ForumsWEPRis abortion ok?

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Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree

Please debate

  • 867 Replies
2,487 posts

sorry for the double, but:

2. it's only blasphemous in your religion. the sane people view otherwise.

why would you, the "atheist", claim that religion is blasphemous? are you lying about your position as one, or have you heard this view so much from religious people that it has become burned into your brain?

whatever the case may be, it doesn't matter. life doesn't develop until the brain does.

want to know why many people consider life sacred? because we are alive. it's as simple as that. it's a biased view from the very beginning, and this bias has led to huge increases in population (bad), high levels of starvation in many countries (worse), and a huge increase in overall poverty levels (also bad).

1,773 posts

so all of you who are against abortion are against 'befor marrige' sex? Its kill a baby! because a baby can be made, but they interropt it.
so when the seamen and the Ovule touch each other then baam! its a man?

We are not in medievasl, a baby cost so much money. from the momment of birth you own the hospital a huge amount of cash. so what would you do? ruin yours adn your baby life?

A baby need to come out of a choise. its not a trivial thing. like using condom is normal, then abortion need to be the seconde safty net.

And dont mind skyhigh, he is a troll. Go back to "hello kitty" forum, ok kid?

9,808 posts

so all of you who are against abortion are against 'befor marrige' sex? Its kill a baby! because a baby can be made, but they interropt it.

With that argument I wouldn't say "before marriage" sex...I would say any sex that doesn't produce a child (also going off Mage's argument with the killing of sperm)
1,773 posts

You do know that everyone you admire in your profil, from bands to historical character did it right? sprayed his manlines all over his country?


In the modern world, Womens are not baby machin anymore. and guys are not the protecter of the family. people dont need to live with there grandparents and all teh wide family to survive.
so, sex becaume something more open. more free. We enjoy doing it? so why cant we do it? because your nany want to know that you dont get attracted to someone which she didnt choose to be your suitble Match?
No! we are free to do anything we like to do. and what can we do, we like it. we enjoy it. i almost can sya that everything you do aim so you will be able to do it. But today, when surviving is not the main quest of most of us {because it became so easy. well, seems very easy}, we can care about other things. we dont need to create a family in a young age, so we will get kids befor a tiger will eat us. we can now live a urban life as a single person. and apearently, to single persons , some times from diffrente sex adn sometime from the same, like to not be single for a while. because it make us feel good. but we dont want to bond ourself yet. even if you dont go to clubs to hunt it, lets say only with a stable parthner, yet you dont want to change your life style yet. you want to explore life. as a free man, caring for nothing but yourself and few other, but knowing they can stand by themselve.
With kids you cant do that. you have to take care of them. you cant go out and party, just meed with friends when you like, go to see a movie. ask your father/mother/godparents how many times s/he was able to just go and watch a movie s/he wanted to while you was a baby. even now {im not talking about taking you to a movie}. can s/he come back home drunk today? or just travel to paris for a week? even just to take a week off, stay in bad and do nothing. can s/he? No. because s/he have you kids on his/her head right now.
Im not saying kids are a punishment. they are the best thing man can will and bring much joy. but i belive that people need to enjoy whatthe world as to offer befor. my parents traveled around the world, mo mother all over asia and te to USA and my father to south america and then to USA, wher they both met each other. they cant do it with 3 kids right?

So here come the protection devices! people can have sex, but dont have to bring a baby! they can wait with that to time when they are ready, trust each other and sure that they are good to each other.
but here nature come back - couples, mostly, cant hold themeselve, because, you see, when the boy bee like the girl bee, tehy go to ther hive and buzz. but mostly, in first time, they dont want a little worm to come after it, because they are not sure they found the perfect bee match, or they just want to bee sure {hehe}. so they use a protection device, so they can buzz, but not bring a little worm after it.
if the protection device fail, or if the bee girl and the bee boy drank too much honey the day befor, they can take the little cell who will can become a worm many mounth later, and kick it out.

and here a serior of private questions, dont answer them here please.
1) as a german, did you ever drank too much? so muc hthat you forgat wher you live, or just start to to stuiped things?
2) have you ever desired a girl? ever saw a girl you founf atractive?
if this spesific girl would find you atractiv too, even if just because of num' 1, wouldnt you 'swim with the flow'? the hive and the bees? fend off the dragon to the lair?
3) do you belvie that with num' 1 you can forgat your ideals?
4) did you ever forgat something will drunk? forgat to put things back in the Refrigerator< car keys, lock the door, etc?
5) are you ready right now to be a parents? right now, with no real job? do your family cn handle another child {in case of "its not your dad, its your brother" switch?}

every one of you can ask himslef these questions. tehy answers are quite private, so you dont have to post them here, atleast not as answers by you. think about them.

