ForumsWEPRIs Obama a good president?

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10 posts

What has he done to help/hurt this country? I want to start getting into politics and I think it would be best to first understand what our current president has done to our country so I can learn from the next one. Please help me with as much information as you can.

  • 242 Replies
2 posts

i think its hard to find anyone in politics to truly care about the people of this great land we live in , to help us make it great once more, good or bad its the president who should lead the way and show the people we can trust a president to do this job, the hardest job ever, but all we as normal people can hope for is a president that will do the right thing, can that be a realty? is Obama a good president? i don't know, but i am sure i will have 4 more years to find out.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Almost no policy will ever be universally accepted, most of the time, it'll just divide people. They aren't good for all people. For example, allowing the children of illegal immigrants to obtain work permits will benefit the people who currently hire them, but will most certainly be viewed as harmful by the person who lost out on that job.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

His middle name doesn't mean that he is Muslim, but it is a red flag...

I don't think judging someone based on their name is the wisest of reasons. If that were the case, I'll call my kid Nicodemus, because it means ''victory of the people''.
98 posts

Ok, bush, with his faults, did stuff and he was in a simular situation. He declare war, which was a good thing, we are not a country to take threats litely. His talking to the people was not the best. True, but he did do other good things. Those were just a few examples, btw.

Clinton did stuff as well, but all I can think of that obama did was the obama helthcare bill. That's about it. I base my opinions by actions, not words. I am not impressed by the lak of actions showed. And even democrats disagree with a couple of the things he did, but they were silenced. And my question still stands, why is he turning this country into another form of goverment?


9,462 posts

He declare war, which was a good thing, we are not a country to take threats litely.

War is a good thing? The war that has cost had some of the biggest impacts in cost? A war that had the US invading a country? That war?

If that's one of Bush's good points I'm not so sure I want to hear the bad points.

but all I can think of that obama did was the obama helthcare bill.

Promises kept by Barack Obama,

These are the things he compromised on.

Interesting thing to note this lists 188 promises kept and only 68 compromises. Honestly I would have thought there would be more compromises.
4,206 posts

Obama, a good president, no, of course not. But he ain't so much of a bad one. I do like the healthcare bill. It's not the best, it's full of compromises, but it's something and it's a start.

He declare war, which was a good thing, we are not a country to take threats litely.

Threat? Did a country send threats to the US? And war is never a good thing, it can be a necessary thing, but not a good thing.

And my question still stands, why is he turning this country into another form of goverment?

Because it would be a better government, even though I don't think he changed the government.

My left nut could do a better job.

Just saying.

Well my left nut can do better, but that's because my left nut is actually insanely smart, maybe even smarter then my brain O.O

Obama has been terrible, the debt keeps rising, and the economy is still doing horrifically, and his health care plan will bankrupt our country which is already broke.

The US is already bankrupt, yet trillion is spend on military. And it was bankrupt even before Obama.
1,666 posts

you guys have to understand, obama has actually running this country into the ground. but i do have some things to back that up:
-our DOW is at a neat little number, but its only been lower then that since 2008. not impressive.
obama care is absolutely flawed, its really just making our taxes higher then ever.
you also must realize that he has been sending considering amounts of money over seas. they dont need America's money.
my left nut would not do better then him. my right would.
all in all, he is failing at his job.

8,256 posts

Obama is doing what he can with what he got. Not his fault if he got a ruinous country. Healthcare may be flawed, but it's better than no healthcare at all. I can only suppose that the money sent overseas has diplomatic reasons, you know, relationships with other countries that need to be tended. Is the amount of money sent exxagerated? Maybe, I dunno. Would it be better to send nothing at all? If you want to isolate yourself, go ahead...

35 posts

WHY does he go on his knees in front of Egypts top Imam. Then when he goes to the vatican he docent show the slightest bit respect to the pope, he also has rejected WW2 memorial gifts from England, one of americas closet allies. his foreign policy is bad besides partly taking the troops out of the middle east.

8,256 posts

WHY does he go on his knees in front of Egypts top Imam. Then when he goes to the vatican he docent show the slightest bit respect to the pope,

Is it so, or is that just your impression? C'mon, he's a christian so give up on that 'muslim invasion' conspiracy bull****.
35 posts

Sorry to go off topic but Europe will be a muslim continent in about 75 years, france 15, the average muslim family in france 8 kids,average family that is not muslim 1.5 kids the world will go into chaos in about 45 years.

1,666 posts

wifle24, you gotta understand that unless there are about maybe a million muslums we dont know about, europe's not getting invaded anytime soon.

8,256 posts

Facts Are Facts

Fact is, Obama is a god**** christian and you lack the proofs of what you advance.

Sorry to go off topic but Europe will be a muslim continent in about 75 years, france 15, the average muslim family in france 8 kids,average family that is not muslim 1.5 kids the world will go into chaos in about 45 years.

Muslim communities in Europe grow fast, but they're still a small minority, and will stay so. I have already heard about those invasion rantings, and they're bull. Those muslims are in general simply muslim people living in Europe, they're friendly and surely no threat; the fact they're not liked that much is because of the few black sheeps that spoil their image and intolerant idiots who generalize. It's also often tied to their situation, as many of them are immigrants and immigration is badly seen by the right parties. I know that all too good from my country; some decades ago it was the Italian, now that the Italians are no problem anymore it's the muslims. Nothing changed at all though, and as far as I know we're not dominated by Italians :P
9,504 posts

Sorry to go off topic but Europe will be a muslim continent in about 75 years, france 15, the average muslim family in france 8 kids,average family that is not muslim 1.5 kids the world will go into chaos in about 45 years.

Follower of Islam =/= evil, chaos, terrorism, psychosis, plague, pestilence, or apartheid. If you are going to debate whether or not the presence of X is a good thing, at least conceal the fact that you are being offensive to the Islamic religion.
13,055 posts

If the greedy warmonger, violence worshiper, gun lovers, and religious (pretending to be) conservatives continue with their malicious and deceitful propaganda against Obama they will win the election. Then, people will realize how stupid they were for voting for Republicans because they will continue destroying the economy the way they always had. They will continue to move factories to China and India while giving themselves tax breaks which they don't deserve since they kill million of American jobs and they will give themselves unjustified pay raise will cutting essential services to the population.

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