ForumsForum GamesSuper Hero/Villain 4

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Please, take the 5-10 minutes (depending on how fast you can read) to read ALL of this! I know some of you just skim through it, copy the sheet, and expect to know how to play. WRONG! You must read all of this to completely understand, and PLEASE, follow these rules:
1)Please use proper grammar.Capitalize the words that are needed to be.
2)Please punctuate properly.
3)Please post with at least two or more sentences so I know EXACTLY what your action is, so you can get better descriptions for your stories!

If you don't use correct grammar, I'm most likely going to ignore you. I'm a grammar nazi, and I can't stand when people do that kind of thing, because it gets a little more confusing to read what you post, and please, be specific when you post.

In this RPG, you will be playing as a Super Human, however, you can choose to act as a normal citizen if you decide to. You can choose your very own power to use, but I must review it before you can use it so it isn't overpowered and unfair, and the best part--you can choose what type of super human you wish to become! You can be evil, and be feared;or be good, and earn the respect, honor, and love of the community that surrounds your character. I did make it seem like you get more earning from being good, so down below, I will put the pros and cons of being good and evil.

Being a Good Cookie
So, you want to be a Hero, eh? First of all, to become good, you must help the community that surrounds your character, and be mature and responsible at all times. Don't worry though, if you accidentally do something evil, you can always recover your good name by doing good deeds and earning back the respect you may have lost. Anyways, here are the perks of being good:
Pros and Cons[b]
+You will be honored and respected.
+You will randomly receive gifts from people that respect your Heroism.
+You will be on television, be mentioned over the radio, and basically become famous much faster.
+Your energy will increase much more after eating, drinking, and sleeping, and your power will cost less to be used.
+Cops will love you.
-You will be hated by thugs, thieves, and many more evil psychopaths.
-You will most likely be randomly attacked by the evil doers of this world, but only if they know your true identity.

[b]Being an Evil Cookie

So, you want to be a Villain, eh? Well, first off, you gotta harm people and ruin everyone's lives in any way you can. If you can do that, your a pretty good Villain already. It isn't hard to become a Villain, you just gotta think on your feet, and catch out for the people who might try to act as Heroes. You'd be surprised at how many people think that they can fix the Evil, but they are obviously in over their head with you out and about. So, on to the good stuff. Here are the pros and cons of being Evil:

Pros and Cons
+Your powers will cause more damage, but the energy consumption will be greater. (Opposite of being a Hero)
+Thugs, thieves, and wrongdoers will love you and assist you in your fights if around.
+You can influence people much faster and easily.
-Cops will hate you and will constantly be looking for you.
-Citizens may randomly attack you.

Fame and Honor will be pretty big factors in this game.

Honor is how much people respect, or disrespect you. This is based off of your actions that you make throughout your story. This will also determine what kind of allies/enemies you will make, also.

Fame is how known you are in the world. Also, this will determine how often Bounty Hunters will try to hunt you down if your honor is low, or how often people give/send gifts to you or your base of operations.

So, this time, I have more options for you and your personal story now! Take a look:
1) You wake up in a weird facility, trapped in a room with a sealed door and a glass wall. You get interrogated by some strange men, and you must decide on how to escape, or decide to stay and be their little lab rat.
2) You lead a normal life, until you decide to go postal with your powers and become a hero, or a villain. You live in a small apartment, and you have a part time job at a fast-food restaurant, such as a Wendy's, or a McDonald's. It will be randomly chosen for you, or you can choose any fast food restaurant for yourself. I will fill in the rest in the "job" location on the character sheet.
3) You wake up randomly in the forest, desert, or in the arctics with no clue about your past. All you know is that you've discovered your powers and your name and all the simple stuff.
These are the newer ones:
4) Start in the army as a Private, and work your way up the ladder. You can use your powers rarely and keep your fellow soldiers from witnessing and knowing about your powers, or you could help the army greatly and use your powers widely to help the Army. (Kind of like Wolverine and his brother in X-Men)
5) If you choose to be 17 years of age or younger, then you can start off in school! You can choose to have parents and brothers or sisters also. You can also tell me what grade you want to start in, and if your character has failed and has been held back in a grade or more.
6) Start off as an already famous Hero, or a notorious Villain with your very own Base or Lair already constructed. (If you choose this, your fame will be at 85%, and if you choose to be good, then your honor will be +85%, but if you choose to be Evil, then it will be -85%. If you don't put this in the character sheet, then I will fill it in for you.)
7) Think that you have better stories to try? Choose your very own personal story line!