9,808 posts

Um danielo...I feel as if you think I am against abortion and was arguing you...I was actually backing up your argument.

I was going off of Mage's argument of basically why not count sperm as life? Thus killing it is just as wrong as aborting a fetus (or something along those terms...I'm paraphrasing here) and using it to back your argument up. Saying basically, if they are against abortion, then they should be against sex unless a baby is the outcome (as you would be killing sperm, which as Mage stated, genetically speaking it is life)

8 posts

If you abort a baby,In the first place why did you even make one?
I just pity humanity for it's stupidity.

9,462 posts

If you abort a baby,In the first place why did you even make one?

****, condom broke, forgot to take your pill, used a method you thought would work but didn't, got drunk and stupid one night, etc.
8,256 posts

If you abort a baby,In the first place why did you even make one?
I just pity humanity for it's stupidity.

Did you know that not few animals can naturally abort if the conditions are not favorable? It makes sense as an alive mother can give birth to a more robust kid later on rather than risking her life to give birth to a kid that will probably die. **** nature, right?
1,773 posts

You know what i hate? people who just post, dont even read one page back or just one comment back. We argue here, not just shouting our opinion and leave.

1 posts

well, the question about fetus seems to be about people being to sensitive.. but one point you have to actually see the big picture, see the world for what it is. everyday people are dying and people suddenly care when it comes to beings who dies quickly and who has nothing to miss out on.
and abortion has existed for MANY MANY years.. and nowadays abortion is alot quicker and safer for the women and a quick death for the fetus who doesn´t notice death coming. people basicly tortured the fetus to death, and sometimes women just gave birth to the baby and then left it in the woods to die. nowadays when we CAN do abortion in a much better way then it gets illegalized.

1,094 posts

If you abort a baby,In the first place why did you even make one?

Accidents happen. Condoms will not assure 100% of the time that it will stop STD's or a child from coming. Hell, happened to me a few times that the condom broke, just changed it. But sometimes it snaps when the semen are launched out, and then it's trouble.

Pills and things alike do poorly at stopping pregnancies, too. Unwilling sex happens all the time around the world, just go to 4chan, you'll eventually find a thread about it.

Sometimes people don't think about their financial conditions before getting a baby. Some people really want kids, but then when they realize they don't have the means to support the child full on, they don't want to let the child suffer, as well as let themselves suffer because of the child.

It's all fine and dandy that you're a pure soul that would never do something so irresponsible, but about 90% of the civilized world is dumb enough.
578 posts

As much as I understand that in some cases it's the right thing to do, and even though the cells have no understanding of why they're life has come to an end before it's truly began, it still sickens me for the loss of a potential life.

I understand extreme situations, Perhaps I think too much of tiny life forms that have no thoughts or understanding.

8,256 posts

I understand extreme situations, Perhaps I think too much of tiny life forms that have no thoughts or understanding.

Pro-lifers are focussing too much on those small lumps of cells, I think they should concentrate their efforts on those humans already living and in poor conditions first. In general I find some people going about quite light-hearted with the life of other people/animals sometimes, but as soon as it comes to potential life they are so outraged! Funny, huh? More like sad. Don't worry, abortion is(should) not (be) performed just for fun or on a whim. There are serious reasons behind it.
5,129 posts

it still sickens me for the loss of a potential life.

every month when a woman has her period. there is a potential life gone.
do you want to advocate that we need to safe all those egg's and give them all a baby befor it naturally aborts from their body?

that would be really sick. but it's a loss of potential life non the less
1,773 posts

So she need to birth just because of you?
Its a hard desicion for a individual to make, i can asure you, but i still dont understand whats so worng about it? Its not like they are killing a baby. its like there was no baby at the first place. Its like using a condom, afterward. So condoms are wrong too? They stop a potential life. also masterbation. It kill mlions of peace maker, desease cure finders and supreme athlits who end up in the trash cane.
Its normal dude. peoples do it for thousands of years. Just in USA there are some Peoples who want to feel as saints, and they make all the rabbles. most of these peoples will never do abortion even without it, marry at the age of 16 and 'no sex' policy by there communities. So they will say to a modern women "no, live like us, 100 kids and low income"?

I say, its a individual choise, like someone can choose to do a tatto or a piercing.

In jewisem, up to the first heart beam its not considerd living. so you dont even need to make it a grave. its not even she or he, its it. its a cell thingy that can evolve to a human. but that it. if god wanted this cell becaume a supreme god, then he will do it again.

I hate that you call yourself &quotro-life". its not pro-life. its "you will have a kid and you will enjoy it!" group. a "its not my problme, so why sould i care about your missreble life?".

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