It's time to kick back grab a drink play some jazz and get classy. You've just entered the topic equivalent to New York's Wall Street. Buy your favorite threads, eventually make money, then sell out the competition. It's time to grow that successful multi-millionaire company that you've always deserved.
Value: A Thread is valued at it's view count. Therefor to buy from the bank (the OP who originally owns everything) a thread with 4,400 views the price is set at $4,400. A thread will less then 500 views is not considered to be valid enough for purchase. Much of the profit you will make later on depends on how active the thread is, it's up to you to predict it's success early on.
Example: Buying -You're banned- valued at $1,016,243
Selling: Players can cash in a thread to the bank and will get profits equal to 75% the current view count. You however can probably broker better deals by selling to the general public or specific players.
Example; I'm now selling -You're banned-!! Get it cheap at $1,100,000!
Buying out: If a Player owns more then 4 threads he can buy out another player. To do so he must pay the bank the current value of all that business mans (ladies) threads. Then that player has lost and must start over, while all his assets and money gets transferred to the player who bought out. New players are protected for the first 10 pages of them joining in.
Simple enough? If the rules need changing I will do so along the way. Here is the Business sheet you should always post when requesting to sell or buy:
Business: (If you can't think of a title use your last name) Slogan: (Optional) Threads: None Value: $10,000
Armor Games Stock Exchange, your going to like the way you spend.
Business: killers r us Slogan: (Optional) Threads: None Value: $10,000 killersup would like to buy the "mock parlement/congress game" at the cost of 1,029 views
Business: Maverick Interprises Slogan: All your threads are belong to us. Threads: ==Name That Song! ==Paragon (Chapter I Page 1) Value: $3427
No you make money from selling, so technically yes. See the OP
Paragon (Chapter I Page 1) bought for $932
Business: Threads of Patrick2011 Slogan: We have the most experience. Threads: ==Dark Stories (Interactive Crime Guessing Game) ==Nostlagia Value: $8,532
Business: Canadian Power Slogan: Where the wise come to buy stocks Threads: None yet Value: $10,000
I'll buy two threads please, Is Obama A Good President and I don't understand America. They're in the politics section. This will be for 807, and 1,352 respectively.
Business: Threads of Patrick2011 Slogan: We have the most experience. Threads: ==Dark Stories (Interactive Crime Guessing Game) ==Nostlagia Value: $8,532
Business: Threads of Patrick2011 Slogan: We have the most experience. Threads: ==Dark Stories (Interactive Crime Guessing Game) ==Nostlagia ==What games do you want to see on AG? Value: $7,846
What games do you want to see on AG? bought for $686