Put the number of the story that you choose under your character sheet. If you chose 7, tell me what you want to do for your story.

I've also added difficulty into this game. The information below will help if your wondering what the difficulty affects in the game.

The Difficulties
Very Easy: Enemies are extremely stupid, and their reaction speeds are extremely slow, however, Cops/Thugs attack just as often. They also drop 10x more money than usual. Your Allies have the average IQ.
Easy: Enemies are slightly dumb, and their reaction speeds are slightly slow. They drop 5x the money than usual. Your Allies have the average IQ.
Normal: Enemies drop the usual amount of money. Your Allies have the normal IQ, and so do your enemies.
Hard: Your enemies are slightly smarter. They can react to your actions faster, which means you might want to surprise most of them. Your Allies are slightly smarter also, and they can often save your butt from sneaky attacks from your enemies.
Insane: Your enemies will be very smart, and so will your Allies. The enemies now drop 50% less items, so scavenging will be needed to keep your energy levels normal. Also, enemies will appear more often.
Nightmare: Of course, this one is the deadliest option. I want someone to try this one > This difficulty will be very tough. You might feel as if I'm picking on you. You will almost always be in danger, unless your in your Base or Lair (if you construct one) If you pick this one, the best option to pick is probably one where you aren't known in a city or anywhere at all. Enemies are very sneaky, and extremely intelligent. Your Allies are extremely intelligent also. Enemies rarely drop anything for you to scavenge. If your not famous at all, thugs might still randomly attack you, unless you have an evil reputation. However, if you have an evil reputation, then stay away from open areas--cops will be patrolling.

Character Sheet
Name: (Choose your very own super hero/villain name, or use a first and last name)
Age: (Any between 12 years of age and up)
Power: (Choose one power, can't be overpowered)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: (Very easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, or Nightmare?)

  • 278 Replies
4,584 posts

@Veksing:I need an update.

1,676 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Desc: Storm is 5'6" and has short white hair. She has eyes that are the color of fall leaves and shaped like a wolf's. She is a tomboy when it comes to her clothes and wheres leather armor when she is fighting her enemies.
Bio: Storm was born on another planet where controlling an element was normal. She was born into the royal family but doesn't act like it. For Storm the memories of her home are bitter sweet cause her home planet was destroyed. As far as Storm knows she is the only survivor and that is because her older brother Vallen had shoved her into one of the pods that were set up to be used as an escape for the people if something happened to the planet. All of the pods had destinations that could be changed but the pod Storm was in had been damaged. She landed on Earth. Storm was 15 when she left her home and has lived on Earth for seven years. Storm lives in Indian Head, Maryland with a wolf that was abandoned by it's family when it was a pup. The wolf's name is Balto. Storm lives near by some woods and owns the house that her foster parents owned when they were alive.
Power: Shadow Manipulation
Energy: 95%
HP: 100%
Fame: 1%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: Bow/Quiver(16 Iron Arrows)
Time of Day: 7:00 PM
Job: US Army
Current Home: Nice House in Maryland
House Inventory: Nothing
Money: $1,645
Bank Account:$11,800
Clothes: US Army Uniform
Costume: None
Allies: (Wolf) Balto, Maria.

Sorry for skipping you. Armorgames is succeeding in pissing me off A LOT, and I can't see some peoples posts at times. Ag3 should come out very soon, or I'm just gonna give up on this site.

