ForumsWEPRis abortion ok?

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Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree

Please debate

  • 867 Replies
1,373 posts

I don't like Abortion, those poor innocent babies.... I think it is sad to do such a think just because you didn't want a child. They never even got to see the wonders of life and they never made it. This makes me sad people.....

889 posts

I think it is sad to do such a think just because you didn't want a child.

Don't you think it's unfair on the mother to unwillingly carry a baby for 9 months, if they know they're going to give it up at the end.
315 posts

Mom2Mom Sale!!! November 17, 10am-2pm at Central Montcalm High School. You rent the space, bring in your items, keep all your money! We do all the advertising! All proceeds from space/table rental go to Central Montcalm Band Boosters! We will also have lunch available to sellers and customers!
Empathy, my friend. At least you know that if you gave it away, someone else would be happy. Just a thought.
9,462 posts

Oh really? Facts please.

More facts on the matter.
Abstinence-only education does not lead to abstinent behavior, UGA researchers find

States with abstinence-only education have higher teen pregnancy rates

The federal government invests over 175 million dollars annually in 'abstinence-only-until-marriage' programs. These programs are required to withhold information on contraception and condom use, except for information on failure rates. Abstinence-only curricula have been found to contain scientifically inaccurate information, distorting data on topics such as condom efficacy, and promote gender stereotypes. An independent evaluation of the federal program, several systematic reviews, and cohort data from population-based surveys find little evidence of efficacy and evidence of possible harm. In contrast, comprehensive sexuality education programs have been found to help teens delay initiation of intercourse and reduce sexual risk behaviors. Abstinence-only policies violate the human rights of adolescents because they withhold potentially life-saving information on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Federal support of abstinence-only as an approach to adolescent sexuality education is of much concern due to medical inaccuracies, lack of effectiveness, and the withholding and distorting of health information.
" -PubMed

Of course, nobody is stopping them. Just wear a condom or take the pill.

That was in response to a statement that sexual intercourse should only be for procreation.

If you leave a sperm cell alone, nothing will happen. If you leave an ovum alone, nothing will happen. If you leave a zygote alone, something will happen. There is a difference between the two. As soon as something begins to grow into a person, that is where I draw the line.

Why draw the line there and not at the point when it actually becomes a person?

The only reason something will happen with a zygote and not with just sperm or egg is because it starts in an environment where that can happen. If a sperm and egg started in an environment where their biological functions were met, something would happen "on it's own" there as well.
377 posts

Why draw the line there and not at the point when it actually becomes a person?

When a person actually becomes a person is really just an opinion and subjective depending on peoples beliefs.
9,462 posts

When a person actually becomes a person is really just an opinion and subjective depending on peoples beliefs.

How is that subjective? As I've been over numerous times, no brainwave activity means no consciousness, no personhood, thus no person. That is not a subjective standard.

Some argue that it's a person because of it being human cells. This argument falls flat given how we could easily argue other human cells aren't human in and of them self.
1,304 posts

Simply because one naturally has the developmental potency to grow into more cells, doesn't make it untouchable all of a sudden.

Potency to develop into a human.

No fully developed nervous system means no human, and also no pain.

I have never based my arguments on what fetus' feel.

And &quototential to become something with a lot of luck" should not be placed higher than life planning of the mother.

It is not "a lot of luck" that results in the zygote to becoming a fetus and eventually a human.

The facts are pretty much common sense, but here you go.
States map
If you want to look up which states teach abstinence only education and compare state by state rates, go ahead.

Yet these figures have what to do with "abstinence" being ineffective against teen pregnancies and STD's? If these states teens truly followed what they were taught, they would not be getting pregnent.
(Same comment goes to Mage - thanks for providing the facts but we must be thinking on a different path ? )

What if the condom breaks or the pill fails to work?

Have the baby and adopt it out. People know the risks that comes with Sex.

I don't really understand why you feel that way.

Stated numerous times in my earlier posts.

Why draw the line there and not at the point when it actually becomes a person?

Because this cell has the potentional to naturally develop into a person. I don't see it as a right to be able to take a life away, be it a fetus or a fully developed person (excluding other animals). When it all boils down, you are denying a developing human being a right to life.
5,552 posts

If these states teens truly followed what they were taught, they would not be getting pregnent.

And here is the naivete.

THEY DON'T. That's why abstinence only education doesn't work. People don't follow it. They aren't informed fully and thus don't understand the risks they are taking, when all they're told is "don't have sex and you won't have any problems. Condoms can still fail!"

Have the baby and adopt it out.

That's asking for an extreme amount. Do you understand the social, financial, emotional, and physical implications? Every time I hear this argument I just shake my head.

When it all boils down, you are denying a developing human being a right to life.

What it all boils down to is that we're advocating that the would be mother gets to make a choice about what goes on in her body.
23 posts

Is murder okay? No. Abortion is the same thing, killing your baby is wrong and sick. If you don't want your baby, give it to a foster home instead of killing it.

5,552 posts

Is murder okay? No. Abortion is the same thing, killing your baby is wrong and sick. If you don't want your baby, give it to a foster home instead of killing it.

Step 1: Read the first 10 pages.
Step 2: See how this has already been said.
Step 3: Read 10 more pages.
Step 4: See how the same arguments have been defeated over and over.
Step 5: Read the rest of the thread.
Step 6: Read the thread!!!
6,737 posts

Abortion isn't okay... The killing of innocent human beings. And sorry if this has already been posted :P This movie is a scary one about abortion:

23 posts


No, I would just be wasting my time.

5,552 posts

I really do wonder why I bother to repeat myself over and over and over and over...

Is murder okay?

Murder is: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Notice unlawful. Abortion is legal, thus it is not murder. I'm not going to waste my time going through how a fetus younger than ~7-13 weeks is not a fully developed person, nor how it should be the would-be mother's right to choose what happens in her body.

Abortion is the same thing, killing your baby is wrong and sick.

Abortion is stopping the development of a would-be human because it is not wanted or potentially harmful to the mother.

If you don't want your baby, give it to a foster home instead of killing it.

Repeating myself from the last page: "That's asking for an extreme amount. Do you understand the social, financial, emotional, and physical implications? Every time I hear this argument I just shake my head."
173 posts

@Kasic No that is too many pages sorry if I repeated stuff from unknowing.

Do you understand the social, financial, emotional, and physical implications?

Oh please if the kid does not know until he is matured he should be fine also if financial is so bad why do people accept foster kids???? For the emotional part why ruin his childhood? Just tell him after he is a matured adult.
5,552 posts

@Kasic No that is too many pages sorry if I repeated stuff from unknowing.

I would accept that, if it weren't for the fact that these kinds of statements get repeated every other page. One needs only to read 4% of the thread to see a complete cycle.

Oh please if the kid does not know until he is matured he should be fine

While some can be said for the kid, I was mostly speaking about the would-be mother.

also if financial is so bad why do people accept foster kids????

Various reasons.
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