ForumsForum GamesValoro: Wars of Dark vs Light {V1}

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This game has no player limit.

---{Valoro: Wars of Dark vs Light}--


You are about to simulate the life of a human born on earth with a great special power that is unknown to him/her. This important power you were born with will help determine how you connect through the webs of humanity to common good, or to common evil. The choice of what you will do may very well lead you down a path of darkness, but may also lead you up into the light.

Your life will be divided up into several objectives. To achieve victory you will need to complete each of these objectives. How you go about doing so is completely up to you, however these objectives will require determinations wits and an efficient understanding of your great power. Will you use it to become a defender of valor or a bringer of destruction? That is what we shall now determine.

Character Sheet

Gender: (M/F)
Appearance: (Insert a rough description here, may change over time)
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: Farm/Suburb/City
Gear: None
Money: 0$


Objective 1: Discovering Your Power

Phase one of the game consists of finding out what sets you apart from everyone else. You will be randomly assigned a great power given to you from the start of the game, it's up to you to discover it.

You may want to go about exploring your surroundings, talking, experimenting ect. It shouldn't take you long to stumble upon it. Take into consideration that all powers start out in the weakest possible form, as you complete objectives it will grow stronger. After completing objective 4 it will be at it's most advanced form.

-Popular Question: If I hate the power that I have can I change it?

[I] No but you may start over the game again spawning with a completely new power. You can keep doing this until you fall upon something you like. [/i]

Objective 2: Picking your Alignment

The next part of the game consists of making a crucial choice. Will you turn evil or good? Interact with your environment until you have +10 or -10 alignment. Alignment shifts when you do something good/bad, something really bad might earn you a ton of â" alignment while something really good might blast your alignment into the positives. Take note that there's always the chance later to change your alignment through conspiracy treason and other huge game splitting acts of moral shifting chaos.

Objective 3: Building a Clan

There's too much to do on your own. You'll now need to meet up with more of your kind. Find two other players of the same alignment and form a clan and reach +125 or -125 Clan alignment through interactions in the game. You may also join an existing clan, in which to reach objective 4 you will simply need to help the clan reach the 125 mark. Remember that other players are very much real, this game is multiplayer and the storyline may very well envelop other players as you progress.

Objective 4: Wars of Dark vs Light

Skirmishes between the Villains and Hero's have been going on for quite awhile now. It's time to settle it once and for all, to reach objective 5 a clan must eliminate a clan of opposite alignment also on Objective 4. Positive alignment clans must put the villains to rest in jail, they will lose alignment by killing them, however they get the help of the police and other government task forces. Villains get no help but killing the hero's is a good thing in terms of alignment. A clan and all it's members advance to Objective 5 upon reaching 350+- alignment and destroying an oppositely aligned clan.

Objective 5: The Final Battle

This objective will remain hidden until a clan has reached this point.

Additional Stats

Health- If your hurt by something in the game you will lose health in correlation to what would happen if this event took place in the real world. This means that jumping off a cliff without protection will in fact end your game, you must be as prudent therefor as everything is quite dangerous, others powers as much as your own (And mother natures). You regain health slowly over time away from danger.

Location- You may pick to start in one of three places, you can always change locations as your eventually grow richer and acquire the means to.

Farm: Lot's of nature, seldom people and civilization
Suburb: A mix of both
City (Valoro): Lots of people, civilization, Little nature

Gear- What your holding and have quick access too.

Money- Just like in real life, acquired over time and perhaps easily with your power.

Final Words

This game is quite less complicated then you might think, give it a shot and post a character sheet. Now the question remains... will you be the devil or a God? A savior or a deathbringer? Pure evil or pure holy? Dark or Light?

What will happen to Valoro

  • 7 Replies
1,023 posts

Name: Xenos Evermore
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Pale, Fit
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: Farm/Suburb/City
Gear: None
Money: 0$

1,943 posts

Name: Xenos Evermore
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Pale, Fit
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: City
Gear: None
Money: 0$

You awake in a small apartment, the light outside lets you know that the day's already quite old. You live alone on the 6th floor 762 Braflace street in the great city of Valoro. Your apartment is full of basic supplies, however your extremely poor and will not manage to pay next months rent at this rate. Here is a list of additional things of interest that you cautiously know:

-You own a cell phone with the 6 button broken
-Your father died 5 years ago, your mother has alzheimer's
-You own a beat up 2003 bmw, doesn't use much gas
-You got kicked out of college for cheating
-You absolutely hate the smell of sand

1,023 posts

Name: Xenos Evermore
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Pale, Fit
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: City
Gear: None
Money: 0$

I go out walking and try to get a job as a construction worker.

1,943 posts

Name: Xenos Evermore
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Pale, Fit
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: City
Gear: None
Money: 0$

After the application process your accepted in. The city has now accepted you as a construction worker. You will get paid every project you finish. Your first assignment is clearing out an old home on Arlow blvd. The following workers are also on the job with you:

Norman- Manager, fun but over sensitive. Love motorcycles
Fredrick- Really stupid, has 2 kids he never stops talking about
Bill- Friendly, always loosing stuff
Pedro- Acts dumb knows a lot, suffering from a breathing condition

You will be able to start working on page 3 (Simulating the time between your starting date). Currently your back home.

1,023 posts

Name: Xenos Evermore
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Pale, Fit
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: City
Gear: None
Money: 0$

I get a part time job working in a restaurant. I also clean my apartment and visit my mother.

1,211 posts

Name: Mort
Clan: -
Gender: Male
Objective: 0/5
Health: 100/100
Power: Unknown
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Location: Farm
Gear: None
Money: 0$

I find the lack of an age in this sheet disturbing. I want to make my description fitting to my age.

1,023 posts

Mort can you finish your character sheet in Realm of Orynx, The Mad God so that you can play or you will not play?

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