A troll horde is seen on the horizon! Will they, can they invade the forum games forum? Who will step up?
Note: Since this is beta, there will be a lot of "features" left out (for instance armor). Please post ideas, comments, bugs in italics. Yes, you may double post. Add names and images and so forth.
Rules 1. Every 2 posts is considered to be 1 wave, a defense round post and an attack round post. This post will be a defense round post at the end. Long live Armor Games forum games forum!!!!111one 2. Each poster gets 10 points plus the wave number to build or attack. 3. If you defeat the horde or the forum, you get 1 legacy point which is added to each of your round posts. At 10 legacy points...fine you win! Let's see how this goes and maybe we'll turn this into something like forum GemCraft.
The Forum 1. You have 10 users as hit points. You may send up to half to attack the next post's trolls. If at least one of your users survives, you win your legacy point! If not, the trolls get 1 point per 2 users, as meat. 2. Towers have 1 attack, 1 speed. They cost 1 point to build. 3. Each stat costs 2 points to upgrade. 4. If you have under 10 users, you get 2 per point (healing). To get to 11 or more, they cost 2 points per additional user. 5. You cannot demolish a tower. The forum won't let you.
The Horde 1. Each post you have to build up your army. You are forced to send when you have over 10 trolls, or they cost 3 points to hold as they're a bit impatient. 2. Trolls have 1 attack/health, 1 speed. You get 2 trolls per point. 3. Each stat on trolls costs 3 points to upgrade. Talk about hard to train!
Stats 1. A tower's attack does not roll over to the next troll. A troll's attack rolls over to the next user. 2. Divide speed. Example, a tower with 3 speed can hit a troll with 1 speed up to 3 times. A tower with 1 speed needs to accumulate 3 speed to hit trolls with 3 speed (essentially the 3rd troll). 3. A user's hit points cannot be upgraded, only more users can be added.
---- The Forum! Wave 1! (Defense Round) 11 points available, 10+0 users. 1. I build Furry tower, Ignore tower, Flag tower, Armor tower, and Game tower along the path in that order. -5 points 2. I upgrade Furry tower to speed 3. -4 points (9 points total) 3. I add 1 user. -2 points (11 points total) 4. Furry tower 1/3, Ignore tower 1/1, Flag tower 1/1, Armor tower 1/1, Game tower 1/1. 10+1 users.
This is an example Attack Round. ---- The Horde! Wave 1! (Attack Round) 11 points available, 0 trolls. 1. I recruit [imghttp://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/187860_208685862533660_469535794_q.jpg[/img] Troll Lord, Trollol, Troller Coaster, and Rick Troll. -2 points 2. I train Troll Lord 3 speed. -9 points (11 points total) 3. Troll Lord 1/4, Trollol 1/1, Troller Coaster 1/1, Rick Troll 1/1. 4 standing army.
Rules 1. 2 posts make a wave. *Post A (defense) should follow "The Forum" section below. *Post B (attack) should follow "The Horde" section below that. *Post "3" starts the next wave (with defense).
2. A battle ends when The Forum has 0 users or a user breaches The Horde. *Post B will always be the decisive post, either way! *The person who wins gets a legacy point, to be used as a free extra point in any future post.
3. Each wave number is added to the base of 10 points. *Wave 1 would then give 10+1 or 11 points. *You might as well spend them all!
The Forum (wave 1, 10 users, 0 towers) 1. You can build and upgrade towers. *Each 1 attack/1 speed tower costs 1 point. *Each stat increase costs 2 points. *Attack refers to how much damage is inflicted to a troll's adrenaline. *If a tower's speed is higher than a troll's the tower does a multiple and then another hit for any remainder. Ex - if a tower has 10 speed facing a 3 speed troll, the tower gets 3 multiple hits and a 4th hit for the remainder.
2. You can heal, upgrade, and send your users. *Under 10 users is considered healing, so you get 2 health per point. *Over 10 users is a stat increment, or 2 points per user. *Send half your users to overrun the horde!
The Horde (wave 1, 0 trolls) 1. You can recruit and train trolls. *You get 1 adrenaline/1 speed trolls, 2 for 1 point. *Each stat increase costs 3 points. *Adrenaline represents attack or defense depending. *If a troll's speed is higher than a tower's the tower network must build up to the troll's speed. Example - if a troll has 10 speed facing a 3 speed tower, the tower is too slow and the next tower adds it's speed to the network (now at 4 speed). The network must get to 10 before damage is done.
2. Caution - it will be a horde post that tells the victor! *You can overrun the forum, or *You may not have enough troll adrenaline to defend yourself at the end of your turn.
Anyone who posts can be the horde, but we need the defense round first. I'll do that so you can try? See the 3rd/4th post for your current army and their images. ---- The Forum! Wave 2! (Defense Round) 10+2 points available, 11 users. PATH START Furry 1+1/3+1 (-4 points) Ignore 1/1+1 (-2 points, 6 total) Flag 1/1 Armor 1/1 Game 1/1 PATH END 11+3 users (-6 points, 12 total)
Ok, that's fine we can work it out lol. That's what the beta is for!
1. Ok, recruiting 2 trolls would be 1 point. 2. Upgrading +5 costs 15 points (3 points for each stat increase for trolls), so you would need 16 points total for this but you only have 12 for wave 2. It may be a better idea to upgrade an existing troll. 3. Let me remake the rules and we'll restart on wave 1. Balance seems to be an issue, since towers are permanent. Thanks for helping me with this! Do you have any suggestions?