tell me what you could do with $1,000,000
I won't share every part, but I will tell you it involves a monkey, a car, a banana gun, sun glasses, and lasvagus.
wow, 94 posts. This is one of my topic that has a lot of posts
a house, pool, and many games
please this topic has 100 posts
i would buy one million things from the dollar tree
can i please have 100 posts or more
I will buy a tank and I will break through houses and Iwill crushs cars!!!
If i had $1,000,000 i would invest it in the stock market and make more money and when i get more money i would spent it on cars, houses and some nice boats
Build a new house... and probably go to Africa ( Kenya ) always wanted to go there... life is great with 1 million xD
I would make my own gaming company and make games that rival the quality of Zelda.
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