The walkthrough KingdomRush gives you shows you where to place the buildings and upgrade them which is fine but I dont feel like pausing my game to watch or play as I watch or watching all of these vids. I like the idea of be able to know how to use the buildings to my advantage and to another buildings advantage by basic knowledge. Which buildings should be placed together for the best results, and right time to use powers. I want YOU to give me tips and others on this topic for everyone else to be able to read and give their opinions.
i like dwarven bombard is good against many enemies and ranger towers because have great damage and range,mage tower only 1 is good if have the teleport enemies.
Infantry is next to worthless. Paladins fully upgraded are the saving grace. I build very few barracks ever. In fact I only built 1 rax on the hardest map Rotten Forest and perfected it. Build a lot of artillery and blow stuff up. Sorcerers towers are better than barracks 99% of the time for the golems. If you need a road block, use them.
In general, quantity over quality. Consider choke points. Rendezvous units from multiple barracks by setting them to the same rallying point, then placing Dwarven Bombards. Note that normally towers will target the closest enemy, with the exception of the Rangers Hideout which will target multiple enemies for the poison effect. Arcane Wizard and Big Bertha towers are the greatest for destruction, but I prefer a mix of the Sorcerer Mage, Tesla X104 and Rangers Hideout towers. Complexity over simplicity.
I use practiclly ONLY barracks, along with fully up graded mage towers to disintigrate and teleport the stronger enemeys. I also scatter around arrow towers to help wear down the enemy's health.
I use every kind of tower I can.I usually put up mage towers with barracks and Dwarven bombards with archers. I usually use Sorcerers for their golems and just as UnleashedUponMankind said, barbarians behind them should be great, paladins on the other hand are less usefull because barbarians can also take down flying enemies.I usually first stop all the enemies with either barrack spawns or reinforcements.and put up mage towers and rangers near them to attack.