Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree
where was it stated that there are hopes for the baby to die?
Here: still she does not want the child. so for the entire remaining 8 months she will use cocain, heroin, alcohol, smoke, eat fast food, etc again. in the hopes that the baby will not survive and will be born dead.
Also how would such hope invalidate the risks put on the mother?
Whether the baby is alive or a fully grown stillborn, the complications are about the same.
i actualy ment these arguments of abortion being a beter choise then adoption.
I'd much rather have a crappy life with the personal option of suicide than no life at all. At least the choice would be mine.
on the bad side its killing people and 1/3 of our pop dies from abortion
there are other options so if you can't handle it you can go to these placesand they can help u
on the good side the world is already getting populated were about to hit max capacity i think we already did my older sis said it can hold aout 9 billion and were at 7 currently
so some ways its good but some ways its bad once scientist start sending people to other planets we can live on then it will the good side would go away
I'd much rather have a crappy life with the personal option of suicide than no life at all. At least the choice would be mine.
But the tihng is it's not only your decision, it's mainly the mother's decision. Saying the baby is a living thing that should have te right to live, isn't wrong but it's completely abstract. There are always two living things involved in abortion: 1) a cell mass that might as well spontaneusly abort any moment, and 2) an already grown human with a conscience, feelings and a life that won't spontaneously abort. Which one would you rather support?
on the bad side its killing people and 1/3 of our pop dies from abortion
It's actively ending an abortion, and the 'eople' in question are cell masses. Abortions are generally legal up to the 12th(?) week, noone would abort later than that and it isn't necessary; so no human being with already partly developed nervous system (=conscience) is killed.
Abortions frequently end spontaneously (see previous comments); by far the biggest part of abortions happen naturally, usually even without the mother noticing the pregancy. So why is it that bad to help that process a little in cases where it makes sense?. There are even animals, like guepards (I think) that can willingly abort if the conditions are bad.
once scientist start sending people to other planets we can live on then it will the good side would go away
The pregnancy is still there. The mother still has to carry it nine month long and still is subject to all consequences that come with it. I don't think that the availability of other planets will change the legality of abortion. After all most abortions performed by doctors are performed because there is a risk for the mother, not because the world is crowded.
Here: still she does not want the child. so for the entire remaining 8 months she will use cocain, heroin, alcohol, smoke, eat fast food, etc again. in the hopes that the baby will not survive and will be born dead.
Okay, can't say that would be a normal situation. If a woman didn't want a baby that badly and was unable to obtain an abortion legally they would likely seek out illegal methods which would have a much higher risk to herself.
Whether the baby is alive or a fully grown stillborn, the complications are about the same.
With abortion the complications aren't the same as the fetus doesn't develop to such a point. In most cases the fetus is less than two inches in length when abortion occurs. This is a far cry from a fully developed fetus. So I fail to see how your argument here is valid? With legal abortion the risk to the mother is minimal as most, without you run these risks. They are not the same either way.
on the bad side its killing people and 1/3 of our pop dies from abortion
What's being prevented is a potential person. The level of development has not yet allowed for personhood to take hold. However this potential should be taken into consideration by the mother and all who are involved.
It's actively ending an abortion, and the 'eople' in question are cell masses. Abortions are generally legal up to the 12th(?) week, noone would abort later than that and it isn't necessary; so no human being with already partly developed nervous system (=conscience) is killed.
Actually less than 1% of abortions take place at or above the 20 week point. However these are usually done in cases of severe problems arising, which would likely cost both the life of the fetus and mother. Other statistic 6% occur at the 13-14th week, 4% occur at the 16-20th week. Again in most late term abortions we are talking about a situation dealing with complications. Also less than half the clinics that will preform an abortion will do so past the 12th week.
my older sis said it can hold aout 9 billion and were at 7 currently
we are already over the cap if we want to support all humans. if every1 would consume as they do in my country (much less then use) then we need 3.5 earths to support it. (usa was around 7. but i didn't look for it this time. so not sure.)
Here: still she does not want the child. so for the entire remaining 8 months she will use cocain, heroin, alcohol, smoke, eat fast food, etc again. in the hopes that the baby will not survive and will be born dead.
that was just a example. it does happen but not every time ofcourse. in the example her background plays a huge part.
and mage hits the mark. except that i would add the words "and her baby" at the end.
Actually less than 1% of abortions take place at or above the 20 week point. However these are usually done in cases of severe problems arising, which would likely cost both the life of the fetus and mother. Other statistic 6% occur at the 13-14th week, 4% occur at the 16-20th week. Again in most late term abortions we are talking about a situation dealing with complications. Also less than half the clinics that will preform an abortion will do so past the 12th week.
Yeah, now I remember, it's legal up to the 12th week, and after that only if there is a significant risk for the mother.
Abortion is evil. It is the ruthless killing of an innocent human being.
And by using words like 'evil' and 'ruthless', you're unnecessarily demonizing something that naturally happens, well, all the time. And it's completely ignoring the circumstances.
as much crap as i put up with in real life of people disagreeing with me im going to say it..abortion should be ok in certain in if a teen girl got ***** and ended up pregnant then i agree with it being ok or if doctors knew that something was wrong with the baby in the womb(something to cause it to have a life-time of being heavily disabled/mentally challenged but i think its wrong to get a abortion if you had unprotected sex willing knowing the chances
This is going way back, but I had to respond to this one...
It's the woman's fault for getting herself into the situation.
I don't think that's the case all the time. Hypothetically speaking, let's say she was ***** and got pregnant. She probably had no control over that. And could you really bring yourself to tell your child that he/she is a **** baby? I imagine that would be pretty hard to say, and would make the child feel as if they were an accident, which in that case, they were.
I don't understand how you can justify killing an embryo at any stage of development. Yes it might be 6 cells, but it will grow from 6-6 million and so on. That doesn't make any difference, you are still stopping that human from happening.
If you burn down the frame of a house that's being constructed you will still have destroyed any chance of that exact house ever again existing. Just because it wasn't a house then doesn't mean it ever would be.
It still has the potential of becoming a human, and undeniably will become a human. Yes there's a natural chance it will miscarry but that's part of nature itself. Saying an intentional abortion and a natural miscarriage are essentially the same is absurd. You might as well be justifying murder because some people die of natural causes, therefore killing someone is just the same.
The morally objectionable part of abortion is that you are intentionally terminating a life that has now way of defending or speaking for itself. It doesn't matter if it's not human then, it will be. Its like making new immigrants immune to the law because they aren't citizens yet.
You might as well be justifying murder... It doesn't matter if it's not human then...
Then it's not even murder. An embryo has no heartbeat, no brain function, so therefore it's not alive, so you're not killing anything. I think the only morally objectionable part is that some women use it as a means of birth control.