I sleep until about an hour before work starts. I then do the same as I did yesterday morning. While I'm getting ready for work and heading there I think about the news I saw last night and wonder if I have enough free time dispite work to try and keep stories like the murder from apearing.

You wonder about how much time you have.. and by the looks of it... you don't have too much. You usually get home at around 7 PM, and the murders happened during the daytime, or when you were asleep. It would require some night hunting to catch most of the criminals. You go to work, and receive your pay for the week. Your still at the Barracks... what will you do?

(Btw, you get paid by how much effort you put into your job now, so if you work hard and practice mroe at your house, you'll get more money)
Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

ok, and what now? everything is ready, so...i want to start my story, please.

Make the first move. Your in your base right now, and your two allies are chillin' in the base as well, both playing games on a black, leather couch.
What do you want to do?

Also, I added an enemy, since you have two Allies.
Name: Ahrail Firlian
Age: 28
Desc: Pale skin, short black hair, red eyes
Bio: Ahrail's mother was killed when he was 16, due to a superhero mistaking her for a villain. He killed the hero using his powers, and swore to destroy everything good. As a start he robbed a bank successfully and spent the money on an apartment and some stuff he doesn't need. He decided that robbing banks wasn't enough, and now sets out to enslave everyone one step at a time.
Power: Telekinesis
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 2%
Honor: -3% You sneaky, sneaky murderer.
Inventory: Pocket Knife
Time of Day: 6:34 PM
Job: Full-time worker at Zaxblee's/$7.50 per hour.
Current Home: Decent Quality Apartment/$50 per night
Money: $737.05
Clothes: White-T, Blue jeans, white sneakers.
Costume: Nothing... yet.
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: Easy

Time to start being evil! I wait for someone to pass by, then lower my pocket knife and stab them to death. Then try to move it to an area where people can't see it and pull it back up. I then go to my apartment and watch the news to see if anything interesting has happened.

You got away without being seen and without breaking a single sweat. You check the news back at your home, but nothing has happened yet. You accidentally fall asleep for about ten minutes on your comfy couch, then suddenly, the TV wakes you up with a man yelling "BREAKING NEWS!"
You see a female TV news reporter appear on the screen. "Today, April 5th, 2012, 6:13 PM, a man was murdered, and then set aside into an alley way. There were no signs of the murder anywhere, but there was an eye witness." she says, then the screen cuts to the witness; an old woman. A man is standing beside the woman, handcuffed and struggling to get free, as a cop holds him in place.
"Ma'am," a male voice speaks,"is this man the murderer?" he asks.

"Yes. I saw him stab the poor man and then run away." she says with a shaky voice. "So much evil in this world."

The cop nods his head, and begins to take the man and place him in to the cops vehicle.

"No, it wasn't me!" the man screams. "I wouldn't kill anyone! I swear!"

The cop car leaves, and the screen cuts back to the female reporter. She talks a little more about the murder, then she begins to speak about something else that happened yesterday.

What will you do now?
1,023 posts

Name: PuppetMaster Alpha
Age: 26
Desc: Tall, Pale, White Hair, Grey Eyes, Black Mask
Bio: PuppetMaster Alpha was a great scientist but he had a deadly disease. His study was focused in a cure to almost any disease in the history of man, he called it "Nano Cells". He has tested it and cured himself but something went wrong, he got stronger, smarter and he could control people. His name is unknown.
Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into the targets body and controls it for a short time, can only be done in great concentration and peace.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Clothes: Blue Full-Body Cloth, Black socks
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: NIGHTMARE

I try to manage the pain and stand up walking towards the person with the syringe.

