ForumsWEPRis abortion ok?

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Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree

Please debate

  • 867 Replies
5,552 posts

Good lord, man. It's a CHILD. If with the right person, it's a blessing.

Yes, it is a child. That doesn't change the fact that a teenager is in no position to raise one.

Quit being irrational and acting like it's simply a ticking time bomb that'll eventually be the death of you.

I'm not saying it is.

I know plenty of teenage girls that have unintentionally gotten pregnant, but then manned up, took responsibility for their actions, and took it as a blessing instead of a curse, which you seem to claim it would be.

Have you ever gone and asked them if they could go back in time and not have got pregnant then if they would choose to? If they say they would, that's called regret.

Having a child isn't the end of the world for teenage girls.

It's not the end, but it makes everything magnitudes harder and causes people to judge you.

really, because where i go i see the drawings all the time, not the drawers, just the drawings.

Do you attend one of the following?:

A religious school.
A one gender only school.
Separated gender classes.
A school which is heavily against any displays of affection.

People do what they aren't allowed to, simply because. Especially teenagers.

I am a male catholic and i am not interested in having sex until i get married. The only thing in that paragraph that could remotely happen, is the honors student, because i am taking ap classes.

Thank you for showing that you don't really read what I say...again.

I asked you to imagine yourself in that situation. Instead you just go "Neh, I'm not a girl and I take AP." I never asked you that.
3,087 posts

to answer your question, i would still have the baby, just because i don't think it is right to kill something that is unable to defend itself.

A religious school.
A one gender only school.
Separated gender classes.
A school which is heavily against any displays of affection.

just a regular public school.
3,371 posts

to answer your question, i would still have the baby, just because i don't think it is right to kill something that is unable to defend itself.

That's fine, but you do understand that even though you would have the baby, there are plenty of other people who don't. And they really shouldn't be forced to just because you believe it's wrong. Unless of course you have some facts to support why it's a bad idea.
807 posts

many fetuses are actually discarded during the use of many fertillity methods wich i believe should be used for stem cell research

9,462 posts

because they are stupid and think it is cool to have sex with everyone else in the school of the opposite sex.

If you had bothered to read my last post I noted the main reason and it's not from being stupid, but from being ignorant. There is a huge difference between the two. One is from not having the capacity to learn while the other is simply not being taught. In a good majority we are dealing with teenagers not learning comprehensive safe sex practices. With the abstinence only programs proven failures.

Though discerning the difference between stupid and ignorant can be difficult at times given some peoples lack of ability to listen and absorb data being given to them.
478 posts

All I know about this thing is that people should have the choice whether they want to abort a baby or not. This country was founded on freedoms of choices. If a mother wants to abort a baby, then she should have that choice.

Very true. Which is why it's possible. But that still doesn't make it right.

Nowadays, there are so many types and forms of protected and safe sex, that this discussion shouldn't even be happening. But because the ignorance and stupidity of our generation, you can go to a high school and find nearly as many pregnant girls as those who aren't. I get that accidents happen, condoms sometimes break, etc. whatever the case may be. But the vast majority of those teenage girls pregnant didn't bother to use protected or safe sex. I don't believe in no sex 'til marriage. But I do believe that if you're going to have sex, at least be smart about it (if you don't want a baby of course). Everyone should. And my main point is; To those who aren't, you need to take responsibility for your actions. And an abortion isn't that.
787 posts

Here's another way to think of it Jacen:

You seem to be generally right wing
With each generation born, the population becomes increasingly Liberal.
Wouldn't aborting a larger proportion be beneficial to the survival of your form of beliefs?

787 posts

Sorry, but was ninja'd.

But the vast majority of those teenage girls pregnant didn't bother to use protected or safe sex. I don't believe in no sex 'til marriage. But I do believe that if you're going to have sex, at least be smart about it (if you don't want a baby of course). Everyone should. And my main point is; To those who aren't, you need to take responsibility for your actions. And an abortion isn't that.

Also, a majority of teenagers' motto is YOLO. Enough said.
9,462 posts

And my main point is; To those who aren't, you need to take responsibility for your actions. And an abortion isn't that.

Though as exampled in the scenario Kasic used of the honor roll student having an abortion can be the responsible thing to do. Or like in one example I gave where someone is already a mother and can't take care of more children properly. The responsible thing here would be to receive the abortion so she can continue providing good support for the children she does have.

Yes there are cases where girls use abortion to be irresponsible and I would regard that as an abuse of the system. I've heard of one case of a girl in Texas who planned to have abortions if she got pregnant after having sex just because she didn't want to use protection. That is what I would regard as irresponsible and abusing the system. Though I can't imagine that there are that many who would do this.
2,150 posts

What exactly do you mean when you say abusing the system? just curious.

Anyways, if you're referring to insurance, I don't think abortion should be covered by insurance in the first place, unless it's a necessary thing. For example, if the mother's life was in danger.

3,087 posts

What exactly do you mean when you say abusing the system? just curious.
I think he means that they are using abortion to avoid any responsibility.
1,094 posts

Well, too much posts to reply to, so I'll just state my opinion first.

If a woman gets pregnant, and she wants to abort, who are you to tell her otherwise? Is it your body that is being affected? Is it you who has to carry a foetus for 9 months? And if the family cannot afford or is not in the state to support this future child's life, should it be better to give it into adoption, where the chances of him or her getting adopted is very low, or should we spare him or her from an eventually miserable life?
If a woman has been *****, and she got impregnated due to ****, if she wishes to have an abortion, should we not let her do it? Should we force her to live with the darker times of her past?
Also, some people have sex responsibly, they wear condoms or use any other form of protection. But these fail, too. Should we shorten the rights of these people, who have tried their best to avoid pregnancy, to get an abortion? It is the choice of the individual, and no church or government official can take outcast her choice.

1,824 posts

No. He means girls constantly having sex and aborting afterwards. As I said, any idea of Rhetoric?

1,824 posts

My previous post was directed at Jacen, to whom it may concern.

9,462 posts

I think he means that they are using abortion to avoid any responsibility.

No. He means girls constantly having sex and aborting afterwards.

In a way both are right.It's irresponsible not to use protection and to rely on just getting abortions if she ends up pregnant. Besides treating something that should be taken seriously in a frivolous manner, such actions would leave her very open to contract and spread any number of STDs. Also I really wouldn't know what effect repeated operations on her body could have. Though she should still be able to decide to do this if not for the sole reason that sensanaty mentioned. "Is it your body that is being affected? Is it you who has to carry a foetus for 9 months?" It's her body thus her choice to do that to her body.

At the very least such a person isn't bringing unwanted children into the world. Can you imagine such a person with a kid?
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