ForumsWEPRIs Obama a good president?

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10 posts

What has he done to help/hurt this country? I want to start getting into politics and I think it would be best to first understand what our current president has done to our country so I can learn from the next one. Please help me with as much information as you can.

  • 242 Replies
5,552 posts

when ur middle name is hussain ur bad


Hussain or however you spell it is a name. It is neither good or bad. How many murderers have had the name "Bob" or "Jacob" or whatever? Hitler isn't a bad name either. Sure, there was a bad person with that name, but the name isn't bad. Please dispose of your ignorance at the nearest rational can, thank you for your compliance.
250 posts

when ur middle name is hussain ur bad

American racism at its finest. why dont you type in, "Japanese Americans, 1940's" into Google. Obama was born in America (despite what rednecks and tabloids say), and that makes him an American. And the fact that he even ran for President of the United states makes him more American than you. You slandering anyone named "Hussain" just because they're middle eastern is just as racist as slandering the name "Smith" because your white, or "Perez" because your hispanic. Either admit your racism, or start thinking before you speak.
5,552 posts

American racism at its finest.

He was not being racist. Racism is where you believe one race is better than/worse than another race or make comments which attack a race as a whole. He has done none of the above. All he has shown is ignorance in that thinking someone who shares a name/part of one with someone who has made bad choices in life and done evil things makes everyone else with that name the same. He never said middle eastern people were worse, or evil, or anything of the sort. While the name may be middle eastern, his comment was not racist. Now, if his reasoning was "because Hussain is a middle eastern name" or "because Hussain was a middle eastern man" that would be racist, but I think we have to assume he's linking the name "Hussain" with terrorism.

Although he may be racist, I don't know if he is, but that comment is not.
2,150 posts

There's no real objective answer to if the president has done a good job or not, it's relative to where you stand in your political beliefs. Me? I think he's done OK...
I've seen him do some good stuff and I've seen him do some not so good stuff. I've been avoiding politics too much to really know what's going on other than what the news says

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

but he need to help our recession a little more

You're no longer in a recession for Christ' sake.
9,462 posts

You're no longer in a recession for Christ' sake.

This depends on how the word is being used.

This snippet from wiki I think best explains.

"By the economics-academic definition of the word "recession", the Great Recession ended in the U.S. in June or July 2009. However, in the broader, lay sense of the word, many people use the term to refer to the ongoing hardship (in the same way that the term "Great Depression" is also popularly used). In the U.S., for example, persistent high unemployment remains, along with low consumer confidence, the continuing decline in home values and increase in foreclosures and personal bankruptcies, an escalating federal debt crisis, inflation, and rising petroleum and food prices. In fact, a 2011 poll found that more than half of all Americans think the U.S. is still in recession or even depression, despite official data that shows a historically modest recovery."
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I was going by the economic definition, which is two continuous quarters of reduction of GDP. Of course my textbooks are from Britain, but it's generally accepted that a recession refers to a dip.

5,129 posts

europe is in a small recession again atm. (by the economic definition.)
dunno if it has something to do whit the topic,(havn't readed topic last few pages.) just pointing it out.

421 posts

I can't wait for 2012. Bye bye obama (obummer).

Obama Must Go!

This snippet from wiki I think best explains.

Like wikipedia is the best and most reliable source there is.

Obama was born in America (despite what rednecks and tabloids say), and that makes him an American.

I still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. And in order to be president, you need to be born in America. His grandma even was recalling his Kenyan birth.

During the 2008 election, Obama promised transparency on everything he does. It is the complete opposite. Behind closed doors, he appoints these "czars" that wasn't elected by us. Who knows what he's up to. These biased crappy news agencies won't tell you much about obama's problems. He controls them. Some freedom of the press. And the only job he cares for is his. And he will do everything he can to keep his job.

when ur middle name is hussain ur bad

Doesn't mean much. But that's another reason he's a muslim. Barrack, Hussein or hussain (however it's spelled) are muslim names. No, his muslim faith isn't that big of a deal really, but many muslims hate America and Israel, and Obama wants to tear down America (and that's what he's doing). So let's get rid of him. Kick him out of the white house in 2012.
421 posts

Is Obama a good president?


During his 2008 election, he promised complete transparency. He is doing the opposite. Behind closed doors he appoints these "czars" without the voice and election of the people. Seems like everything he does is behind closed doors. What a stinkin liar. Of course the evil and biased news companies won't tell you much about all of obama's problems. But there are conservative organizations that send emails about all these bad things that obama does, so that's how I know. I also listen to conservative talk radio.

I can't wait to kick obama (and his family) out of the white house in 2012 (well ok 2013). Coming up soon.

when ur middle name is hussain ur bad

Not really. But muslim names like Barrack and Hussain also show obama's muslim faith. Many muslims hate america and obama who is also a muslim is trying to tear down america (and that's what he's doing).

Obama was born in America (despite what rednecks and tabloids say), and that makes him an American.

[you show me his phony birth certificate and I laugh]

No, I still believe that obama was born in kenya and I'm not a "redneck"

Obama Must Go!
9,462 posts

But there are conservative organizations that send emails about all these bad things that obama does, so that's how I know. I also listen to conservative talk radio.

Just wondering but would one of those sources happen go by the name of conservapedia?
5,552 posts

I still believe that Obama was born in Kenya.

He wasn't. Get over yourself.

But that's another reason he's a muslim.

He's not. Get over yourself. And even if he was I wouldn't really care.

Obama promised transparency on everything he does.

Because the president of the United States can really just tell everyone about everything he does. He doesn't have the time to and who knows how much of what he does is behind the scenes military whatever or classified info/decisions.

and Obama wants to tear down America (and that's what he's doing).

He doesn't and isn't. Get over yourself.

No, I still believe that obama was born in kenya and I'm not a "redneck"

Regardless of what you believe, he was.
4,104 posts

Doesn't mean much. But that's another reason he's a muslim. Barrack, Hussein or hussain (however it's spelled) are muslim names. No, his muslim faith isn't that big of a deal really, but many muslims hate America and Israel, and Obama wants to tear down America (and that's what he's doing). So let's get rid of him. Kick him out of the white house in 2012.

I don't really understand you... You say that the name doesn't mean anything, then you go and be racist in the next sentence.

Anyways, his name was based on region, not religion. His dad's (who was from Kenya) name was Barack, and Barack is a common name in Kenya. Besides, names mean nothing. There are atheists named "Christian", and that doesn't mean they're Christian.

There is literally no basis for calling him Muslim, and even if he was, who gives a ****? The only people who care are the racist ones.

[you show me his phony birth certificate and I laugh]

No, I still believe that obama was born in kenya and I'm not a "redneck"

You're not a redneck, you're an idiot. If this certificate was a forgery, wouldn't it make sense that somebody in this country would have actually proven it without a doubt? Considering he's the president and there are about 60 million voters who didn't want him? Plenty have disproved the forgery though. His grandmother alleging that he was born in Kenya doesn't really mean anything if she can't prove it. However, a birth certificate that people baselessly claim is fake is proof.
1 posts

He is not bad at his work.its true that he is not doing that much as we expect bt still something he has done

5,129 posts

You're not a redneck, you're an idiot. If this certificate was a forgery, wouldn't it make sense that somebody in this country would have actually proven it without a doubt? Considering he's the president and there are about 60 million voters who didn't want him? Plenty have disproved the forgery though. His grandmother alleging that he was born in Kenya doesn't really mean anything if she can't prove it. However, a birth certificate that people baselessly claim is fake is proof.

i still don't see why it would matter. he has been democraticly choosen. that counts more then the little law for me.
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