4,710 posts

Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare


why not burning shadow or flamming shadow or blazing shadow? i mean, he has pyrokinesis and shadowkinesis...that is the same as manipulation, right?

anyway, i check my computer if someone needs our help while i use a device to order a limo from my butler-robot, then i ask Lyz and Lorenzo if they are hungry or thirsty. if they want something they can get it from my butler-robot.
2,539 posts

Name: Ahrail Firlian
Age: 28
Desc: Pale skin, short black hair, red eyes
Bio: Ahrail's mother was killed when he was 16, due to a superhero mistaking her for a villain. He killed the hero using his powers, and swore to destroy everything good. As a start he robbed a bank successfully and spent the money on an apartment and some stuff he doesn't need. He decided that robbing banks wasn't enough, and now sets out to enslave everyone one step at a time.
Power: Telekinesis
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 2%
Honor: -3% You sneaky, sneaky murderer.
Inventory: Pocket Knife
Time of Day: 6:34 PM
Job: Full-time worker at Zaxblee's/$7.50 per hour.
Current Home: Decent Quality Apartment/$50 per night
Money: $737.05
Clothes: White-T, Blue jeans, white sneakers.
Costume: Nothing... yet.
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: Easy

I grin and sleep for 5 hours. Then go outside and search for more people that I might murder.

1,676 posts

Name: PuppetMaster Alpha
Age: 26
Desc: Tall, Pale, White Hair, Grey Eyes, Black Mask
Bio: PuppetMaster Alpha was a great scientist but he had a deadly disease. His study was focused in a cure to almost any disease in the history of man, he called it "Nano Cells". He has tested it and cured himself but something went wrong, he got stronger, smarter and he could control people. His name is unknown.
Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into the targets body and controls it for a short time, can only be done in great concentration and peace.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Clothes: Blue Full-Body Cloth, Black socks
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: NIGHTMARE

I try to manage the pain and stand up walking towards the person with the syringe.

You slowly get up, setting the pain aside shortly, yet it grows stronger with every step you take. After you take a few more steps, you fall to the floor, and the pain fades. Then, darkness consumes your vision.

Shortly after, you gain back your vision, and you manage to sit up.
"You're very strange." the man says, still seated in the same spot. "I couldn't tap into any memories of yours at all." He then stands up, and paces around the bed anxiously, and picks up something from the table. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. The man gives you a quick look, then focuses his sight on the door, and walks closer to it. He opens the door, and the woman that was fussing at him before is standing there again.
"Well?" she asks. "Did you do it?"
"Yes. Every last drop." he says, holding up an empty syringe.
"Why is he on the floor?"
"I told him to stand, but he was weak."

Do you want to say/do something, or let them continue?
Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

The name of your enemy should be the least of your worries.

anyway, i check my computer if someone needs our help while i use a device to order a limo from my butler-robot, then i ask Lyz and Lorenzo if they are hungry or thirsty. if they want something they can get it from my butler-robot.

They both thank you, and take drinks from the butler. You check your emails, and you have four new entries. Which one will you click on?

1)Lost Kid--Please HELP!!!
2)Dead Bodies, need your help
3)Scheduled Robbery Leaked
4)Have time for an interview?
Name: Ahrail Firlian
Age: 28
Desc: Pale skin, short black hair, red eyes
Bio: Ahrail's mother was killed when he was 16, due to a superhero mistaking her for a villain. He killed the hero using his powers, and swore to destroy everything good. As a start he robbed a bank successfully and spent the money on an apartment and some stuff he doesn't need. He decided that robbing banks wasn't enough, and now sets out to enslave everyone one step at a time.
Power: Telekinesis
Energy: 50%
HP: 100%
Fame: 2%
Honor: -3% You sneaky, sneaky murderer.
Inventory: Pocket Knife
Time of Day: 10:34 PM
Job: Full-time worker at Zaxblee's/$7.50 per hour.
Current Home: Decent Quality Apartment/$50 per night
Money: $737.05
Clothes: White-T, Blue jeans, white sneakers.
Costume: Nothing... yet.
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: Easy

I grin and sleep for 5 hours. Then go outside and search for more people that I might murder.

You step outside of your home, and you hear police sirens. Suddenly, three cop cars pass swiftly by your apartment.

