred Flame has as of now, underestimated us and has not sent it's entire fleet against us, this will undoubtedly change when we destroy their incoming forces. The problem is that we are still facing an enemy that stretch's across an entire galaxy holding the advantages that come with it. So far we can think of three options:

a. We make a stand here, if we do this we will be overrun and destroyed, we can see little advantage in this for us. We do not recommend this, at all. While I realize we have a formidable defense the simple fact is that the Sacred Flame doesn't need nukes or the such, they could simply throw large rocks at us and assuming they fire with enough speed they would eventually puncture our defenses (even a sentient planet can't outlast a siege in which the other side has the advantage in almost every possible way), we would doom ourselves with this option.

b. We can destroy the fleet they have in the solar system and then run, this would allow us to escape and hopefully by the time their reinforcements arrive our destination is hidden. They would see us as a threat however and would put a larger force against us.

c. We run, they might find our end destination but they would continue underestimating us, in that case they will not see us as a large threat and we will only be chased by a smaller force.

In both option b and c we would use the time we gained to gain strength and then we would once again face these options.

I...we do have a forth option but we have no assurances it will work and the odds are against us. We could follow option c and then slowly kill the ships following us bit by bit, either by mines or heavily visually and internally changed ships the Sacred Flame might just might believe that another threat exists and search for them giving us reprieve.

We would prefer option c and while a bit less tasteful we would realize the advantages of option b. option d we will agree to but we don't know whether it is possible. option a would require a very strong counter argument for our race to consider." the lonelighter race envoy sits back and waits for the other race's response.
(yes I know that I said there was three and put in four, I was trying to make it a bit more realistic since the envoy doesn't believe it would work)

372 posts

*facepalm* forget about the unbolded text after the bolded text I was talking about how I initially I said there were three options and ended with four.

70 posts

We respectfully disagree with your condition, warriorcats, for the same reason described by lone.

We believe that "joining No. 4" meant "I hope you join Create the Planet 4."

Our race representative unit:
"We stand in favor for any option except for a. We also suggest someway to force the current Sun to explode in case we escape. This is purely to fuel a massive radio wave communication to all other species in the universe. Also, any additional planet with molten core can be possessed by us to aid us in term of factor of production."

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