Do you want to check out the situation, or stick to murdering someone?
4,710 posts

Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

1)Lost Kid--Please HELP!!!
2)Dead Bodies, need your help
3)Scheduled Robbery Leaked
4)Have time for an interview?

i answer them:

1, 2, and 3: help is on the way.

to e-mail nummber 4: sorry, no time, people need help.

then i inform my allies about the new problems and ask them which they want to take.
1,676 posts

Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

1)Lost Kid--Please HELP!!!
2)Dead Bodies, need your help
3)Scheduled Robbery Leaked
4)Have time for an interview?

i answer them:

1, 2, and 3: help is on the way.

then i inform my allies about the new problems and ask them which they want to take.

Lorenzo decides to take number one.
Lyz takes number two.
1,023 posts

Name: PuppetMaster Alpha
Age: 26
Desc: Tall, Pale, White Hair, Grey Eyes, Black Mask
Bio: PuppetMaster Alpha was a great scientist but he had a deadly disease. His study was focused in a cure to almost any disease in the history of man, he called it "Nano Cells". He has tested it and cured himself but something went wrong, he got stronger, smarter and he could control people. His name is unknown.
Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into the targets body and controls it for a short time, can only be done in great concentration and peace.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Clothes: Blue Full-Body Cloth, Black socks
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: NIGHTMARE

I crawl towards the girl and try to grasp her legs. "Why am I here?" I try to ask her, blacking out from time to time, "Why?"

1,023 posts

Name: PuppetMaster Alpha
Age: 26
Desc: Tall, Pale, White Hair, Grey Eyes, Black Mask
Bio: PuppetMaster Alpha was a great scientist but he had a deadly disease. His study was focused in a cure to almost any disease in the history of man, he called it "Nano Cells". He has tested it and cured himself but something went wrong, he got stronger, smarter and he could control people. His name is unknown.
Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into the targets body and controls it for a short time, can only be done in great concentration and peace.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Clothes: Blue Full-Body Cloth, Black socks
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: NIGHTMARE

I crawl towards the girl and try to grasp her legs. "Why am I here?" I try to ask her, blacking out from time to time, "Why?"

1,023 posts

Name: PuppetMaster Alpha
Age: 26
Desc: Tall, Pale, White Hair, Grey Eyes, Black Mask
Bio: PuppetMaster Alpha was a great scientist but he had a deadly disease. His study was focused in a cure to almost any disease in the history of man, he called it "Nano Cells". He has tested it and cured himself but something went wrong, he got stronger, smarter and he could control people. His name is unknown.
Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into the targets body and controls it for a short time, can only be done in great concentration and peace.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Clothes: Blue Full-Body Cloth, Black socks
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: NIGHTMARE

I try to crawl towards them and grab her legs. "One day, you'll be the one in captivity and you will be begging for your life."

4,710 posts

Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

i let my computer find out where the people are who need our help, then we go to the destinations.

i forgot to say that lyz and lorenzos costumes are made out of the same material as my costume.

1,676 posts

Name: PuppetMaster Alpha
Age: 26
Desc: Tall, Pale, White Hair, Grey Eyes, Black Mask
Bio: PuppetMaster Alpha was a great scientist but he had a deadly disease. His study was focused in a cure to almost any disease in the history of man, he called it "Nano Cells". He has tested it and cured himself but something went wrong, he got stronger, smarter and he could control people. His name is unknown.
Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into the targets body and controls it for a short time, can only be done in great concentration and peace.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Clothes: Blue Full-Body Cloth, Black socks
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: NIGHTMARE

Why did you triple post?

I try to crawl towards them and grab her legs. "One day, you'll be the one in captivity and you will be begging for your life."

"Get off me, freak!" She reels back her foot, and kicks you in the face, and your vision fades to black again.

You snap back to your senses, and you open your eyes. You notice that your in a moving vehicle, because you can hear the engine. The inside is very wide, but it looks like a type of metal that is surrounding you. Then, the vehicle stops. The doors open, and you figure out that you were being transported to some place in the back of a semi truck... a heavily armored semi truck. Two men step inside, and pull you out. Its night time now, and the air is cool. The two men violently drag you to a building with a red door, and a single light above the door. They bang on the door loudly, and wait for a response.

Do you want to do something, or continue to let them man handle you?
Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

i let my computer find out where the people are who need our help, then we go to the destinations.

Your two Allies go to their destinations, then you locate yours.
After travelling a medium distance to a city bank, you wait there for a couple of minutes, and then you see an armored vehicle drive up to the scene. Two men with black beanies jump out of the truck swiftly, then deploy a ladder to the side of the bank, and climb up to the roof. Your on top of a roof right now, watching them climb the ladder. What will you do?
2,539 posts

Name: Ahrail Firlian
Age: 28
Desc: Pale skin, short black hair, red eyes
Bio: Ahrail's mother was killed when he was 16, due to a superhero mistaking her for a villain. He killed the hero using his powers, and swore to destroy everything good. As a start he robbed a bank successfully and spent the money on an apartment and some stuff he doesn't need. He decided that robbing banks wasn't enough, and now sets out to enslave everyone one step at a time.
Power: Telekinesis
Energy: 50%
HP: 100%
Fame: 2%
Honor: -3% You sneaky, sneaky murderer.
Inventory: Pocket Knife
Time of Day: 10:34 PM
Job: Full-time worker at Zaxblee's/$7.50 per hour.
Current Home: Decent Quality Apartment/$50 per night
Money: $737.05
Clothes: White-T, Blue jeans, white sneakers.
Costume: Nothing... yet.
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Difficulty: Easy

I stick with murdering someone. The cops are already busy with whatever they're driving to, so it should give me an advantage. I try to find someone. I sneak up on them and stab them. I also kill any witnesses by using my powers to throw my knife with precise accuracy.

4,710 posts

Name: Joshua MCKillinger a.k.a Elemental-Golem
Age: 25
Desc: Tall (3 metres big), very muscular, black hair with red stripes, red eyes with black dots
Bio: He never had any brothers or sisters, but that was not important for him. He felt never lonely because he had many friends in his school. Joshua had always the best grades and studied mechanics and technology at the age of 15. His powers awakened after he met a strange guy who whispered something into Joshuas ear. Joshua became rich after he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel. He used the money to buy a castle (with a cave under it) in his homeland to train his powers and to have a base. He build and invented many things like a super computer to turn the cave into a base. After many good deeds Joshua became a famous super hero. His father was a politician of Scotland who died through a heart disease. Many doctors tested him but Joshua has the strong heart of an olympian. His mother was a doctor till she retired with the age of fifty. She lives now with her new husband a happy live in Netherland. Joshua visits them both from time to time.
Power: Elemental Control, Golem Control, Golem-shift
Energy: 100%
HP: 100%
Fame: 85%
Honor: +85%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: Inventer (he invented a flying car that uses water as fuel)
Current Home: A castle in Scotland
Base: A cave with technology invented by him (like a flying car with weapons that can be controlled through a remote) under his castle
Money: $0
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirt, sometimes a blue sweater or a black suit with a red tie
Costume: A black suit with red glooves, red boots, a red mask and a short red cape (invented by him, the whole suit is bullet proof and fire proof and can adapt to his powers)
===>Lyzadhora "Lyz" Ivankov a.k.a Psy-Kick<===
Age: 25
Lyzadhora's power(s): Telekinesis and Invisiblity
===>Lorenzo Montero a.k.a The Lightning<===
Age: 23
Lorenzo's power(s): Super Speed & Electrokinesis
Powers: Shadow Manipulation & Fire Manipulation
Difficulty: Nightmare

i use a device to call my bullet-proof flying car. and while i wait for it i use the wind to let the ladder fall to the ground.

Showing 46-60 of 278